He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 832 The final battle!He found a treasure!

Chapter 832 The final battle!He found a treasure!

"Polygon Z, use triple attack!"

This time, it was Xiao Mao's turn to attack.

In front of the polygonal beast, three diametrically opposite attribute light clusters began to condense, and finally turned into a pure white triangular energy projectile, lasing out.

"Kapimon, don't lose to it, use Frozen Fist!!"


Kirby roared violently, boosting his morale.

The agitated fist was covered with ice and snow, and slammed into the incoming triple attack.

It was because he had enjoyed the limit attack before, and now the boring fists made Kabimon a little boring.

Boom boom.! !
It was just that the fist had just touched the triple attack, and the latter exploded violently.

Immediately, three terrifying forces spread out at the same time, bypassing the frozen fist in the center, and bombarding the Kirby beast from three corners.


The power of this blow was extremely powerful, and even the Kirby beast with high defense could not help but let out a groan.

"What a powerful force."

Xiaozhi blurted out, smacking his tongue a little.

"Because the characteristic of my polygonal beast is adaptability."

Xiaomao gave the information generously.

The strange patch of evolution, although the brain of the polygonal beast burned out, also allowed it to acquire a new feature - adaptability.

The characteristic adaptability can maximize the power of its own attribute moves to the greatest extent.

The normal-type polygon beast Z has fully loaded the power of the triple attack!

Not only that.

It seems that it was because of the previous large-character explosion that caused this triple attack to carry a strong flame energy, and after a few seconds of delay, a spark burst out of thin air on Kirby Beast's body.

Kirbymon entered a state of burns.

This directly reduced the physical strength of Kirby by half.


Xiaozhi's brows furrowed, and he was a little bit overwhelmed by this strange polygonal beast.

"Polygon beast, triple attack!!"

But the next adaptive triple attack followed, and Ash could only hurriedly respond:
"Get out of the way!"


The Kirby's waist sank, and its figure flew away on the ice. It rolled up and avoided the menacing attack.

A nimble fat man, this kind of action made many people's eyes shine.

But it has only just landed.

Zizizi! !

The ups and downs of violent lightning suddenly spread and lashed, covering the entire field of ice!

Polygon Z used the discharge trick!

Kirby can only forcibly open its mouth, spit out a whistling snowstorm, and bounced off all the surrounding lightning.

Boom! !
This round has just ended, and a raging flame erupted from Kirby Beast's body again, making the latter's movements froze.

"Right now, Polygon Z, use the triple attack!!"

Xiao Mao's eyes narrowed and he shouted fiercely.


The next moment, Polygon Z's body and limbs waved, and a pure white energy triangle shot out again.

Boom! !
The timing was excellent. This time, the Kirby beast had no energy to dodge, and was directly hit by the front.

The energy of the triple berserk suddenly burst out of the nest, bursting frantically, and the figure of the Kirby beast retreated again and again on the ice.


By the time the energy dissipated, Kirby was already kneeling on the ice with half of its knees, looking exhausted.

The body fur is also covered with black scars.

"This polygonal beast is so strong"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi can only repeat the same trick:
"In that case, Kirbymon, use sleep!!"

Kabimon understood and closed his eyes quickly, and the healing green light immediately covered his body, gradually removing the scars completely.
"Polygon beast, use the electromagnetic gun!!"

It's just the next moment, the polygonal beast is the strongest move with the one-shot electric property.

Not the slightest hold back.

Whoosh! !
The turquoise energy laser beam, surrounded by violent and chaotic currents, whistled out.

The Kirby beast in the sleeping state has no ability to resist at all, and was directly hit by the electromagnetic gun.

The whole body is covered with arcs, and it seems that the damage is not light.

The full stamina value just recovered, went straight down for a while.

"Polygon, use triple attack next!!"

Xiao Mao was meticulous, without the slightest soft-heartedness, and attacked again.

Seeing the perfectly accumulated triangular energy bomb, Xiao Zhi quickly instructed:
"Kapimon, use sleep talk!!"

The sleeping Kirby understands, and rises up like a spring again, waving two fleshy fists, as if to confront it head-on.

In the end, he just hugged his body and shrunk into a huge ball.

Kirbymon, used the rounding trick.

Xiaozhi: "."

Boom boom! !

The triple attack exploded on Kirbymon's body, and once again took away a considerable amount of stamina! !

Rounding can't hold long-range moves.

After a few rounds, the Kirby beast woke up leisurely and exited the sleep state.


Just after regaining consciousness, the Kirby beast let out a groan, feeling extremely painful all over his body.

The stamina value came to a candle in the wind again.

It is equivalent to this time's sleep trick, which is directly in vain.

The guy in front of him is undoubtedly a super powerful artillery battery, capable of continuously unleashing terrifying long-range moves.

Polygonal Beast Z's expression remained unchanged, with a strange face, and he didn't even breathe a sigh of relief.

"In that case, Kirbymon, use the ultimate shock!!"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi's eyes became fierce, and he planned to use the strongest melee combat of Kirby to attack frontally!


The surface of the Kirby beast's body was immediately covered with a purple-yellow spiral aperture, and then its hind limbs ran on the ice.

A thick and wide ravine was dragged along the way, turned into an unstoppable spiral shock wave, and shot away!

However, Polygon Z was indifferent, his limbs swayed, and his dull eyes looked forward.

When the Kirby beast was close to him, Xiao Mao said suddenly:

"Right now, use high-speed movement!"


The shape of the polygonal beast instantly turned into afterimages, floating and flashing in every corner of the arena.

The linear and smooth body allows it to move at super high speed in mid-air.

This is not only a powerful turret, but a powerful turret that can move freely at any time!

When he fully saw the power of his polygonal beast Z, Xiao Mao also understood one thing.

He found a treasure!
Compared to helping programmers navigate the digital network in the electronic world, polygonal beasts can also exert extremely powerful combat power in real battles!
Kirbymon's ultimate bombardment passed by, directly missing, and did not even touch Polygon beast Z's body at all.


After exiting the ultimate impact state, Kirbymon gasped for breath, looking extremely tired.

Boom! !

At this time, a burst of flames erupted from Kirby's body again.

Burned state!
The previous sleep state did not completely cover the burn state, it could only be said to be a temporary suppression.

In this world, the abnormal state of Pokémon can be superimposed.

And Kirbymon was also in the firelight, and the last part of its stamina was taken away.


After a whimper, the huge figure finally collapsed on the ice.

"Kapimon can't fight, this game is Polygon Z winning!!"

At this moment, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Mao once again came to the same level.

 Thanks Situ Kongming for the 500 coin reward!
  Thanks to the book friend 2021052317* for the 500-coin reward!
  Thank you Jie Yan for the 100 coin reward!
  Thanks for the 100 coins on the dust!
(End of this chapter)

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