He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 3083: An old and frail Blazing Roaring Tiger? !

Chapter 3083: An old and frail Blazing Roaring Tiger? !

Seeing that this place is gradually getting on the right track——

Rowlet uses the lightning of Jolteon to practice his sleeping skills.

Likewise, Jolteon is using Rowlet as a living target to hone his lightning aiming abilities.

So Xiaozhi supported himself and looked towards the direction of the beach near the sea. Yan Di was as tall as a hill, guiding a cat and a dog in their training.

For the Rock Dog with rock attributes, Yan Di skipped the basic "falling rocks" and directly taught the latter to practice the "rock collapse" trick.

  As for the Fire Cat

Boom! !

Emperor Yan opened his mouth and demonstrated directly by sending out a huge explosion of extremely high temperature, which rushed straight to the sea surface and blasted a large vacuum pit in the sea water.

Xiaozhi: "."

  Are you going to teach "Rockfall" and "Big Character Explosion" right from the start? !

Logically, we should teach "Rockfall" and "Flame Throw" first, right?!

However, Xiaozhi did not interfere with Entei's teaching.

As one of the pillars of the backyard, Entei usually guides other younger Pokémon in their training. His eyes, which can emit magical rays, are also extremely wise and have the unique power to see through the potential of Pokémon.

After a while, the rock dog was already sticking its butt up high in the air, constantly accumulating strength in its tail, trying to condense its own "rockfall" stone.

On the other side, Litten was facing the sea, with flames constantly lingering around its mouth, trying to compress and condense the flames and then release the power all at once.

And the teacher, Entei, also returned to Xiaozhi's side unknowingly.

"Flame Roar."

It had a steady look in its eyes and let out a low growl, and Xiaozhi, who had the power of bondage, could naturally understand it completely.

"The Pokémon you captured this time all have great potential."

Entei expressed his approval of this new Alola team.

Let’s not talk about Ibrahimovic, he possesses a unique power of evolution.

The little fat bird that was fighting against it also displayed an extremely outstanding speed when it was asleep.

  There is also a cat and a dog at the beach.

Entei had fought against Gladion's Nightmane Lycan before, and had some idea of ​​the future form of this Pokémon.

But this rock dog seems to be very unique. It likes day and night equally, but at this dusk, it seems particularly excited and lively.

Even his own strength has been greatly improved?

The potential of this Litten is also exceptionally outstanding, and is not at the level of the ordinary Big Three.

Therefore, Entei did not teach the basic "Rockfall" and "Jet of Fire" like he did to Muggle Pokémon, but instead started with "Rockslide" and "Large Fiery Blaster".

These two Pokémon have the potential to master these powerful moves beyond their level.

Beside him, Xiaozhi nodded in agreement:

"I think so too."

  He was secretly surprised in his heart. It turned out that Rock Dog and Litten had such great potential that they could even be recognized by Emperor Yan?

The reason why he conquered Rock Dog and Litten was that he liked the former because of its fiery personality, or maybe it was because of its aloofness.

As for potential, I haven’t really thought about it that much!

"Yan Ao."

But at this time, Yan Di's eyes fell on Litten and hesitant.

  The close contact just now made it feel a strange aura from the Litten that shouldn't have appeared?

Generally, this kind of decadence only appears in old people who are very old and have reached the end of their lifespan.

But the flamingo itself is like the rising sun, it is at the moment when its vitality is the strongest.

  It is not its own, but is contaminated from outside!

Yan Emperor came to the conclusion.

"Are you saying that there is an old man who is about to die around Litten?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but look at Litten with a surprised look. He remembered that Litten was a stray cat and didn't have a trainer.

Could it be the grandparents in the town who often feed the flamingo?

Those people did look quite old, but Xiaozhi had met them several times on the way to school, and they all looked very energetic, not like dying trees.

Entei shook his head. It didn't necessarily mean "old man", it could also mean "old Pokémon".

And to be infected with this kind of aura, one must stay together often. If passers-by simply feed them, the aura will dissipate after a few steps.

"Stay together often?"

Xiaozhi scratched his head. Litten usually would not stay. Basically, after exercising in the evening and feeding himself dinner, it would leave on its own.

As for where to go, he didn't care.

"So you're saying that among Litten's wandering companions, there is an old Pokémon that is about to die?"

Xiaozhi tilted his head. As a handsome young man, the Pokémon he captured were mostly young, which had nothing to do with old age or death.

Even the old Gengar from Kanto that was captured before is a ghost and cannot die at all.

A Pokémon that was about to die of old age was beyond Xiaozhi's expectations.

"No wonder."

Xiaozhi suddenly realized that when he fed Litten dinner, Litten would only eat half of it and pack up the other half to take away.

At that time, he thought he was going to save it for a midnight snack and didn't think much about it.

Apparently, he was trying to take it back to his wandering companions.

Also, when I wanted to formally tame Litten, the latter hesitated and refused again and again. Was it because there was an "elderly person" who needed its care and it was reluctant to let go?

"Could it be an old Fiery Roaring Tiger?"

In Xiaozhi's mind, an image of an old and frail Fiery Roaring Tiger half leaning against a dilapidated wall suddenly emerged, with its originally black hair turning dry and white.

Boom! !

Suddenly, a huge explosion of electricity was heard nearby, attracting the attention of Xiaozhi and Entei.

However, Mumuxiao's entire body was electrocuted into charcoal and he fell powerlessly from the air.


Jolteon quickly retracted his electricity and ran over worriedly.

It turned out that during the practice of one side discharging electricity and the other side dodging, Mumuxiao suddenly woke up.

The speed suddenly dropped. Mumu Xiao, who could have easily avoided it, was hit head-on by the electric discharge move, and fell from the air with convulsions all over his body.

Jolteon just used his full strength attack, and it was quite powerful.

  Normally, it would have to be sent to the Pokémon Center, but today Xiaozhi was much more relaxed:

"Senbu is in a hurry, Jolteon."

Then he looked at Yan Di beside him and signaled. The latter understood and walked up to Mu Mu Xiao.

He opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of platinum-colored flame.

It looked like a tragic scene of "burning the body to destroy all traces", but after the golden and white flames fell on the owl, they turned into a gentle healing green light, restoring the feathers on the owl's body that were burnt by electricity.


After a while, the lively Mumu Owl jumped up again. It tilted its head, not knowing what had happened.

This scene, which could be called a medical miracle, also made the eyes of the Litten who was practicing martial arts moves in the distance light up instantly!

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