He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 813 Semifinals!The output horned deer!

Chapter 813 Semifinals!The output horned deer!

Gengar's eyes were full of fiery eyes immediately, and he spread his feet, let out a burst of strange screams, and jumped towards a female Gengar.

It has forgotten itself, and it is still in a serious and serious battle.

In his ears, there seemed to be a faint echo of Xiao Zhi's voice, so he quickly recovered himself and pulled back from the precipice.
"Next time definitely."

Gengar is about to start exporting.

In the phantom, Gengar sings and dances, and leads a harem life like a paradise.

But in the real world, under the sight of countless audiences.

All that everyone can see is a fat Gengar, alone, facing the air, doing an indescribable piling action.

"What happened?"

"Have you been caught by a ghost?"

"Good waist strength."

"Hey! Geng Gui, wake up quickly!!"

Even Ash's loud roar had no effect for a while, and Gengar didn't respond at all.

Even in the phantom, Ash's voice turned into double-bombing gas and stinky mud, an ambiguous seduction sound for it.

This made Gengar almost lose his bullets, so he could not wait to throw a shadow ball in the direction of Xiaozhi, sending the two indeterminate groups to the sky.

Xiaozhi's gaze was on the startled deer in front of him.

That opposite angle, shining with light, is truly strange.

Is this the so-called phantom making?

"Humph, Xiao Zhi, see it, this is the magical power of my horned deer!"

On the opposite side, Ye Yue said quite proudly.

In front of him, Jingjiao Deer's eyes were raised, as if he had just done a trivial thing.

The two big horns on the forehead flashed a strange light that made people fall into it.

Most of the forests in the Chengdu area are filled with fog that cannot be dispelled all year round.

Naturally, in the fog, many appalling ghosts were born.

Gugu can help humans and penetrate these illusions. Many forest entrances have the service of renting Gugu.

The Horned Deer is the opposite that can create these illusions.


But as soon as he finished speaking, Ye Yue's eyebrows twitched.

He also didn't know what kind of hallucination it was, making this Gengar all red, with his waist in tandem, doing indescribable movements.

Although powerful, he doesn't seem to be a serious Gengar.

But all this, it doesn't matter
"The Horned Deer, use the shadow ball next!!"

Ye Yue's eyes froze, and he said suddenly.

A shadow ball with attribute restraint, plus the last evil-type smashing trick
After taking this shadow ball, with Gengar's crispy body, the battle is naturally decided!
call out.!

The horned deer opened its mouth, and the energy of the ghost attribute gathered around the mouth.

This is just the beginning of the gathering. Gengar, who is in heat in the arena, suddenly pounces on it like a hungry wolf.

It seems to have sensed the energy of the ghost attribute, and the whole body hugged the startled deer from the rear.

Gengar's body was huge, and he rode on the horned deer, which made the latter's figure collapse a bit.

Don't look at Gengar's lightness, his body is more like a mass of water, not too light.


Being attacked in this way, the Horned Deer has not yet reacted.

His raised eyes widened for the first time.

What does it do.?

The IQ is extremely high, which makes Jingjiao Lu faintly aware of something bad.

In Gengar's phantom world, there are several harem indeterminate groups, and one of them, a female Gengar, suddenly became plump.

This made it jump on the spot.

There, is the location of the Horned Deer.

And after the action is completed and the latter is pressed under him, Geng Gui is naturally going to output. "Wu!!"

The horned deer was shocked, and the calm face was immediately messy.

It is a four-limbed beast-type Pokémon, without palms, it is impossible to grab Gengar and throw it out.

The only thing that can be done is to struggle and shake in place.

This made Gengar even more excited, and his eyes were red with blood.

Seeing that the latter is carrying a gun into battle
But this is a male scarlet deer!

Whether it is gender or egg group, the key and the iron lock are completely incompatible!
Only the horned deer have always scared others, but today I was shocked.

No way, the Horned Deer just shook its horns and chose to disperse the maintenance of the illusion.

In an instant, the harem paradise in Gengar's eyes disappeared.


Geng Gui was stunned, and only then did he realize that he was holding the horned deer from behind, doing shameful actions.

It instantly entered sage mode, fully awake.

"Right now, Gengar, use Frozen Fist!!"

In the rear, Xiao Zhi's voice brought Geng Gui back to his senses. He didn't hesitate at all. He raised his hand and struck a powerful flame fist, which slammed into the back of the head of the Horned Deer.

At this moment, the two people are in contact at a negative distance, and the Jingjiao Deer can't escape at all.

The back of the head seemed to be the vulnerable part of the latter, and the Scared Horned Deer couldn't help but let out a scream.

But Gengar's attack did not end.

The flame fist with the left hand dissipated, and the fist of the right hand had already been raised.

The surface of the fist is covered with diametrically opposite ice and snow energy, and then a punch hits the same position of the flame fist.


Frozen Fist! !

Hmph, I can't even enjoy the Ice and Fire Double Heaven, so now let me let you enjoy the real Ice and Fire Double Heaven.

Gengar the Sage, in a state of rage.

One fire and one ice, the diametrically opposite energies suddenly exploded on the back of the deer.

Chilling burns, multiplied damage.


The stunned deer finally closed his eyes, and the deer-shaped body, with twisted limbs, slammed to the ground.

But obviously, the mental damage to the deer today is undoubtedly far greater than the physical damage.

Geng Gui's figure was bouncing up gently, flipping several somersaults in the air, and flutteringly retreated in front of Xiao Zhi.


As for the idiot vision of it getting lost in the harem phantom before, Gengar just tilted his head and didn't understand what Ash was talking about.

Gengar uses Instant Amnesia.

Gengar's defense has increased.

From the crispness of the extreme pull crotch to the crispness of the ordinary pull crotch.

"The Horned Deer can't fight, Gengar wins!!"

The voice of the referee next to him drew an end to this absurd battle.

Ye Yue: "."

Looking at this farce-like fighting style, although Ye Yue wanted to laugh, he couldn't smile at all.

Look up at the large electronic screen above the arena.

At this moment, under his avatar, the six Poké Balls have dimmed by five.

Now Ye Yue, only the last ace of the flaming chicken is left.

On the other hand, Xiao Zhi
In addition to the only defeated blue crocodile, there are a total of five Pokémon that can fight normally.

Even Ash's sixth Pokémon, Ye Yue has never seen.
The situation, the disadvantage is extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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