He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 619 vs Thick Fat Lada!

Chapter 619 vs Thick Fat Lada!
Facing the siege of Dzorada
Get started first!

A raging flame burst out between the fire beast's teeth, and with a kick, he quickly jumped to the front of a leading Rada.

He raised his neck, opened his bloody mouth, and with the explosive flame, bit down on the opponent's neck!

The action was extremely quick and decisive.

Flaming Teeth! !

Boom! !
The flame and the bite force ignited on that Radha at the same time.

It has already determined that the Rada standing at the front is the leader of the Rada group.

Just kill it and you'll be fine today!


It's just that this Lada only took two steps back and then stood firm.

Then he raised his forelimbs against the fire beast biting himself, and a penetrating white light had already lit up on the slender and sharp fingernails.

In the end, he slashed heavily in front of him.


Tear Claws! !

The fire beast was caught off guard and was hit from the front, and his body went backwards and fell back to the side of the other two beasts.

On the shoulders, there were already three more claw marks that could be seen deep into the bone, and blood kept falling.

Nearly half of the body seems to have lost consciousness, and it is difficult to exert force.

In this closed wooden tower, the smell of blood could not be dispersed for a long time, but it intensified, making the Lada group even more mad.


Compared with the pain, why this Radha can completely withstand his flaming teeth is even more surprising to the fire beast.


At this time, the big Rada, whose neck was bitten, just raised his forelimbs and gestured to the three beasts for his big round belly.

It can be seen by the naked eye that it has a very high proportion of fat.

350 years later, the Lada is only characterized by perseverance, vitality, and escape.

But in this day and age, the wild Lada here has another quality.

Thick fat!
Pokémon with the characteristic of thick fat will have extremely high resistance to fire-type and ice-type tricks.


This special thick fat Lada is also the leader of these dozens of Lada ethnic groups.



The next moment, whether it was the small soldier Rada or the leader Rada, they all swarmed up.

Whether it's the sharp rat claws, or the hard and powerful big teeth, a swarm of bees flew towards the three demon beasts in the middle!


Being attacked by the enemy on the back and the belly made the three monsters feel like they were facing a big enemy, so they could only shrink their formations.

It is a fire beast with a powerful flame power, and even if it is dead, it can rival a leader Lada and five or six little Lada.

In front of me, these are five Radhas!
Boom! !
The fire beast raised his neck, and once again condensed several flame whips in front of him, he was about to use the aoe trick flame whip.

It's just that the leader, the thick fat Rada, once again took the lead and ran at the forefront, directly blocking the flame whip with his fleshy abdomen.

Taking this opportunity, the other Ladas rushed to the other two.

Rat claws, fangs, and small and flexible bodies work together.

Even the water beasts and thunder beasts have extremely powerful physiques, and their bodies are also repeatedly decorated.

In less than a few breaths, there were countless claws scars on the surface of the body, and there were several more marks pierced by the big teeth on all parts of the body.

"Da da."

Blood, like flowing water, kept falling from both of them.

This caused the physical strength of the two beasts to drop rapidly.



Both the sight and the spirit became dazed.

In less than a few minutes, they have reached the critical point of the residual candle in the wind.

And although the other Ladas were not too badly injured, the two beasts stomped and trampled with extremely powerful force.



But the constantly rich bloody aura seems to have made them open their tyrannical bodies, and they are not afraid of death.

On the other end, the body of the fire beast has been covered with a layer of flame energy coat, the body curled up and rotated, it turned into a flame yo-yo, and flew out.

Fire Wheel!
But that leader, Rada, was also not to be outdone.

The fleshy belly was raised, the hind legs slammed to the floor, the sharp rat claws, and even two cracks were stepped on the wooden floor.

The whole body lit up with a burst of golden energy light.

Like a golden tank, it charged towards the target imposingly.

Give yourself a collision! !
Boom! !

The flame wheel collided with the golden light without hindrance.

A terrifying energy wind danced wildly at the bottom of the Bell Tower.

Since this is a purely confined space, there is only a narrow stairway at the edge of the way up, and the strong wind blowing back and forth can even blow out a few small Ladas that are approaching.

after a few seconds.

The flames and golden light dissipated.



The fire beast and the thick fat Lada were separated by a few meters and looked at each other from a distance.

The former's figure has a few more tragic claw marks, and the blood is dripping.

And this leader Rada also had several black burn marks on his body.

Thick fat properties do not equal immunity to flames.

Not to mention, it is a fierce flame like a fire beast.


But being hurt has undoubtedly made the Ladas even more excited.

The eyeballs are completely covered with bloodshots, and the big teeth are constantly rubbing in the mouth.
In the end, dozens of Ladas flew towards the three beasts in the middle again.

The densely packed mice that are not afraid of death are simply not something that the three demon beasts with candles in the wind can resist.

In less than a while, it was completely covered and crushed to the ground.

"Ow" "Ow" "Ow"

The three beasts are still struggling with muscle memory, but they have gradually lost their excess physical strength.

It seems that even the flesh is not his own.

I can only let these mice keep tearing at me.

Flesh that is constantly being eaten away.
Drops of blood wet the wooden floor.
Wild Pokémon in this era, especially this kind of mouse Pokémon, have great cruelty in their bones.

It is normal to eat the flesh and blood of other Pokémon.

Everything seems to be drawn to this bloody end.


At this time, a small Rada accidentally bit the charcoal hanging from the neck of the fire beast.

This top charcoal has a very high hardness.

Even the big die of the little Rada could not leave tooth marks on it, and even burst out with a burst of sparks.

Eyes dropped, and the dazed fire beast noticed the charcoal.

"Would you like to go outside with me and become the strongest in the world?"

"We will surely meet again."

The figure of the human boy wearing a peaked cap once again appeared in the mind of the fire beast.

The gradually dim eyes, the desire to survive turned into a bright light, lit up again.

Boom! !
The reddish-brown body, the terrifying aura of heat, spewed out again like a volcanic eruption!

The terrifying breath turned into a heat wave, and even the little Rada, who was lying on it and devoured flesh and blood, flew away.

And the blood that fell from the fire beasts began to burn wildly.

It turned into a bright red flame energy group, and it was covered around its body.


The fire beast stood up, in the blazing flames, and issued a majestic roar at the mice.

Before I meet that human boy again,
"I can't die yet!!"

(End of this chapter)

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