He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 610 The Dance of God Comes With BGM

Chapter 610 The Dance of God Comes With BGM

"Ow! Ow!"

Speaking of this, Fire Warcraft has something to say.

Jumping on the spot, very excited, the wooden floor creaked.

As he lifted one forelimb, he pushed aside the mane in front of his chest, revealing one of the dark vine necklaces.

In the middle, there is also a delicate small charcoal about a finger long.

It probably means that he has met a kind human being.

Not only taught it how to release the power of fire, but also gave it this charcoal necklace.



The water monster and the thunder monster looked at each other, a little confused.

Are there still such kind people?

Although humans are not like those Ibrahimovic, they have obvious malice towards them.

But in the face of them, the mutants with special appearance still have an instinctive fear and estrangement.


At this time, the Thunder Warcraft called out to the Fire Warcraft.

It is not interested in how human beings are, it is more interested in how to stimulate its own energy.

If it also stimulates the lightning power in the body, how can it be bullied by these mice?


Lei Warcraft licked the wound on the surface of his body.

The physiques of these three beasts are extraordinary, and the wounds that were dripping blood just now have begun to scab.


Next to it, the water monster also called out elegantly.

Although it does not pursue too much power, if it is the power that can protect itself and its two younger brothers, it also wants to master it.

Vaguely, the water beast had a hunch.

If you don't have a good grasp of the power of this current.

One day, I will be covered with a big net by human beings so easily.

The kind that is pressed to the ground and unable to move.


The water beast quickly shook his head, dispelling this strange thought in his mind, and turned his eyes to the fire beast.

"Ow! Ow! Oooo!"

Then, the fire beast didn't hide anything, and just about Xiaozhi's understanding of fire breathing, he repeated it again.

Spoken language combined with sign language, the bottom of the wooden pagoda, once again made some movements.

After listening.



Thunder monsters and water monsters, their faces are stunned.

They sounded lonely.

Anyway, it has no effect on them to stimulate their own power of water flow, or the power of thunder and lightning.
Seeing this, Fire Warcraft just shook his head helplessly.

In its heart, Xiao Zhi's figure appeared again

The night covers the earth, and the bright moonlight shines.

To the right of the Twin Towers, the Bell Tower.

In the hall on the first floor, Xiao Zhi led five pure girl dancers and was preparing to climb the tower.

Around, there are five different Ibrahimovic evolutions.

As if he knew what was going to happen next.

These Ibrahimovic, who like to play on weekdays, have become very calm.

according to rules.

The open-air roof at the top of the tower, except for the brave chosen by the gods.

As well as the five dancers, and their dancing monsters, no one else can go up.

Even the old monk who is the host.

On the lower level of the roof of the tower.

The five young ladies were neatly dressed, and after the last check, they began to carry their respective Ibrahimoves up one after another.

Ash was about to follow when he was suddenly pulled by the old monk.

"Hehe, Lord Brave, the old monk has an unkind request. I wonder if you can do me a favor?"


Xiaozhi just gave the latter a look, indicating that he has something to say quickly.

The auspicious time was approaching, and he didn't want to make a mistake.

"Oh, it's just a trivial matter"

The old monk's rubbed palm was a little embarrassing.

This appearance, for a time, did not look like a monk, but like a market vendor.

Having said that, this old monk is indeed not like the host that Ash met at the Trumpet Bud Pagoda in Kikyo City.

The Buddha flavor of the latter is quite important.

"I'm just waiting for you to meet the legendary God of Gold. You should be able to talk to him. Can you help me ask the great god one thing?"


What the heck is going on here?
Can't we finish it all at once? !
Ash hates this kind of chattering the most.


Even Shirabi, who was lying on his head, wanted to punch the old monk in the face.

If it weren't for the fact that the latter has been actively helping, Xiao Zhi would have climbed the tower directly.

"Hehe, I have also worked here for 40 years, serving the great God of Gold with all my heart for 40 years. I want to ask how much life I have in the future."

The old monk said slowly.

It seems that it is harmless to just ask yourself the number of fate.

But what he said was actually very deliberate.

At that time, if Ash really asked the God of Gold like that.

If you have a lot of life left, you are lucky.

However, if you are dying soon.
This sentence will also make the God of Gold have to give it new vitality.

After all, the god of gold is the god with the best face.

And this great god has the magical power to control the life of all things.

Give the old monk a few more years of life, just breathe.

Moreover, I have worked for the God of Gold for 40 years, and it is reasonable and reasonable to need a few more years of life!

"I know I know."

Xiao Zhi just agreed nonchalantly.

He didn't hear it, so much comprehension.

Then, in the red light of the old monk's face, he climbed the tower like this.

The bell tower, the roof of the tower.

It was the first time Xiao Zhi came to this place, staring wide-eyed and scanning the surroundings curiously.

The large balcony is completely open, and there is no small evening wind blowing around.


Shirabi quickly pressed Ash's hat tightly.

The field of vision here is wide, and there are not too many things on the roof. It is very empty, about the size of a training ground and a half.

Except for the stairs where everyone came up at the edge, there was only a large golden bell hanging at one end.

It was about the size of an ancient bronze bell, suspended from solid wood.

This is also the origin of the name of the Bell Tower.

Ash turned his head and looked to the left of the Bell Tower.

Nearly a hundred meters away.

As high as the Bell Tower, you can probably see another tower with an open-air balcony.

On the other side, there is a large golden bell hanging on the roof, which is the origin of the name of the Bell Tower.

"Master Brave, the auspicious time has come~~"

At this time, the leading lady among the five dancers came over and said softly.

Next to her, there is also a sun Ibrahimovic standing.

"When our dance of the gods reaches 5 minutes, please hold up the token of the gods and ring this golden bell at the same time."

"Dance, token, bell. When the three are combined, the God of Gold will naturally be called and descend into a godlike form."

Wen Yan Xiaozhi nodded, and just stood in front of the big bell, holding the feather in his hand.

The five dancers and five Ibrahimovic stood on the other end of the rooftop and made a pose together.

In fact, Xiao Zhi is very curious.

In the dance hall at the time.

On the stage, there are other people who sing and play suona in concert.

In this era, there is no sound, and there is no outsider responsible for the accompaniment.

So, where does the background music come from?
Wouldn't it be embarrassing if I was dancing?

And the five dancers, having prepared everything, finally began to dance this divine dance.

It was also at this moment that Ash immediately cleared up this confusion.


Because of the surrounding, the melodious and elongated music has already echoed out of thin air.

God's Dance has its own bgm.
(End of this chapter)

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