He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 620 The tower of the bell, the fire broke out

Chapter 620 The tower of the bell, the fire broke out

The raging flames that ignited again caused the Lada group to temporarily stop their movements.

For a time, there were some rat-hunting devices.

The red light also shone on the faces of the other two monsters beside him.

The desire for survival of the fire beasts seems to be contagious, giving them new powers.

With trembling limbs, they stood up again.



Although the body has long been dilapidated, most of the skin and flesh have been torn to fester by the minions.

But the water monsters and thunder monsters still roared.


There was a dazzling golden light on the body of the Thunder Monster.

The energy that could not be released for a long time finally condensed into a dense electric shock, which whistled towards the surroundings.

Discharge! !
The few small Ladas in the front, together with a Lada, were immediately electrocuted into coke by the powerful electricity, and fell to the ground convulsively.

The water beast also raised his neck tremblingly and opened his mouth.

At this moment, a blue water flow energy bomb has condensed in the mouth.

Boom! !
With a flick of the neck, the energy bomb was thrown out, and the bursting water flow also rushed several small Lada and one Lada.

Waves of water! !
Water monsters and thunder monsters, on the verge of death, finally unleash their powers!
But the most powerful energy is in the middle.
At this moment, the flames around the fire beast's body have become extremely red.

The footsteps are even more violent, and the body rushes out.

Boom! !

During the process, the fiery red flame energy instantly turned into a ghostly and silent blue.

The fire beast turned into a huge blue fireball, carrying an extremely terrifying and majestic momentum, and rushed out towards the leader Rada!

Flash Charge! !
In less than three days, the fire beast went from being unable to use sparks to comprehending the ultimate trick of flame attributes.

Boom! !

The leader Radha has been stunned, it has never seen a blue flame.

The fat figure was completely engulfed by the blue light in an instant.

Boom! !
In the end, the Lada flew out so violently, slammed into the surrounding walls, and fell to the ground with countless wooden boards, sending smoke and dust everywhere.

No matter how thick the fat is, it can't stand it!

The powerful destructive power of the Flash Charge made the wooden tower and tower tremble violently.

The aroused energy wind pressure collapsed the countless wooden floors and walls around it.

Terrible blue flame, bursting all over the place! !


And the leader, Rada, entered a state of inability to fight on the spot and completely lost consciousness.

The fire beast then bounced back and landed beside his two brothers.

Although his body was covered in bruises and blood, he was gasping for breath.

But that lion-headed head, with half-pressed eyes, is still filled with irresistible majesty!


The boss was defeated, which made the Lada group in an instant chaos.

Birds and animals scattered, and they were about to flee towards the stairs going upstairs in the Bell Tower.

It's just that at the entrance of the stairs, there is an extra flame at this moment.

The roaring flames engulfed the entire stairway and set it on fire.

This is the sputtering flame left after the Fire Warcraft used the Flare Charge before.

This made the Ladas throw the rat's arms again and dare not escape across the flames.

Even a few Radhas who were not afraid of death chose to jump directly onto the flames and walked up the stairs.


Just before it escaped half a meter, the strong burning forced it back again.

With the rat hair burning on his body, it instantly turned into a flame rad.

The scorching heat of the whole body forced it to jump up and down, screaming and ramming on the bottom floor of the Clock Tower.

This is a very flammable wooden building, the blue flame with extremely high temperature at the entrance of the stairs, and these few flame mice jumping up and down.

Boom! !

In less than a while, the surrounding walls and planks of the ground floor were completely covered by the fire.



The flames were raging, causing dozens of Rada groups to be in chaos, screaming and fleeing indiscriminately.

Wild Pokémon are naturally afraid of fire.

Of course, it's not a fire-breathing trick against other Pokémon, but the flames of nature.

Like now.

There are flames all around, and for wild Pokémon, it's like being in hell.


In less than a while, several more Ladas and little Ladas were ignited by the flames, becoming flame Ladas, and fled on the ground floor.

The fire was soaring into the sky, and there were the same pictures all around. They couldn't even tell which direction the previous stairway was.

The flames gradually spread towards the center, where the three fire beasts were.

It's not that they don't want to escape, it's that they really don't have the strength to escape.

What was even more unexpected was that in less than 3 minutes, the flames had already engulfed most of the floors.

Countless flaming wooden boards fell from the ceiling, making bursts of explosions.

Thick black smoke filled the sky.

At this moment, the bottom floor of the Bell Tower is like a fire lotus hell.

Seeing this, even the outgoing fire beasts, who had always jumped out of the way, were also dumbfounded.

Seeing that the whole body was engulfed by flames, little Rada, who was rolling and struggling on the ground, could only finally let out a terrifying scream, and then turned into a mass of black coal, completely devoid of life breath.

He only thought of defeating them, never thought of killing them!

There is also a fire that is gradually approaching their three brothers.

The entire clock tower seemed to be crumbling.

I, seems to have a big accident.?

I seem to have pulled everyone, including the two older brothers, into the sea of ​​​​fire together?
In the mind of the fire beast, it was dark for a while.

Next to it, the water beast reacted first and let out a low roar, interrupting the thinking of the fire beast.

Immediately afterwards, it raised its last physical strength, forcibly condensed a stream of water energy bullets, and shot it out in the direction it remembered.

Boom! !
The powerful water energy blasted out a road without flames.

But the raging flames at the entrance of the stairs still did not go out.

It forcibly pulled up a thunder monster who looked completely stupid, a fire monster who doubted life, and trembled to the entrance of the stairs.


In the end, the water beast was heartbroken.

He dragged his two silly younger brothers and jumped into the flaming staircase
There is still hope!

The tower of the bell, from bottom to top, the fire has burned to the second floor.

And the little novice who was the only gatekeeper was still dozing off, and when he woke up, there was a raging fire.

He had never seen such a scene before, he rushed out the door and ran to the bell tower next door, anxiously calling for help.

"Master, the tower of the bell is on fire!! Let's go put out the fire!!"

And the old monk in charge of the bell tower was already standing outside the bell tower at this moment.

The withered head lifted up and stared at the tower of flames that continued to devour and spread upward.

There was a look of relief in his eyes.

"Burn it, burn it, what's the need for such a god to exist?!"

 Thank you Cha Miyouyou for the 2000 coin reward! !

(End of this chapter)

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