He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 765 Vs Fire Rock Rat!

Chapter 765 Vs Fire Rock Rat!
"Electric Beast loses its ability to fight, Blue Crocodile wins!"

The referee instructed, which made the field suddenly noisy.

The Blue Crocodile fought decisively and fiercely, and continued to attack, no doubt very much to their appetite.


Xiaomeng's face was a little blue, and she was defeated by two Pokémon in a row, and even the electric shock beast, which was used to restrain her backhand, was easily defeated.
Obviously, the level of this blue crocodile is not much higher than her electric shock beast!

This can only prove that the trainer wearing a hat in front of her is far more powerful than she imagined
"Come back, Shockbeast!"

Xiaomeng took back her Pokémon and placed her palm on her last Poké Ball.

"Blue Crocodile, do you want to continue?"

Xiao Zhi also asked loudly.

Although the blue crocodile's physical strength is still in a relatively healthy state, the mental and fatigue values ​​are quite exhausted.


The blue crocodile waved his fists and fought with high spirits.

Whatever you say today, it will be worn three times.

Wait for the trainer to be ready to kowtow to it!
After returning, it will be able to go to the backyard of the institute, dive in the bottom of the lake, and discuss with senior giant pincer crabs about retirement.

"If that's the case, then let's go on!!"

So Xiaozhi raised his palm, without the slightest intention of brushing the latter.

The appearance of the former, for some reason, made him vaguely recall the mighty figure of the Admiral Giant Claw Crab.

"Please, my last trump card!!"

Xiaomeng's last Pokémon is Xiaozhi's old acquaintance.

Fire Rock Rat!
Xiao Zhi had seen it in the latter's database before, so he wasn't too surprised at the moment.

However, it seems that this is just Xiaomeng's initial Pokemon, so don't be careless.

"Fire Rock Rat, use big characters to explode flame!!"

As soon as he appeared, the Fire Rock Rat opened his mouth, and spit out an incomparably hot flame, with fierce power.

"Blue Crocodile, use the water cannon!!"

The blue crocodile didn't give in, opened his mouth, and spit out a thick stream of water, which collided fiercely with the big character explosion.

Boom! !

The collision of the flame and the water flow suddenly burst, and the water vapor, white smoke and energy flow immediately covered this half of the field.

Boom! !

At this time, a flame tornado whistled and swirled around the blue crocodile.

Flame vortex!

"Blue Crocodile, use the wave of water!"

Xiao Zhi said calmly.

Hearing that, the blue crocodile's eyes narrowed, his stubby arm was raised, and the condensed water bomb suddenly blinked in front of him, and suddenly burst into the ground.

The diffused water flow easily extinguished the surrounding flame vortex.

Just as the flames dissipated, a fiery red figure rushed forward.

Boom! !
Unprepared, the blue crocodile was knocked out.

It is Fire Rock Rat's flame wheel trick!

After getting up again, the blue crocodile rubbed his chest, secretly hurting.

Although the damage is not high, but it hurts.

Boom! !

Another bunch of huge flame characters came, and the blue crocodile didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly rolled a donkey, barely avoiding it.

The big character explosion is powerful, but the hit rate is not high, and it is difficult to hit the opponent.

"This guy."

But looking at the red-haired girl with an extremely serious face, who attacked one after another, Xiao Zhi also concentrated.

"Fire Rock Rat, use the flame wheel!!"

Before Xiaomeng's offensive was over, the Fire Rock Rat turned into a ball of flames and charged again.

"Blue Crocodile, use Frozen Teeth!"

I saw the blue crocodile's teeth forming an icy mist, biting towards the ground in front of him.

crunch! !
Suddenly, a strong chill caused a huge ice wall to rise out of thin air, protecting the blue crocodile's figure at the back.

Boom! !
However, the Fire Rock Rat was powerful, carrying a fiery flame, and it completely smashed the ice wall into pieces, turning it into ice chips and falling down.

Just behind the ice wall, there is no blue crocodile figure.

At this moment, the figure of the blue crocodile has come to the back of the Fire Rock Rat.

The palm part is condensing an aqua blue energy bomb.
"Right now, Fire Rock Rat, use the overheating trick!!"

At this time, Xiaomeng suddenly roared loudly.

I saw the Fire Rock Rat open its mouth, and a bunch of extremely thick golden flames suddenly spewed out of the mouth, and the temperature was unprecedentedly high.

Overheating is a great fire attribute move, and there is no weakness of low hit rate, it is completely instant!

The golden flame rushed in front of the blue crocodile in the blink of an eye.

And the fluctuation of the water in the latter's hand has just been condensed and formed.

"Damn, this guy!!"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, it seems that Xiaomeng intends to use this move to decide the winner at one time.

Boom boom! !

Overheated in front of the blue crocodile, completely burst! !

The violent flame energy formed a large-scale energy explosion there, which showed the firepower of this Fire Rock Rat.

The entire arena also became extremely quiet, and they were all staring blankly at the explosion caused by this blow.
After 1 minute, the smoke dissipated.


The blue crocodile was half-knelt on the ground, with black marks on his body, panting heavily.

Obviously, this move does a lot of damage to it.

But with the resistance buffer of the fluctuation of water, it did not make it lose its fighting ability.

"Damn, isn't there a one-time winner?"

Xiaomeng clenched her fists, her voice trembling.

The blue light, which symbolizes weakening, also appeared on the Fire Rock Rat, causing its subsequent firepower to drop.

Overheating has no weak point of low hit rate, and it can even be cast instantly.

Only in the next, he will also enter a weak state.

It is somewhat similar to the previous lava snail's broken shell, which belongs to the blow of breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat.

There is no such thing as a perfect trick in this world.

There is no winner or loser in this blow, Xiaomeng already vaguely knows who she is today, and maybe there is no way to defeat Xiaozhi anymore
Whoosh! !
At this time, the blue crocodile suddenly turned into a straight stream of water and roared.

Water jet!

Seeing that the opponent's will was depressed, Xiao Zhi's fighting spirit rose instead.

This is the Alliance Conference. If he can win, Xiaozhi will not hesitate at all!
"Fire Rock Rat, use a flash of electric light!!"

Xiaomeng raised her head and shouted loudly.

The surface of the Fire Rock Rat's body also lit up with a dazzling white light.

The same high-speed preemptive trick, the Fire Rock Rat and the Blue Crocodile, began to collide wildly between the arenas, making bursts of roars, and the situation was hot.

Xiaomeng did not completely lose the will to fight.

"At least today I'm going to take this abominable crocodile too!!"

Xiaomeng clenched her fists, resisted the look of wanting to cry, and roared loudly:

"Fire Rock Rat, use the overheating trick again!!"

Boom! !

The soaring golden flame spewed out again.

Although the power is equally powerful, it is obviously much weaker than the first time.

"Blue Crocodile, use the water cannon!!"

Ash responded with a backhand.

The same thick water column collided with the golden flames in the center of the arena.

In a stalemate, both sides want to break through each other's attacks, pulling back and forth.

Boom! !

In the end, it burst violently, turning into endless steam and white smoke, covering the two beasts and Xiaozhi and Xiaomeng behind them at the same time.
(End of this chapter)

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