He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 3074 Z moves, full-force, unparalleled, fierce punches and kicks!

Three Geodudes were successfully subdued, leaving only the Alola Rhydon.


Its bloated spherical body was half bent and it kept gasping for breath. The previous continuous firing had consumed a lot of its physical strength.

But, none of the shots hit the target.

"The hit rate is totally bad."

Xiaozhi also noticed it and couldn't help but shook his head.

The "Thunderbolt" blasted out by this Alola Rhydon is quite powerful, enough to blast a big hole in the hard rock wall, but its accuracy is very poor.

It is probably because he has been staying in this peaceful place for a long time and has not fought.

So even though the level is not low, it seems very poor in actual combat.

"In that case, Mumuxiao!!"

Xiaozhi fixed his eyes, shouted softly, and used the power of bond to command Owlmooth to fly in front of him.


The latter was still sleeping soundly, but his body automatically flew in front of Xiaozhi, facing the Rhydon.

Xiaozhi got into a stance, then suddenly crossed his arms, and the Fighting Z Pure Crystal he had just obtained on the Z bracelet glowed brightly.

It’s a good time to try out the fighting-attribute Z moves!

Recalling the posture taught by Mr. Hara
Xiaozhi immediately threw several punches forward in succession, and ended with a heavy punch.

In an instant, all the surging energy of Z moves was poured into Owl's body.

In his sleep, golden energy aura lingered around Mumuxiao, and his momentum reached its peak.

"Here comes Mumuxiao, with his all-out fierce punch!!"

Xiaozhi shouted out another exaggerated and childish name.

While sleeping, Mumu Owl raised his eyebrows, bent his claws and made a horse stance, using his wings as his palms to punch forward continuously at high speed.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!!
In an instant, countless brown-yellow energy fists roared out, like dense bullets, overwhelming in the direction of Alola Rhythm!


Rhydon was stunned. How could a little fat chicken throw so many ridiculous punches? !

Boom boom! !

In the blink of an eye, the full-strength and fierce punch completely engulfed Longlongyan's body, and the dull sound of punches was frequently heard. Finally, the power gathered and triggered a huge energy explosion.

Outstanding effect!

"Is this a fighting Z move?!"

In the back, Xiaozhi was beaming with joy, this was the coolest of all his Z moves so far!

The densely packed energy fists completely engulfed the opponent.
It is said that if the Iron Palm Warrior performs it, the special effects will become countless palm shadows, and if the Flying Leg Man performs it, it will become countless energy flying kicks, which is very intelligent.

"How about it?!"

Xiaozhi quickly looked over, and as the smoke cleared, he saw Alola Rhydon's body covered with marks from punching, which looked quite tragic.


His eyes rolled around, and finally his body tilted and he fell to the ground, completely losing consciousness.

"In that case."

So Xiaozhi took out a new Poké Ball and prepared to pack them all up and ship them to the Kanto region.


The Poké Ball hit the target, sucked it in, and after swaying three times, it stopped moving.

Alola Rhydon was captured successfully!
Xiaozhi was overjoyed, and quickly went forward to pick up the Poké Ball, and put the other three Geodude's Poké Balls together.

"Hey, Xiaogang, you have to thank me now~!"

Then he rubbed the heads of Eevee and Owl who had just woken up. "You both performed very well~!"

I can only say that Owl is worthy of having the sleep buff. He was able to use his first fighting Z move so smoothly.


Mumuxiao tilted his head, not knowing what had just happened.

However, it did not hesitate to accept Xiaozhi's touch and just put its head against it.


This scene made the rock dog at the back wag its tail constantly, feeling quite envious.

Afterwards, we returned from Ten Carat Hill.

Using the telephone transmission device in the basement of Kukui's house, Xiaozhi called Xiaogang immediately and transmitted three Alola Geodudes and one Alola Rhydon over.

"Thanks, my good brother!!"

Xiao Gang on the other end of the phone was naturally very grateful, and said that he also planned to visit the Alola region in the future.

"Welcome~! I'll be your tour guide then~!"

Xiaozhi happily agreed. By then, he should have almost finished touring the Alola region.

Hang up the phone and come out of the cabin.

It was around 4 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon. The sun had already set and the endless sea surface was gradually dyed golden.

However, for Xiaozhi, who has lived here for more than half a month, he can see such scenery every day and no longer goes out of his way to appreciate it.

"It's not time for dinner yet, come on, Eevee. This time it's your turn to use Fighting Z!"

So Xiaozhi immediately pulled Eevee to a location near the coast and said in a high-pitched voice.


Eevee was also using its hind legs to dig holes in the beach to gather strength. The sight of the countless punches that Owl had thrown out before also made it a little excited.

Next, Xiaozhi performed his familiar punching dance moves, pouring all the energy into Eevee's body.


Ibrahimovic shouted, turned around, supported himself with his front legs, and continuously kicked at high speed towards the sea with his hind legs.

This is a Z move from a double kick!

Whoosh! !

In an instant, countless brown-yellow energy paws flew out from Ibrahimovic's hind legs, bombarded the sea surface intensively, and finally fell into the sea, causing a loud bang.

This time the name has changed, it should be called. Full Power Unparalleled Intense Kick!

Xiaozhi put his palm over his eyelids and looked at it. The power is not bad~

After the continuous kicks, Ibrahimovic spread out his limbs, lay on his belly on the beach, sticking out his tongue and gasping for breath.

Fighting Z moves can be said to be the most tiring.
To put it simply, other Z-moves release the energy poured in from the trainer all at once.

But in addition to releasing energy, Fighting Z also requires performing corresponding fighting moves.
Its two-stage kick was upgraded to a "hundred-stage kick", and its hind legs were numb! !
Xiaozhi looked down at Eevee for a long time, and finally sighed with some regret.

There is no movement.

It seems that there is no possibility in Ibrahimovic's genes to evolve into "Fist Ebrahimovic" or "Leg Ebrahimovic" or "Muscle Ebrahimovic"?
The huge noise of Fighting Z also attracted Man Yue, who was in the wooden house next door admiring the sunset and the sea view.

So she walked over and sat down on the wooden steps in front of Kukui's house very naturally.

I lived here before the full moon, so I don't feel unfamiliar with the place at all.

She supported her chin and looked at Xiaozhi's back, not knowing what she was thinking.


There was also a rock dog nearby. When he saw Man Yue coming, he immediately wagged his tail excitedly and rubbed against Man Yue's thighs! (End of this chapter)

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