He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 764 VS Electric Shock Beast!

Chapter 764 VS Electric Shock Beast!
The battle continues.

"Please!! My Pokémon!"

Xiaomeng throws her second Pokeball.

A red light flashed, this time it was an upright Pokémon with a yellow body, a bulging belly, and muscular limbs.

The surface of the body and limbs is covered with black lightning patterns, and there are even antennae-like antennae on the top of the head.

The fierce face showed teeth, and the fur was flowing with electric currents, which looked rather irritable.

Electric shock beast! !

"Haha, I didn't expect it, I also prepared an Electric-type Pokémon!!"

Xiaomeng laughed proudly and looked at the blue crocodile and Xiaozhi in front of her.

She's a fire-type trainer, so she'll be targeted by opponent's water-type Pokémon.

So Xiaomeng played a trick and secretly hid an electric shock beast in it as a backhand restraint.


However, Xiaozhi just looked at Xiaomeng with the eyes of an idiot.

Then put in a few more!
It's all fire-type Pokémon, and then there's an electric shock beast, which is unusually abrupt. Isn't this telling the other side that you want to send a shock beast! ?
Really clever little devil.

"Blue Crocodile, can we continue to fight?"


The blue crocodile just roared loudly, indicating that it was going to continue fighting.

In the past ten days in Silver Mountain, the blue crocodile's big predecessor, Giant Claw Crab, almost every time he met it, the first sentence was always the first sentence.

"I think when I didn't retire, the first game was one-on-three, one thing to say, that guy Xiaozhi, he had to kowtow to me."

- Admiral Giant Claw Crab.

This made Blue Crocodile also want Xiao Zhi to kowtow to himself.

Looking at his blue crocodile, with an inexplicable fighting spirit, Xiao Zhi naturally would not fail to respond to its enthusiasm.

"Blue Crocodile, use the water cannon trick!!"

As soon as he came up, Xiaozhi used a water-type big move!

The blue crocodile opened the big mouth of the crocodile and spit out a thick column of water.

"Electric shock beast, use the light wall trick to block it!"

Xiaomeng responded.

The electric shock beast raised its two arms in a defensive posture, and a transparent wall of air suddenly condensed in front of it.

puff puff!

By the time the water cannon penetrated the wall of light and landed on the electroshock beast, its power had already been reduced by half.

Just let the electric shock beast back a few steps, like a simple water gun.

"Then try this trick, blue crocodile, use the wave of water!"

Xiaozhi's voice fell, and the blue crocodile's palm had condensed a blue water bomb, and with a flick of the palm, it was thrown out.

Whoa whoa whoa! !

The fluctuation of the water lowered the figure, almost level with the ground, creating a wave again.

Wave surfing of water, although the power is not as powerful as surfing, but the speed has been improved by a grade, and it can attack quickly.

"Electric Beast, use Chi Bomb!!"

The electric shock beast nodded, and his hands were in the same posture, condensing an orange-yellow energy bullet, which was also thrown out.

When it merged with the wave surf of the water, it suddenly burst open.

The strong energy cyclone completely broke the surf on the spot, but it didn't work.

"Electric Beast, use the Thunder Fist next!!"

"Blue Crocodile, let's use Frozen Teeth!!"

The two chose the same hand-to-hand combat.

The next moment, the two upright Pokémon at both ends of the arena sprinted towards each other with a kick at the same time.

One person raised his palm into a fist, and bursts of violent lightning burst forth.

The other person opened the mouth of the crocodile, and the sharp teeth that grew were filled with icy aura.

Boom! !
Thunder Fist and Frozen Fang collided head-on in the center of the arena.

Although the Thunder Fist restrained the blue crocodile, the forcible characteristics of the blue crocodile increased the power of Frozen Fang by another level.

After a stalemate for a few seconds, the two beasts retreated at the same time, showing an evenly matched posture.

Some people claim to be fire-type trainers, but electric-type Pokémon may be more powerful.

"Electrical beast, use the electric discharge trick!!"

Xiaomeng is still attacking.

"Blue Crocodile, use the water cannon!!"

Xiao Zhi didn't dare to neglect, and defended steadily.

The electric light from the sky is lasing, and the scale is wide.

The blue crocodile lowered his head and aimed the target of the blister at the ground about a meter in front of him.

Boom! !

The water cannon blasted out, acting on the ground, and bursting due to the reaction force, turning into a huge water wall, firmly resisting the surrounding discharge.

The exciting attack and defense of the electric shock beast and the blue crocodile undoubtedly won the enthusiastic response of the audience, with bursts of cheers.

The eyes of the two people in the center of the arena gradually became hot and dignified.

"Electrical beast, use electric discharge!!"

This time, the electric shock beast's discharge trick did not directly aim at the blue crocodile.

But the same downward, the split fell to the ground.

Boom boom boom! !

Immediately, the rocks on the ground of the arena were shattered by the electric discharge, and then they bounced back, turning into massive gravel attacks, whistling towards the blue crocodile.

Small rock collapse.

"Blue Crocodile, use the water jet!"

The words fell, the blue crocodile kicked, and the figure was covered with blue water, turned into a bunch of water arrows, and shot out rapidly.

The ultra-high speed allows it to flexibly shuttle through countless gravels without being hit by the slightest bit.

Xiaomeng's eyes showed a fierce light, and she said in a low voice:
"Come on, Shockbeast, use the Mad Volt!!"

I saw the Electric Shock Beast sprinting in the same footsteps, rushing towards the opponent's attack.

Zizizi! !

The surface of the body was covered with a violent current of golden-yellow crackling, roaring out.

The power of Crazy Volt is much stronger than that of water jets.

If the two collide, only her Shock Beast will win!

"is it?"

Xiao Zhi's expression did not change in the slightest.


I saw that in the arena, the water jet of the blue crocodile was shaped, but the trajectory of action was twisted suddenly.

Dodged a head-on collision with Mad Volt.

In the end, the figure spun, and from the side, it bombarded the electric shock beast with a tricky angle.

It is true that Mad Volt's skills are more powerful than Water Jet.

But the flexibility of the latter is undoubtedly higher than that of the former.

Whoosh! !

The waist was hit hard, and the figure of the electric shock beast was directly knocked out by the blue crocodile.

Before the Shock Beast's figure fell from mid-air, Ash's next round of attack had already arrived.

The power of the water jet is not high, which also gives the blue crocodile almost zero back-swing time, and can seamlessly perform the next skill.

"Use Climbing Waterfall!!"

With one blow, it punches straight up, carrying the falling water pattern.

Boom! !
The blue crocodile's fist, together with the body of the electric beast, bombarded the body of the electric beast into the air like a carp king hitting a waterfall.

Climbing the waterfall under the forcible characteristics seems to have discounted the body of the electric shock beast.

I saw this scene just now.

"It's over, the wave of water!!"

Xiao Zhi raised his finger and shouted.

The blue crocodile, who rose to the top, slammed the palm of his hand and threw a huge blue water stream that bombarded the target.

Boom! !

The water burst, which made the body of the electric shock beast fall like a cannonball.

This is another unique trick that forces the ability to buff, and the wave of water has the additional effect of throwing the target into chaos.

After doing all this, the blue crocodile slowly landed, biting his huge teeth and making a "kakaka" sound.

And the yellow thunder beast several meters away in front of it fell to the ground and lost its ability to fight.

Attribute restraint, in front of it, will not work!

(End of this chapter)

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