He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 3075: Conquer, Rock Dog!!

After performing a few more Z-moves, Xiaozhi came back to rest. Seeing Rock Dog coming towards him, he squatted down and rubbed its head wildly.

Man Yue was watching the man and the dog from the side, and finally couldn't help but speak:

"By the way, aren't you going to subdue this rock dog?"

Watching Ash and his Pokémon practicing Z-moves, Rool was drooling at the sight of him from behind!
Xiaozhi was stunned and asked:
"Isn't this Professor Kukui's favorite Pokémon?"

Although he knew that Professor Kukui did not actually capture Rock Dog with the Poké Ball, Rock Dog would be the first to rush to greet the professor every day when he came home.

Dr. Kukui will also respond enthusiastically, and the relationship between man and dog is very good.

Man Yue curled her lips and wanted to complain. Just looking at the personalities of Rock Dog and Professor Kukui, what kind of human (Pokémon) would they not interact enthusiastically with?

"Actually, it was a rock dog that I took in with my doctor a year ago."

Since she had nothing to do, Man Yue slowly began to tell the story.

On this beach, she was just fished out by Dr. Kukui the year before, and the scarred rock dog was found again the next year.

"Maybe it's because of the battle with other Pokémon?"

Mangetsu blinked, the rock Pokémon was still very aggressive.

Later, I kept him at home until he was one month old and then he moved out alone.

It can be seen that this rock dog is very strong, and Dr. Kukui likes it very much, but he is very cautious and does not choose to tame it.

After all, his team has been formed, and there is a middle-aged werewolf in the team.

It is not a suitable option to tame another rock dog by yourself.

"Is that what it is?"

Xiaozhi was stunned, as he always thought that Professor Kukui wanted to fight alongside him.

Come to think of it, he hadn't seen Professor Kukui's team yet, and when they usually fed the Pokémon, they were completely separate.

Seeing that Rock Dog had laid his entire body on Man Yue, Xiaozhi couldn't help but ask curiously:
"By the way, why don't you tame Rock Dog? You two seem to have a very good relationship~?"

Man Yue rubbed the dog's head and said concisely:
"Personality clash."

She couldn't handle this kind of passionate rock dog every day.

Of course, if it can evolve into the night form of Werewolf in the future, its personality will become more aloof and cold. This will be exactly what Man Yue wants.

With only a 50% chance, she simply chose not to gamble!

Like Xiaozhi, Man Yue is also a trainer who respects Pokémon's independent choice of evolution direction.

If it were someone like Shinji, he would most likely help the Pokémon choose its direction.

Xiaozhi has a different opinion:
"But I think this way our personalities complement each other. One of you is aloof, while the other is passionate!"


However, since neither Professor Kukui nor Mangetsu have any intention to subdue him.
Xiaozhi picked up the Rock Dog and placed it in front of him, his heart gradually becoming hot.

He had long been fond of this dog that was so enthusiastic every day, but he had suppressed his feelings because he thought it was Dr. Kukui's favorite.

So that night, during dinner, Xiaozhi directly asked Kukui for his opinion.

"You want to tame the rock dog? Great!"

Kukui was so delighted when he heard this that he slammed the table and stood up.

In fact, he also wanted Xiaozhi to tame this Rock Dog. Considering the latter's personality and trainer level, he was undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

If we just let Xiaozhi capture it directly, it would feel like forcing it?

"Next time you can just force it."

Xiaozhi immediately gave a thumbs up and spoke.

After taking a few bites of the food in the bowl, he rushed to the position of the rock dog with great interest. He took out a Poké Ball from his arms and placed it in front of the rock dog.

"You heard everything, right? How about becoming my Pokémon from now on!"

Xiaozhi directly invited him to join the team.

Rock Dog was stunned for a moment, then tears welled up in his eyes and he nodded heavily.


Then he let out a high-pitched cry and his nose hit the Poké Ball.

call out…!
A red light flashed and sucked the Rockhound in. The Poké Ball shook twice in Xiaozhi's hand before it froze.

Rock dog, conquered!
"Come out, my rock dog!!"

Xiaozhi threw the Poké Ball high, and this time he added an adjective, and Rock Dog reappeared.

This time, there is some extra bond between the man and the dog.

"Don't worry, Rock Dog. I'll go find some rock-attribute Z-Crystals right away so you can use powerful and cool Z-Moves."

Xiaozhi had already discovered that Roollie was drooling over Rowlet and Eevee's Z-moves.

"Not only does it have rock-attribute Z-moves, but Rock Dogg, no, Wolfman has his own exclusive Z-moves!"

Next to him, Professor Kukui came over with two cups of black tea and handed one to Xiaozhi.

Upon hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up. Is this another new exclusive Z Pure Crystal? !

"But the exclusive Z-pure crystal for Lycanroc is not that hard to find. The signature Pokémon of the island queen of Akala Island next door is Lycanroc, and she has an exclusive Z-pure crystal."

Xiaozhi was secretly delighted, this was much simpler than Eevee Z Pure Crystal.

"But getting the Mane Rock Werewolf Z-Pure Crystal from Miss Lizzie is much more difficult than getting the Rock Z-Pure Crystal."

Dr. Kukui reminded.

Lizzie is the island queen of the neighboring island and is good at rock attributes.

Generally, when trainers pass the big test, they are given ordinary rock Z pure crystals.

Xiaozhi nodded. He had heard about this Lizzie many times from Kachi, who admired her very much.

"Then our next goal is to tour the islands of Akala Island!"

He stood up, his eyes filled with fighting spirit.

It just so happened that Mr. Hala had promised him before that he could help him arrange a fight with Miss Lizzie, and even cover all the transportation and accommodation expenses.

"No hurry. Before we go to Akala Island, I actually have someone I want to introduce you to~"

Dr. Kukui suddenly spoke up.

He touched his nose, and his expression showed a rare sense of embarrassment.

Seeing Xiaozhi's puzzled look, Kukui coughed:
"Anyway, you'll see him tomorrow."

Kukui said as he walked towards the basement with the cup of tea. He would probably have to work until midnight again today.

"By the way, remember not to skip class tomorrow, that person will also be coming to school."

Before leaving, Kukui turned back and gave a reminder.

Kukui didn't care about skipping classes.

Being able to invite a top trainer like Xiaozhi to be a teacher and have a class once a week was already a great honor for him. He didn't expect Xiaozhi to sign in for class every day.

Rather than being a teacher, Xiaozhi is more like a guest lecturer?

Xiaozhi responded, looking forward to the scene at school tomorrow! (End of this chapter)

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