He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 591 Juniper Village and Juniper Forest

Chapter 591 Juniper Village and Juniper Forest
I saw that although Pikachu was in shape at the moment, he was motionless.

It had a hunched back, its small eyes looking straight ahead, dumbfounded.

There is no focal length in the pupil.

"Pipi. Pi. Pi."

In his mouth, a cry was still repeated intermittently.

The whole body seems to be down and stuck.

Dumbly, it doesn't look like a normal electric mouse.

"Hey! Pikachu, don't scare me!"

Ash hurriedly shook Pikachu's head, trying to straighten its hunchback.

Is there a general problem with electric mice?


Rodent Pokémon, small mice, small hamsters, etc., don't look at the chubby heads, in fact, their brain structure is very simple and cannot support their thinking.

This also causes the mouse Pokémon to suddenly freeze in place and not move during the process of eating.

Because its brain is really down.

Xiaozhi's trump card is Pikachu, and naturally he has also investigated a lot of relevant information behind the scenes.

But the current situation is obviously not the old problem of rodent Pokémon.

"Is it even Pikachu, who was also turned into a fool by time and space?"

Kitty sighed.


At this moment.

Suddenly, there was a burst of crisp and cheerful laughter, and the voice was familiar.

Xiao Zhi subconsciously looked up.

Xiao Zhi suddenly lowered his head again.

The fierce sunlight almost blinded his eyes.

In the sky, Shirabi fluttered for a while, then fled into the distance, and soon disappeared completely into the sky.


Hearing the sound of laughter drifting away from the top of his head, Xiao Zhi sighed again.

What did this little flaming monkey god bring him here for?

Simple game?
Or save the world?
Thinking to no avail, he could only hold the demented Pikachu as a stuffed doll in his arm, and approached the future Hinoki Town.

You can't go back to Tonglin Forest, can you?

And from a distance, he also saw the direction of Hinoki Town in the future, the faint smoke wafting out
350 years ago.

Hinoki Village.

Ash had taken off his jacket and tied it around his waist.
On one side is a dumb Pikachu doll, and on the other side, is the hat of the god of brother Chi.

Pikachu: "Pippi.Phi."


"Ah, it's so fun."

The weather was hot, Xiao Zhi wiped his sweat on the way, and couldn't help complaining.

Now he is eager to slam down a big bottle of red Coke.

It's just that the water in his backpack has already been drunk, and there is no extra water resources.

"Damn, if only that guy Gengar was still around."

As Xiaozhi walked towards the village, he complained.

Geng Gui's stomach is connected to the Two-dimensional space, which is filled with a lot of food and drinks, one ghost can reach a convenience store.

However, Gengar and the Chengdu area are born with different characters.

Breeding is carried out everywhere, and when they come, they must be put on crosses by the locals and exposed to the sun.
Soon, Xiao Zhi walked to the entrance of this small village.

Look around.

The scale of this village is not large, about 0.05 of a true new town.

It is more like a dozen simple wooden houses, and the place where they gather is not even a village, but a small tribe.

However, at the entrance, a crooked road sign was accidentally inserted.

Xiao Zhi hurriedly went up to watch.

The text above is somewhat different from modern characters, a bit like ancient traditional characters.

Although Xiao Zhi has only a primary school education, he can barely read.

"Here, Hinoki Village."

"To the west, the Cypress Bark Forest."

This is a map signpost.

"Hinoki Village, Juniper Forest?"

Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment, and blurted out.

I don't know how many years ago I have travelled back to now, but I didn't expect the name of Hinoki Town to appear now?

Later, when the scale of the village was built, it was naturally changed to Junipi Town, which was reasonable and reasonable.

Just this cypress forest is confusing.

No matter how big it is, the name of the forest should not change, right? How come it will become a tung forest in the future?

West, which is the direction he came from.


Xiaozhi was confused, so he walked into this small village.

"Is it cypress bark now?"

Seeing that the roof of a log cabin in front of him was covered with a layer of withered and yellowed cypress bark, Xiao Zhi was a little taken aback.

Has this tradition survived into modern times?

There are similar buildings all around.

Xiaozhi looked around, it was primitive and desolate, but since he had just come out of Hinoki Town, he was somewhat familiar with the location here.

The future Juniper Town is just an expansion of the current Juniper Village.

"I remember that the southwest is the Hinoki Gym"

But at this moment, there is only a large open space in the southwest.

The Hinoki Gym was a foreign Gym that moved to when the City Alliance was first established.

Cold knowledge, the Hinoki Gym is also the only Gym in the Chengdu area opened in a small town.

The other seven gymnasiums are all opened in the city.

"Then there is a charcoal shop to the southeast, and a Pokémon center in the center of the town."

But at the moment, these two positions are just ordinary wooden houses, and there is nothing special about them.

"Then the far north of the town is Mr. Steel's house."

Ash turned around and looked towards the north of Hinoki Village.

Sure enough, you can see a wooden house that is slightly larger than the surrounding area.

It seems that Mr. Steel's ancestors settled here when Hinoki Town was first established.

Old fossils.


Around, there are also a few local villagers passing by from time to time.

His clothes were ragged, all of coarse linen and sackcloth, his face was also sallow and sallow, and he looked malnourished.

The sun is hanging in the sky, and these people are wearing very cool clothes.

But they looked at Xiao Zhi as if they were looking at a curious creature.

Unfamiliar with life, Xiao Zhi no longer hesitated, and hurriedly walked north.

He plans to visit Mr. Steel's ancestors first to get information.
Didn't walk for 5 minutes.

Ash has come to Mr. Steel's wooden house.

The cypress bark hut, except that it is slightly larger, is no different from ordinary ones.

Just behind the wooden house, there is also a towering tree growing.

On the tree, there are also several huge white spherical fruit, which are obviously mature.

"A white citrus fruit tree? Is it growing here now?"

Ash was secretly surprised.

So he walked into the door of the wooden house and was about to knock.

"Hey! Are you here to find my grandfather to make a tree fruit ball? Then you have to write a letter to make an appointment one month in advance, or you will not be allowed to enter!"

On one side, there was a sudden screeching sound.

Xiaozhi turned his head to look.

But next to the wooden house, there is a small slope.

At this moment, a little girl in linen was standing on the small dirt slope.

With horned braids, she looks cute, but her skin looks a little malnourished and sallow.

But the little head melon seeds was full of vitality, and he was akimbo, staring at him with bad eyes.


Xiao Zhi subconsciously blurted out and said his name.

He seemed to have been reprimanded like this before in Hinoki Town.?

"What Qianhui? My name is Touhui!"

The little girl jumped off the slope, looking like a little adult.

 Thank you for the 100-coin reward of True Love Little Dora!
(End of this chapter)

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