He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 819 Chris is my best brother!

Chapter 819 Chris is my best brother!

Holding the elf egg in his hand, Ash trotted for a while, and arrived in front of a Pokémon center in less than a while.

Outside the house, in front of a casual sun umbrella round table.

A pair of boys and girls, sitting facing each other, eating summer ice cream, talking about something.

"Master Ah Jin~Master Ah Jin~"

A few meters away, Xiao Zhi began to call out loudly as if he were calling the name of a warlock.

Ah Jin, who was eating dessert, turned his head.

At first glance, I noticed the Pokémon egg in the latter's arms.

Running to the front, Xiao Zhi gently placed this Pokemon egg on the table in front of the two of them.

"Pokémon eggs~"

On the opposite side of Akin, Chris blinked and tried to poke with her finger.

While not wearing his own classic costume, but still eclectic, Ah Jin, who was wearing big pants, also looked up and down this Pokémon egg.

"Another egg?"

Akin couldn't help but said.

Before Xiao Zhi let him consecrate two eggs, one has now evolved into a violent Banquilas.

The other is slowly coming back to life from a dead egg, and it will take less than a year to return to normal egg hatching.

This is the third one.

"Hehe. Trouble Master Ah Jin's hand"

Xiaozhi rubbed his hands together, talking hotly and embarrassedly.

Halfway through, Xiao Zhi noticed Chris and didn't know whether to continue talking.

After all, Ah Jin possesses a magical skill such as egg hatching golden finger, which is much more powerful than any other super power.

What's great is not how strong it is
It's about being strategic!
Even Nazi's terrifying superpower is only her own power at best.

But Ah Jin's hatching power has the aptitude to make countless Pokémon, and at the same time raise a level.

Such people, once they expose themselves, are easily targeted by extrajudicial fanatics, arrested, and trapped as egg hatchers
"It's okay, there are no secrets between me and Chris, she knows my special power~"

Ah Jin waved his hand and said bluntly.

At this point, like Xiaozhi and Xiaogang Xiaoxia, his friends of the same age know his deepest secrets.


Ah Jin's remarks immediately made Chris, who was playing with Pokemon eggs beside him, turn her pretty face extremely red.

Is this a confession? !

Chris's brain is a little hard to think.

At this time, Akin placed his palm on Chris' shoulder.

"We will always be the best brothers! You are right, Chris~!"

Akin said cheerfully.


Chrissy's face flushed immediately, and she even became a little more sullen.

She even thought about smashing the ice cream in her hand directly on Jin's face.

Xiaozhi: "."

He is a passer-by, not good at expressing opinions.

But I have to say, Master Ah Jin can always surprise people.
"Since you have made a sincere request, then I will promise you."

After thinking for a while, Ah Jin nodded casually and agreed to perform a sacred consecration ceremony for this Pokémon egg.

Xiao Zhi is also his friend, so it's not a big problem to help him.

Although the latter sniped himself in the quarter-finals, it was because of his own lack of strength that no one could blame others.

Besides, in the first year of the conference, I won the top eight results. It's not a loss.

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi's eyes brightened.

Before he could say anything, Ah Jin suddenly raised two fingers towards Xiao Zhi.

"But for this consecration ceremony, I'll give you two choices."

Xiaozhi: "?"

Ah Jin just raised his head, with the arrogant appearance of a fortune-teller on the street.

"The first one, if you win this silver conference, then I will use [-]% of my power to help you increase the potential of this Pokémon egg."

"As for the second rule, if you lose to that guy named Xiao Mao, I will only help you with 7% of your power."

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but ask, "Master Ah Jin, is there a big difference between [-]% and [-]%?"

Ajin is in a posture of hugging his chest and shaking his head.

"If it's 7%, I can probably pull a 2v egg to 3v. As for 2%, I can pull a [-]v egg to the full."

Akin said with full confidence.

However, once he used all his strength to activate his egg hatching power, he would temporarily enter the stage of kidney deficiency for a few days, and he would stumble when he walked.

Xiaozhi: "."


You are the difference between 7% and 100%, right? !
"Then it's settled, I will win this conference, and then you help me to use all my strength!"

Xiao Zhi immediately clenched his fists. Of course, being able to fill up his qualifications is something that must be fought for.

This time the conference won, and he had another reason why he had to win.

"Since that's the case, let me put this egg here for the past few days, and you can come and pick it up from me after the conference is over."

So Akin took the Pokémon egg.

After all, his family runs a breeding house, and the level of care for Pokemon eggs is far better than that of ordinary Miss Joy.

"I see!"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi finally reluctantly glanced at the Pokémon eggs placed on the table, and then slowly left.

"By the way, what does Master Ajin have to do with me winning or not?"

On the way, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but muttered in confusion.

After Xiao Zhi's figure was far away, Ajin gently pressed his palm to the surface of the Pokemon egg.

Close your eyes and feel carefully.

Immediately, several pieces of information appeared in my mind.

"Fire attribute and fighting attribute? It will be hatched in about a month."

A month here is both a unit of time and a unit of distance.

The number of steps that a human pregnant woman needs to walk to get pregnant is roughly ten months.

The same goes for Pokémon eggs.

Only when Ajin opened his eyes again, he saw Chris next to him, staring at him with big eyes blinking with a smile on his face.

This made Ah Jin feel a rare sense of embarrassment.

"What are you doing, Chris!"

Chris just waved her hand and said with a smile:

"It seems that Ajin also hopes that Xiaozhi will win the championship~"

Hearing this, Ah Jin's face turned red, and he defended:
"Hmph, after all, he was the one who beat me. If I didn't win, it would be an insult to me! And I don't like that guy named Xiao Mao, and I always feel like I want to punch him."

This is the truth.

Ah Jin in the electronic world also had a contest with Qinglu, and this kind of resonance has also brought the current Ah Jin.

"Then if Ash loses, you really only use 7% of your strength~?"

Chris poked the Pokémon egg again.

However, Ajin carefully put away the Pokémon eggs and walked towards his room, saying naturally along the way:
"Idiot, I, Uncle Ah Jin, always try to do things with all my strength!"

"Hee hee~~"

Hearing that, Chris just chuckled and slowly followed Akin's footsteps.

(End of this chapter)

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