He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 3084: Fire-spotted cat and long-haired dog!

Chapter 3084: Fire-spotted cat and long-haired dog!


After the special training, Litten walked over and let out a low growl towards Entei.

Xiaozhi and Entei looked at each other and probably guessed what Litten was thinking.

  Maybe he was planning to use Entei's "holy flame" to rescue that old and gloomy Pokémon?

Entei shook his head at Xiaozhi, indicating that he should take a look at the situation first.

The birth, aging, sickness and death of humans and Pokémon cannot be easily solved by a single move of sacred fire, let alone rejuvenation.

  Even the sacred flame of the Phoenix King, which burned out the three sacred beasts

But that was also a miracle that was born after the three Pokémon were burned in the Scorched Tower.

It is a rebirth in Nirvana, not a simple rejuvenation.

Before and after resurrection, they are not even the same species.

Even if you ask the Phoenix to come again, he may not be able to replicate such a miracle!

Even the "holy ash" scattered by Ho-Oh is a healing item that can only be effective after the Pokémon has completely lost its combat ability.

He glanced at the sky. It was now night and it was time for the Litten to leave.

"Come on, Litten, take me to see your companions today?"

Xiaozhi's voice was rarely gentle.

Litten didn't hesitate too much. Now it was actually no different from when it was captured by Satoshi. It had great trust in the latter.


So the flamingo purred, nodded, and walked in front to lead the way.

Xiaozhi hurried back to the house to take a few packs of Pokémon food, and took Entei back temporarily.

It would be too conspicuous to have a legendary Pokémon traveling with you. Litten must have been trying its best to disguise its hiding place.

When the man and the cat walked out of the beach, it happened to be a full moon, the time for people to clock out from get off work and go home.

"It's a full moon, you can come too!"

Xiaozhi also took Man Yue with him.

The latter is an expert in tree fruits and herbs, so maybe he can be of some use.

"I don't have time to count it."

Man Yue was about to refuse, but seeing that both Xiaozhi and the Litten had serious expressions, she thought about it and agreed.

On weekdays, when Xiaozhi had nothing to do, he would come and knock on her door, either asking her to practice Pokémon battles together or asking her to go fishing in the open sea, but Man Yue simply refused them all.

  Today's words seem a little different?

Man Yue walked behind the team, secretly puzzled, and her eyes fell on the Litten who was leading the way.

As a very famous "stray cat" in the small town, Man Yue naturally knew this flamingo cat.

The two have somewhat similar personalities, both with a "keep away from strangers" look on their faces.

So if Man Yue sees a flamingo on the street on weekdays, the man and the cat will nod to each other from a distance, and then separate themselves without interfering with each other.

After a while, they passed through the small town and came to a remote location near Jungle No. 1.

This is an abandoned yard in the suburbs. No one lives here. Even one side of the yard wall has collapsed, leaving only three other broken walls that can barely serve as a cover.

After peeling away the bushes on the outside and entering through a small brick door, Xiaozhi finally saw the old Pokémon.

It was a huge, long-haired dog, lying next to a broken wall, with its thick, long hair hanging down, covering its entire face and limbs.

From a distance, it looks like a brown and blue thatched pile.

There were some tree fruits and Pokémon food made by humans placed on the ground around the head. However, they were scattered all over the ground, and the long-haired dog didn't seem to eat much.

"This is.?!"

As a pharmacist, Man Yue's expression suddenly became serious and he walked up immediately.

This long-haired dog with extremely dense fur did not raise its head, and through the gaps in its fur, it could barely see the human girl walking in.

The flamingo next to it made it relax and let down its guard.

"Let me see your body."

Seeing that the other party was not aggressive, Man Yue knelt beside him and put her palm into the hair to touch and check.

  The first impression is that this long-haired dog is abnormally thin!

From the outside it looks like a solid hill, but in fact it is just an illusion caused by the long hairs. Its actual body is just a skeleton.

Man Yue reached into the long-haired dog's abdomen and found that there was nothing blocking its stomach that was hindering digestion.

He then peeled off the hair on the long-haired dog's face and examined its mouth, nose, and throat.


The long-haired dog could see the concern and kindness of the human in front of him, and tried hard to cooperate by holding his head high.

The flamingo was also watching attentively, hoping that Man Yue would find a way to rescue the long-haired dog.

Just a few minutes later, Man Yue stood up again, with a gloomy look on his face, and shook his head at Litten and Xiaozhi.

At first she thought the long-haired dog was weak and powerless because of some disease that prevented it from eating.

However, after checking, she found that the long-haired dog was not suffering from any disease, nor did it have any external or internal injuries.

It was simply because he was too old that he couldn't even eat the food placed right next to his mouth.

“I’m sorry, there’s nothing I can do.”

Man Yue sighed regretfully. Even if she was good at herbal medicine, there was nothing she could do in this situation. Where were the herbs that could make an old man look younger?

No, it seems there is.

Man Yue remembered that when she was still in her own world, she had heard that in the distant Padia region, someone seemed to have successfully tried to achieve success through diet therapy?

However, this was just some interesting anecdotes that she had come across by chance back then, not to mention that after coming to this world, she knew nothing about the Padya region.


Upon hearing this, the Fire Cat immediately lowered its head, and even its long and thin tail drooped.

It has lived with the Long-Haired Dog since it was a child. When it was young, the Long-Haired Dog helped it find food and drive away other cat-like Pokémon that liked to bully it.

The Alola region has its own evil-attributed Meowth, which like to team up with a few others to attack this alternative fire cat. Fortunately, under the protection of the long-haired dog, Litten has been able to grow up healthily.

By now, the long-haired dog is old and weak, and no longer able to go out to find food or drive away foreign enemies.

These have become the daily work of the Fire Cat, trying its best to repay this elder who cares for it.

"Come out, Yan Di!"

Seeing Xiaozhi release Entei, Litten's eyes suddenly lit up and he raised his head again.

  Maybe with Yan Di's unique healing flame, he could save his long-haired dog!


Beside him, Man Yue raised her eyebrows, quite puzzled.

She didn't understand what was the point of Xiaozhi sending out this powerful Entei?

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