He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 820 Chi: I'll give you a small stove

Chapter 820 Chi: I'll give you a small stove

Just when Ash just stepped into the door of his Pokémon Center.

A dull voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"I'll use your body."

This is Chi's voice.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Although he didn't realize it, Xiao Zhi still handed over the right to use his body.

Opening and closing his eyes, Xiao Zhi instantly felt like a different person.

Someone really changed.

There was no change in his face, but there was a sense of isolation and isolation that kept people from thousands of miles away.


Even Pikachu, who was lying on Ash's shoulder, also shuddered.


Chi, who obtained the right to use his body, did not speak, raised his hand and rubbed Pikachu's head, and then stepped into the Pokémon Center.

Going straight back to his room, he pulled out a black bracelet from his backpack, with a gemstone resembling a glass bead inlaid in the middle.

Ash recognized what the latter had taken out.

"mega bracelet?"

But he was watching the play in the soul space, and he didn't understand what the hell Brother Chi was going to do.


Chi didn't answer, then went to the public computer next to the hall and replaced a Pokémon.

In the end, this re-opened the door of the Pokémon Center.

Looking up at the night.

It's only 8 o'clock right now, and the night has just begun.

So Chi gently threw a Poke Ball in front of him.

The red light flashed, and a fire-breathing dragon appeared in front of Chi.

This is Chi's fire-breathing dragon, not Ash's.

The size is bigger than Ash's fire-breathing dragon.A third of the size.


As soon as he appeared on the stage, he was not like Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon.

A mature fire-breathing dragon with a mature demeanor.


Immediately, Chi rolled over and straddled the back of the fire-breathing dragon.


The latter's wings fluttered, and in the blink of an eye, it flew up to a height of tens of meters, and the strong airflow blew around.

After arriving at a high altitude, the fire-breathing dragon aimed in one direction, and its figure turned into a sharp arrow and flew out again. The ultra-high flying speed cut through bursts of sonic booms in the air.

Baiyin Town, also under one person and one dragon, keeps going away.
Ten minutes later, the Charizard barely landed on a rocky clearing with no bushes or jungle around to burn.

It is located in the west of Baiyin Town, on a bare soil slope somewhere in Baiyin Mountain.


Chi jumped off his fire-breathing dragon and hooked Pikachu's chin on his shoulder.


Pikachu understood, and immediately jumped to the ground, a few steps back to the side, as if watching a play.

So Chi then touched his palm to his waist again, and threw a new Poké Ball forward.


Before the red light of the Poké Ball had completely dissipated, a terrifying dragon's roar resounded from the top of the mountain.

The sound made the jungle not far away in the dark night.

It's Ash's fire-breathing dragon.


It immediately noticed the fire-breathing dragon beside him, which was a head taller than himself.

Boom! !

The fire-breathing dragon immediately opened the dragon's mouth and spewed out a hot flame towards the latter, taking the initiative to attack.

A bit familiar, but let's talk about it!

Chi sprayed his head to the side, not understanding why the latter would suddenly attack him.

But it didn't dodge or defend, it simply stood there, letting the flames completely swallow and cover itself.


Then, there was a loud snort from the nostrils, and a wave of air was spewed out.

In an instant, the fierce flame was blown away by this air wave.

Although Chitou is a mature fire-breathing dragon, as a fire-type Pokémon, he still has a temper.

This time, it was its turn to spew flames.

Bang chi chi.!!
The strong flame was dark in color, as if even the air had pierced through it.

Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon didn't dare to be careless, he immediately raised his dragon's claws and made a defensive gesture in front of him.

Kaka Kaka.!

Even so, the whole body was backed up again and again under the flames, and the sharp claws of the hind limbs drew several claw marks on the ground, and the resistance was very embarrassing.

It wasn't until he had withdrawn more than ten meters all the way that the power of the flame gradually dissipated. "Ow~!"

Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon suddenly vibrated its wings and flew back to Chispout and Chi.

This time, it remembered that the latter was the senior fire-breathing dragon that made it dream of giving birth to wings, soaring and fighting.

And today's Xiao Zhi, it seems that he has also changed a person?
It's honest.

If you can't beat it, let's be cowardly first.


It's just the fire-breathing dragon's eyes, staring at the red spray, as if to swallow the latter completely.

As long as you master everything about the latter, you can already become the strongest fire-breathing dragon!
Red Spray: "."

This made the red fire-breathing dragon a rare silence for a while.

Really a strange junior fire-breathing dragon.

"Brother Chi, so what are we going to do?"

In his mind, hearing Xiao Zhi's doubts, this time Chi answered.

"Here's a small stove for you."

Although Ash is the protagonist of this world, as the final date approaches, Chi has a bad premonition.

Wouldn't it really be rushed, would it?

That guy Qinglu is an old slave, and he is also a competitive master. He will definitely use all his strength to make Xiaomao stronger.

Although Chi has not pursued anything in this regard.

But when I think of Xiaozhi, if he might lose at Xiaomao's hands, then
Anyway, let's teach it.

The future Qinglu guy in the province is always jumping in front of him.

"Small stove?!"

Hearing this keyword, Xiao Zhi's eyes suddenly lit up.

Have you finally waited for this day?
As the old grandfather of another world, Brother Chi, is he finally going to stop paddling? !
Xiao Zhi was instantly excited.

It's time for a small stove! !
Xiaozhi stared wide-eyed in the soul space, wondering what profound meaning the latter wanted to teach him.

Chi, on the other hand, put the mega bracelet he brought out before on his hand, and looked at the two fire-breathing dragons in front of him.

"mega evolution"

The current Xiaozhi has already been able to learn to use this combat technique.

Three days, at the current level of Xiaozhi, is enough to grasp the mystery of mega evolution.

"Open your eyes and take a good look, I only demonstrate once."

Chi reminded, and then slowly walked one meter in front of his fire-breathing dragon.

Raise the arm wearing the mega bracelet, as if to do something.

Ash and the other fire-breathing dragon held their breath, wondering what the latter was going to do.

The air seemed a little dignified.


After a stalemate for 2 minutes, Chi suddenly turned his head and looked at Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon.

Well, he forgot to ask.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, is your fire-breathing dragon attacking from a distance or a melee attack?"

Xiaozhi is not aware of it, and the next step should be the mega evolution of the legendary fire-breathing dragon.

He has heard about mega evolution many times, and he has even seen the mega evolution of the water arrow turtle from Brother Chi.
But now what is this for?
Are there any other options for fire-breathing dragons?

"Of course it's a double-edged sword!"

Xiao Zhi replied immediately.

Remote jet flame, purgatory, air cutting.
Melee Dragon Claw, Earth Throw, Flare Charge.
His fire-breathing dragon has always been an all-around player.

"Then let's learn together."

So Chi turned his head and looked at his fire-breathing dragon again.

(End of this chapter)

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