He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 3048: Rada, the overlord of the mob!

Chapter 3048: Rada, the overlord of the mob!

Mumuxiao immediately spread his wings and took off. His chubby wings flapped forward, and countless sharp green leaves flew out!
Like the Lush Cave, the levels of these minions, Rattata and Lada, are not high. Even Timberrow's Leaf Blade has become a move similar to "Leaf Storm".

Not only did it scratch several Rattatas, but the airflow created by the Flying Leaf Blade even blew over several small Rattatas.


The Ibrahimovic on the other side raised its head and roared loudly, then began to gather strength.

Suddenly, the white light of evolution lit up all around it. This time, because of the surrounding jungle, Eevee evolved into Leafeon.

Man Yue: “?”

She is beginning to get confused now.

"Leaflet, Sunlight Blade!!"

Xiaozhi looked up at the sky. This was a small hill area in the jungle. There was no dense forest to block the view, so the sunlight could shine directly down.

Although it still does not reach the sunlight intensity of a standard sunny day, the speed of activating the sunlight blade has shortened the time by nearly half.

Leafeon leaped high, and its leaf-shaped tail expanded rapidly under the sunlight, with a sharp golden-white light attached to it.

Some of the Rattatas wanted to take advantage of Leafeon's brief energy-gathering state and leap up, baring their big front teeth, ready to launch an interrupting bite attack.


Mumuxiao's figure flashed and appeared in front of Yeib as if he had teleported.

It flapped its wings forward and released a dense swarm of flying leaves again, blowing away all the Rattatas that were planning to launch a sneak attack.

With the cover of Owlmoo, Leafeon also successfully completed the energy storage.


The two-meter-long golden-white energy blade was chopped down with great force!

Bang bang! !
In an instant, he killed seven or eight Rattatas and Ladas, and the aftermath of the power even swept away many Rattatas around him.

So Owl and Leafeon looked at each other and continued their offensive strategy of one person providing cover while the other took the opportunity to accumulate energy and use a big move.

"Is there something strange about this Eevee?"

Watching the battle silently from the back, Man Yue touched his chin with a frown on his face.

There is no Moss Rock in the jungle on Route 1 that can allow Leafeon to complete its evolution, or other items with rich grass-attribute energy.

If it evolves, it should evolve into Sun Eevee or Sylveon.

And that silly Timber Owl's speed is comparable to that of an assassin who can teleport, which is also outstanding.

She is also a trainer who has trained Owloo. Her Owloo was not as stupid as Ash's when he was Owloo.

He is not good at close range sneak attacks, but is good at throwing feathers like sharp flying leaves and knives.

"Every Timber Owl is different."

Man Yue sighed secretly in her heart.

This battle was not brutal, but rather seemed somewhat easy.

After all, the overall level of wild Pokémon on Melemele Island is not high, and the same is true for the only two overlord Pokémon, which are the easiest overlords to deal with.

Especially the subordinates, they are indeed small fry and cannon fodder.

Bang bang! !
After Leafeon's fourth Solar Blade struck hard, Rattata and Lada were already stumbling all over the ground, unable to fight.

On the battlefield, the only one left was the huge and bloated Overlord Rada.



Owlmoth and Leafeon were panting; it took them a lot of energy to clear out these miscellaneous soldiers.

However, the situation is in their favor, and they can easily fight this overlord Rada in a two-on-one situation.

"Alolalada is a Pokémon with both evil and normal attributes."

Xiaozhi silently recited the information he had already investigated before coming here. The combination of Evil + Normal attributes is four times restrained by Fighting attribute moves.


However, the Overlord Rada had already taken the initiative to attack, opening his bloody mouth, with dangerous white light attached to the teeth at the corners of his mouth.

The signature move of the mouse Pokémon, Angry Fang!
"Owl, take Leafeon and get out of the way!"

Xiaozhi quickly gave the command, and Rowlet understood and quickly grabbed Leafeon's back, using all his strength to rise into the air and create distance, thus avoiding the attack and bite.

"Then there's the Double Flying Leaf Blade!!"

In mid-air, Timberow threw Leafeon high into the air, and with a flap of its little wings, countless sharp leaves flew out.

The Leafeon next to it did the same, spinning in the air and also shooting out countless sharp leaves.

Whoosh! !

Dense flying leaves and sharp knives fell from the sky and all attacked the Overlord Rada. There was no place to hide in the exposed terrain at the foot of the mountain.


However, the overlord Rada roared angrily and swung its tail upwards violently, like a steel whip, instantly sweeping away all the flying leaves and sharp knives attacking it.

"If the long-range power is not enough, then let's hit it from close range!"

The next moment, Mumuxiao flashed and in the blink of an eye he was already at the side of Overlord Rada.

The huge difference in size makes Mumuxiao look very small.


But Mumuxiao still kicked out with his bird claws, straight towards Rada's chest.

When Mumuxiao is not sleeping, he is still quite reliable.

However, this sudden attack hit the Overlord Rada's chest, causing little pain and failing to break his defense.

Snapped! !

The overlord Rada swung his claws downwards and slapped the owl away like a ball, and it fell heavily to the ground.

However, with Owlrow attracting attention in the front, Leafeon, who was falling from the sky, had a perfect opportunity to perform his moves.

Xiaozhi took advantage of the situation and raised his hand, pointing, and shouted loudly:

"Right now, double kick!!"

Leafeon naturally inherited the moves from the Eevee period very well.

Falling from the sky, Yeib's powerful hind legs kicked the Overlord Rada's head twice in a row!
You should know that after evolution, Leafeon's focus is on physical attack power!

The two powerful thumps from the front and back directly caused the head of the overlord Lada to sink and its chin to hit the ground hard.

Four times the restraint, a significant attack.

Even hit the point!
rumble! !
The huge body of Overlord Rada fell to the ground. Xiaozhi could feel the vibration of the ground several meters away, which shows the damage effect of this double kick!
Xiaozhi had sharp ears and even heard a sound similar to glass fragments falling to the ground.

Looking closely, there was indeed an extra jet-black Z-pure crystal on the ground next to Overlord Rada's feet. It was the evil Z-pure crystal that he had seen at the full moon before.

It really broke out!

Despite being hit hard, this Overlord Rada did not lose its combat capability.


However, the previous fierce look on its face completely disappeared, replaced by an expression of timidity and fear.

The intention to attack was completely forgotten.

In just a moment, the dominant Rada fled in panic with the surrounding little Radas and other Radas, looking very embarrassed.

Xiaozhi: "."

We had only fought a few rounds, how come it ended suddenly?!
Seeing this, Man Yue also spread her hands helplessly. No wonder this overlord Lada was driven away. It was just a bunch of rabble.

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