He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 812 Semifinals! vs Unshaped Egg Group!

Chapter 812 Semifinals! vs Unshaped Egg Group!
Finally, Gengar jumped out of the shadows.

Blindly hiding is not its style.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi simply stopped hiding, and cooperated with Geng Gui to launch an attack.

It's still fun to fight head on.

"Gengar, use Sludge Wave!!"

Geng Gui understood, raised his hands in place, condensed a dark purple energy bullet, and then slammed into the ground under his feet.

Puff hoo hoo! !
Immediately, the energy bomb burst, and a purple liquid substance burst out from it, turning into a sky-filled wave, feeding the center by itself, and spreading out towards the surrounding of the arena.

In appearance, it is somewhat similar to Blue Crocodile's Water Wave Surf, but on a much larger scale.

You know, Gengar is also poisonous.

Wow wow wow!

The venomous surf covered the sky, and the surface was filled with infiltrating puffing bubbles. This time, the giant tooth shark did not dare to continue shrinking in the sand.

Immediately jumped high and crossed the wave of venom like a hurdle.

Just wait until the mud wave dissipates, and the sand of the entire sand field becomes sticky.

Although it is not like a poisonous ling, the arena where stepping on it is poisonous, but at least it can no longer continue to free dive like this.

The giant tooth shark was suspended on the field.

Geng Gui's move abruptly broke Ye Yue's tactics.

"Is there such a way?"

Ye Yue hasn't reacted yet.

But once he entered the rhythm of Xiaozhi, the latter would not show any mercy.

"Gengar, use Shadow Fist!!"

Geng Gui was already choked with fire, and his fist slammed into the ground in front of him.

And a dark black shadow fist, separated by a few meters, slammed out from the ground in front of the giant tooth shark, and shot out.

Ouch! !
The gigantic shark immediately opened its bloody mouth and shattered it with a single blow, smashing the shadow fist abruptly.

However, next, a dark shadow covered its face.

In the ear, there is the sound of crackling arcs.

I don't know when, Gengar has come to the top of the giant tooth shark.

The bloody mouth opened wide, with a grimacing face.

Once on land, Gengar was one dimension faster than the latter in terms of speed.

"Right now, use Lightning Fist!!"

Following Xiao Zhi's loud roar, Gengar struck a lightning punch and slammed it into the face of Megalodon.

Fuck his shark skin!

Gengar forcibly ignored the pain in his arm.

Boom! !

The strong thunder and thunder, combined with Geng Gui's own impressive strength, was about to blast out the giant tooth shark and threw it on the field several meters away.

After landing, in the sand, the giant tooth shark was charred black, and the body was still filled with arcs.

The ferocious eyes are already swirling, and they can't continue to get up.

"The shark loses its ability to fight, Gengar wins!!"

The referee's voice announced the defeat of Ye Yue's fourth Pokémon.


Looking not far away, Geng Ghost was dancing proudly on the spot, Ye Yue's face was gloomy.

The power of this Gengar seems to be much stronger than when he first appeared.

"A slow-start type Pokémon?"

At this moment, Geng Gui, in terms of performance, has reached a level that Ye Yue has to pay attention to.

As for the remaining Pokémon, except for the ace flame chicken that appeared in the scene, there is only one left.
Be sure to stop this Gengar here! !


Ye Yue sent the last Pokémon in his hand!

The red light dissipated, and what appeared in front of Ye Yue this time was a brown deer-shaped Pokémon with two yellow forked horns extending from the top of its head.

His eyes were raised, and it seemed that he couldn't raise his spirits about anything.

"This is."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but let out a surprised voice.

Being placed in the penultimate position by Ye Yue, it should not be a simple Pokémon.

But this Pokémon, when traveling in the city area, Ash has seen it a few times.
It looks like a wild deer on the roadside, right?

Worse than your own Pikachu.

Xiao Zhi hurriedly took out the picture book, not daring to be careless.

"Didi. Horned Deer, Phantom Pokémon, general attributes, the eyes can see through everything, and the curvature of the double horns can create a strange phantom space, making people sluggish."

"Phantom space?"

This is the first time Xiao Zhi has heard this statement.

The Horned Deer is indeed a Pokémon on the bad streets of the Chengdu area, but with the ability to create phantoms, it is not ordinary.

This horned deer was also the first Pokémon that Ye Yue captured when he traveled to the Chengdu area.

A normal-type horned deer is completely immune to Gengar's ghost-type moves.

"The Horned Deer, use the see-through trick!"

Ye Yue suddenly spoke up.


As the deer's eyes swept over Gengar.

Next, all Gengar's movements became invisible, and his own moves could actually hit the latter.

"Is this an abacus?"

Xiao Zhi took the lead in launching the attack.

"Gengar, use Flaming Fist and let him see the power of your boxer!"

"Geng Geng~!"

Geng Gui immediately kicked his footsteps and rushed towards the horned deer. A fiery flame burst out from his right fist.

"Frightened deer, use the scare trick!"

When Gengar was about to come to the surface of the Scattered Deer, the latter's figure moved and suddenly appeared beside Gengar.

The expressionless indifference on his face immediately frightened Geng Gui to the point of retreating, his movements froze, and the flames of the Flame Fist dissipated.

The effect is outstanding!

The ghost civil war, and the dragon civil war, are all very effective.


Just this move made Geng Gui suddenly furious, and his eyes became fierce.

It was clearly the real ghost, but at this moment it was frightened by an ordinary wild deer.
What a shame!
"Gengar, use hypnotism!!"

Geng Gui immediately widened his eyes, and in the blood-red pupils, light yellow ripples spread out in circles.

Now it is an opponent of ordinary attributes, just able to use the combination of hypnosis + dream eating to replenish blood.

The smashing trick that the giant tooth shark gave Genggui before, the damage is not low.

"The Horned Deer, we also use hypnotism!!"

Ye Yue suddenly instructed.

The latter's eyes also spread faint ripples outward, colliding with Geng Gui's hypnotic energy, and finally slowly offsetting and dissipating.

The deer and birds of the general attributes in the urban capital area actually have some superpowers in them.

"The Horned Deer, use the shadow ball!!"

Not only that, but this time, the Horned Deer even condensed a dark purple energy bomb, which shot towards Gengar.

"Gengar, use the hidden spirit surprise attack!!"

Xiao Zhi quickly instructed.

In the face of the menacing shadow ball, Gengar hurriedly sneaked into the shadow to avoid the blow.

After this attack, Geng Ghost will not die or be disabled.

It's just that the latter is a general attribute, and the second-stage attack of the Hidden Spirit Surprise is meaningless. After diving for a while, Gengar jumped out of the spot again.

Just came out of the shadow space, but the surrounding scene made Geng Gui stunned.

Xiao Zhi, Ye Yue, Jingjiaolu, the arena, and countless spectators all disappeared at this moment.

Instead, there were several female Gengars who were scratching their heads at Gengar.

There are also female dream demons, female curse dolls, female resentment dolls, female Laluras.
In short, as long as it is an indeterminate egg group, the female Pokémon that does not have any reproductive isolation from Gengar will surround its body at this moment.

Of course, the female stinky mud and double-bomb gas next to her somewhat spoiled the atmosphere.

These two guys are also indeterminate egg groups.

(End of this chapter)

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