He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 611 The Two Gods Are Coming

Chapter 611 The Two Gods Are Coming

In the ear, in the dimness, the strange instrumental music echoed, and it echoed on the roof top of the Bell Tower.

The five Yuanzhu dancers began to dance with the five Ibrahimovic.

Xiao Zhi's eyes seemed to be in the sky above the five people, and he saw the phantom of a golden Phoenix King, exuding an incomparably majestic and sacred aura.

Xiao Zhi shivered, shook his head quickly, and got out of the state of being immersed in the dance of God.

The key now is not the moment, but
Xiaozhi turned his head and looked to the side.

That's the direction of the tower next door.

And what he was holding in his hand was not only the Rainbow Feather.

Similarly, the silver feather has also been grasped by Xiao Zhi, ready to go.

About 5 minutes or so.

With one hand, Xiaozhi has already pressed the huge golden bell beside him, ready to shake it.

The other hand was raised to point to the next door, and said in a low voice:
"Shi Rabbi, use the seeds of trouble to attack the big bell on the top of the opposite bell tower!"

That's right, he's going to fly.

The GS ball needs the feathers of the gods of gold and silver, not just the god of gold, Feng Wang. Xiaozhi doesn't plan to greet these five small Jimeis tomorrow.

Go to the rooftop next door and do a round of square dancing.


Rabbi nodded solemnly.

On its small palm, it was already holding a green seed, and without thinking about it, it was thrown to the side.

Shirabi can use seed bombs, but if you drop the seed bombs, you can probably blow up the entire roof of the Bell Tower.

Or if the parasitic seeds were lost, the spreading vines would probably drain the field.

So Ash chose the seed of trouble, a trick without any attack power.
The trouble seed hits the target.

"Boom!! Boom!!"

Soon, a heavy and long bronze bell rang.

The bell tower where Ash is located can also hear the bell from the next door.

So Xiao Zhi slapped the big golden bell beside him with a slap.

"Clang!! Clang!!"

The crisp and pleasant bell sound followed.

The next moment, the sound of bells and bells, separated by a distance of [-] meters, echoed over Yuanzhu Town at the same time.

This caused the residents of the entire Yuanzhu Town to stop their needlework and look up at the sky.

The two diametrically opposed voices seemed to resonate.

They merged together, and finally, it evolved into a new sound.

The five dancers continued to dance in this mighty bell.

On the other hand, Xiao Zhi straightened his body, raised his palm suddenly, and raised the two feathers in his hand.

Shine bright!

A golden, life-filled divine ray appeared on iridescent feathers.

The silvery and vast light with oceanic breath appeared on the silver feathers.

The light engulfed the two feathers, and the sacred and vast aura also rose high into the depths of the clouds.
10 minute later.

The chimes and bells disappear.

The five dancers and Ibrahimovic also stopped.

Everything became silent.

At this time, two high-pitched chirps suddenly came from the clouds above the Bell Tower.


At the same time, it is a high and loud giant bird roaring. In its slightly sharp voice, it is unquestionable domineering and aloof pride.


On the other hand, the tone was much lower, even a lazy tone.

It seemed like a roar of a beast, and it seemed like a bird chirping, it was a sound with its own reverberation.

The next moment, two huge figures broke through the high-altitude clouds, waved their wings, and slowly landed in front of Xiao Zhi.

The two gods were similar in size, and both were about four meters in height.

On one side, is a colorful phoenix bird.

It has a pair of broad compound wings, the upper part of which is orange-red and the lower part is white, with a green edge at the end of the feather.

The feathers on the tail spread out like chrysanthemums, growing towards the surroundings.

Compared with its garish body, its head is thinner and smaller.

Around the orange-red eyes, there is a circle of dark circles that seems to appear only after the daily management of the situation.

On the forehead, there are also a few pinch of graceful and luxurious golden feathers.

God of Gold, Ho-oh!

Or, it can be said to be the god of life 350 years later!

"Feng Wang."

Looking at the big golden bird, Xiao Zhi stunned and called out the latter's name.

He remembered meeting this god on the first day of his trip.

At that time, he hadn't even met Brother Chi yet.

And Ash remembered that at the time, he also mistook Ho-wang for a big-billed sparrow from the outside world.

"Speaking of which, I got a closer look, and I said one thing, it's really good."

Xiaozhi was still muttering in his mind.


At this time, Ho-king in front of him raised his neck and glanced at Xiao Zhi from the corner of his eye.

Although he can't perceive the other party's thoughts, he can detect the maliciousness of the target.

Feng Wang could feel that what Xiao Zhi was thinking about at the moment was somewhat disrespectful to him.

"Again, how can I have my precious and great feathers in the hands of this human kid?"

Out of the corner of Ho-wang's eyes, he looked at the Rainbow Feather in Ash's hand.

Although it is true that there is a myth in the Bell Tower, it can be called by the feathers it spreads.

But this myth was originally spread by Ho-oh himself.

The most important thing is that so far, he has never given his feathers to anyone or anything!

In other words, this legend is nothing more than satisfying these empty human fantasies.

As a result, today, why is there a human boy who suddenly took his own feathers and summoned himself?
Where did the feathers come from?
Feng Wang can clearly perceive that this is indeed his own feather.
"And this human boy gives me a very mysterious feeling."

Even though he was just an ordinary human being, he gave Ho-oh a kind of weirdness to talk to him on an equal footing.

Ho-king's sight was too dazzling, and Xiao Zhi hurriedly shivered, shook his head, and looked at the Silver God next to him.

This one is Xiao Zhi's old acquaintance.

It is still the streamlined body of silver-white, and the body is like a beast like a bird.

He has a pair of broad wings like palms, a slender neck and head, and around his eyes, he also wears blue-black eye patches.

God of silver, Lugia!
It can also be said to be the god of the sea after 349 years.

But at this point in the 350th year, the Sea God's divine position was plundered by a passing foreigner, Gu, because of his excessively stretched hips.

Of course, the god of ocean currents still exists.

"So, have you been pulling your hips like this since 350 years ago?"

Just looking at the slightly lazy Lugia in front of him, seemingly reluctant to come here, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but complain.

And Lugia's eyes were also watching Xiao Zhi secretly.

"Why does this human boy have my silver feathers?"
 py a brief introduction to "Elf Swap Game": [Welcome to the Elf Swap Game]

  【Here are some notes: 】

  【This product can only be used for body exchange with Pokémon. 】

  【If you cause the opponent's disgust, you will be kicked out of the body. 】

  [This game is currently in the testing phase and may have unavoidable bugs, and this product is not responsible for any accidents. 】

  [Some test tasks may be released during the game, you can choose to accept them, and you can get some unexpected rewards after completing the tasks. 】

  [All final interpretation rights belong to the manufacturer. 】

  【I wish you a happy game. 】

(End of this chapter)

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