He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 592 Warcraft Ball and Mr. Bronze

Chapter 592 Warcraft Ball and Mr. Bronze
Ten Hui?

Is it the ancestor of that little girl Qianhui?

Ash murmured secretly.

And what is a tree fruit ball?

So in this era, there is already the concept of conquering Pokémon?
Xiaozhi is full of confusion, he still doesn't know how many years ago he has traveled.

So he quickly smiled and explained:

"Oh, I'm not here to make any tree fruit balls, I'm here to find your grandpa Gang."

In the middle of speaking, Xiao Zhi's tone stopped.

Eh, I don't seem to know the name of Mr. Steel's ancestor.

And not necessarily, it is the grandfather of Ten Hui, right?

In other words, this is the language of the ancients, similar to his language, but with a strange accent.

But in Shihui's eyes, it was clear that Ash was even stranger.

Not only the accent, but also the appearance and appearance of a monster.

On a hot day, wearing so many clothes, are you not afraid of getting dizzy from the heat of the little head and melon seeds?

There is also Xiaozhi's face skin, which is actually watery, completely different from their withered and shriveled skin.

"By the way, is that a doll of the Electric Rat Demon?"

Looking at the dumbfounded Pikachu hanging from Ash's waist, Tou Hui's eyes were a little hot.

It was the first time she met such a monster
At this time, the rear wooden door opened.


The figure has not yet come out, and the hearty laughter has come out.

Then an old man ran out of the wooden house in a hurry.

In his hand, he also held a pure white ball-shaped object like a coconut.

"Haha Shihui, look what grandpa has in his hand?!"

As soon as he ran out and saw more figures, he was stunned.

Seeing the person coming, Xiao Zhi also froze in place, with a bit of surprise on his face, and blurted out:

"Mr. Steel?"

The old man in front of him, although he was dressed in simple sackcloth and linen, had the same Mediterranean baldness, with white hair hanging down around the back of his head.

Especially the ferocious face and facial features, which are exactly the same as Mr. Steel.

"Mr. Steel? What steel, this old man is Mr. Bronze!"

This ancient version of Mr. Steel raised his eyebrows and corrected his beard and stared at him.

The ancients did not change their surnames without changing their names.

The worst thing is to be called by the wrong name.

However, Mr. Bronze quickly eased his brows and smiled happily.

"Boy, you came just in time, just to be a witness, do you know what this is?"

Like offering a treasure, Mr. Bronze raised the big white coconut in his hand.


Xiao Zhi answered without thinking.

"You ignorant boy, you have no knowledge at all~!"

Mr. Bronze glanced at Xiao Zhi with disdain, and then continued with a proud look:
"This is a cross-generational item!! This coconut. Tell you, this item can absorb magical beasts, put it in it, and carry it with you!"

Mr. Bronze was very proud, and his nose was almost up in the sky.

There are no Poké Balls in this day and age.

The way humans get along with Pokémon is to keep them outside, or to keep them on a chain. There are no popular and convenient props. You can put Pokémon in it, and then you can take it with you at will.

Of course, in some places, there are still some special props that can control and capture Pokémon.

For example, the special armor used in war can control Pokémon and assist in fighting and killing.

Or some special spar that can turn Pokémon into an energy ball and inhale it.

But without exception.

Either the cost is extremely expensive, or the materials are extremely precious. Anyway, they are basically the only props that cannot be copied in large quantities.

But his coconut is different.

The material is just the ordinary citrus fruit behind the wooden house.

This is definitely of great significance across the ages!

In fact, Mr. Bronze had already made this kind of prop before that.

However, the previous size was the size of a basketball.

But even so, it is extremely precious, and there is an endless stream of people who come to ask him to make basketball.

They need to write to make an appointment a month in advance to be able to order one.

This skill made him directly become a great bronze master!

Today, it has successfully reduced the size of a basketball to the size of a coconut.

Open up.

"Haha, the old man has already done his best, it is absolutely impossible to be any smaller!"

After completing the great creation, Mr. Bronze couldn't wait to show off to others, but for a while he forgot about Ash's strange dress and accent.


Pokémon, which means monsters that can easily fit in your pocket.

But in this era, there is no such thing as a slap-sized Pokeball that can be popularized and can easily collect monsters.

Therefore, the word "Pokémon" does not exist at all.

Humans of this period used a very primitive and direct way of calling Pokemon.


"Poké Ball the size of a coconut?"

Xiao Zhi just looked at Mr. Bronze and the big coconut in his hand with a foolish look.

The surface of this fruit ball is extremely simple and rough, it really looks like a wild coconut.

In the middle, you can see a gap, which should open and close from there.

But the most outrageous.

Since the material is mandarin fruit, but this fruit is only the size of two fists, how did it become a big coconut?
Thermal expansion and contraction?

"Haha, boy, have you never seen such a powerful invention? Haha, the old man is really a genius haha!!"

Mr. Bronze crossed his hips and laughed proudly.

"The old man decided to name this item Warcraft Ball! This old man should be able to be famous for eternity!"

There is an outsider who can provide show off, and his satisfaction value is pulled to the highest.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi reached back to his waist and took out a Poké Ball.

The whole body is pink, and there is a sweet heart icon on the shell.

100% of the captured Pokémon of the opposite sex will fall in love with you.

sweet ball!
Xiao Zhi can't see outsiders the most, and is like a cup in front of himself.

Even if the object is just an ancient person.


And when he saw the pink ball in Xiaozhi's hand, Mr. Bronze's eyes instantly widened.

Eyeballs almost popped out.

"This, this, this."

Mr. Bronze stuttered instantly, and his tone was a little trembling.

He has been dealing with citrus trees and citrus fruits all the year round. He doesn't need to look at it, just smell it with his nose, and he knows that the body of this sweet ball is exactly a citrus fruit.

"how is this possible?!"

Just this level of craftsmanship, patterned patterns.
Especially this size!
how could it be possible? !

His coconut is already at its limit, how can it be reduced to the size of a fist? !

The shape of the sweet ball is gorgeous, and Mr. Bronze has no doubt that this is also a Warcraft Ball that can inhale Warcraft into it.

There are thousands of thoughts in his mind, and Mr. Bronze is completely messed up.

He looked at Xiao Zhi tremblingly, and in the end he could only spit out a word.

"Young man, can this old man touch your ball?"

(End of this chapter)

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