He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 833 The Final Battle!Speedy Pikachu!

Chapter 833 The Final Battle!Speedy Pikachu!

"Thank you for your hard work, Kirby."

Soon, Ash put the Kirby back into the Poké Ball.

Looking at the polygonal beast Z in front of him, after a second thought, Ash slowly squatted down and looked at the electric mouse beside him.

"Next, it's up to you."

Hearing this, fortunately, Pikachu, who was watching the play, suddenly lit up his little eyes.


Pushing on all fours, Pikachu immediately landed on the ice.

Looking at the red and blue polygonal beast floating in the air, Pikachu waved his small fists, and his cheeks burst with electricity, full of fighting spirit.

Finally it's my Pikachu turn!
"Oh, Pikachu~ Are you going to send your ace now?"

Xiao Mao's eyes narrowed a little, and he concentrated all his energy.

This is Xiao Zhi's initial Pokémon, not like the vase it looks like on the outside, his strength will only be more powerful, and he can't relax in the slightest.

The last battle of the first half, the official start!
At this moment, both of them have already fallen. After this game is decided, the venue of the Ice Arena will also be changed.

"Pikachu, use [-] volts!!"

On the stage, Pikachu used his signature skills.

A strong golden-white electric current lased out from the body, pointing directly at the target.

"Polygon Z, use Discharge!"

Xiao Mao is also not to be outdone.

Polygonal Beast Z's body swayed for a while, and a burst of golden electric current also burst out, blasting out head-on.

Boom! !

Two equally violent lightning bolts collided in the center of the arena, and they were evenly matched for a while.

Just this scene immediately made Pikachu look angry, his limbs covered with electricity stepped on the ice, and his back arched high, like fried hair.


With a low drink, the lightning that erupted from Pikachu's body more than doubled.

The strong current pressure, this time directly overwhelmed the opponent's electric shock, and pushed it back with unstoppable power!

No matter how powerful the turret is, don't fight against electricity with it Pikachu!
"Polygon Z, use high-speed movement!"

Xiao Mao could only choose to dodge.


The figure of the polygonal beast flashed for a while, and flew out to the side at an extremely fast speed, avoiding the electric shock.

"Better than speed. Pikachu, we also use high-speed movement!"


Pikachu understood, put away the electricity in his body, and took a step with his hind legs on the ice, and his petite figure rushed out immediately.

The yellow figures turned into afterimages, chasing after the high-speed movement of the polygonal beast.

Whoosh whoosh.!

At this moment, in everyone's eyes, only yellow and red and white afterimages can be seen, moving at high speed, constantly shifting positions on the ice.

After a few minutes of speed competition, the figure of the polygonal beast flashed again.


Just with Pikachu's low voice, the former's figure suddenly appeared right above Polygon Z.

Pikachu's speed is faster.

"Right now, use the steel tail!!"

Xiao Zhi shouted loudly.

Pikachu turned his body, and the long tail at the end of his back was covered with a silver-white light color, and then swept out.

Boom! !
The steel tail was slapped on Polygon Z's back.

With a strong force, the latter figure was about to be knocked off the ice from midair!


After landing, Pikachu landed on all fours, and his little head was quite proud.

I didn't compete with the wind speed dog before, which was a bit disappointing.

Then warm up with your odd-looking opponent now!


Polygon Z shook his head and re-suspended.

The blunt and heavy iron tail hit its head a little dizzy.

"Polygon Z, use triple attack!!"

The latter regained consciousness, raised his head and condensed a pure white triangular cannonball, which shot out.

"Get out of the way!"

Pikachu's movements were quick, and he jumped and ran on the ice for a while, easily bypassing the powerful adaptive triple attack of this blow.

It's hard to dodge with a chubby figure like Kirby, but Pikachu is very easy.

"In that case, Polygon Z, use Blizzard!!"

So Xiaomao attacked again.

As the ice and snow flew out of the polygonal beast's mouth, a chilling and powerful snowstorm covered everything on the surface of the entire ice arena.

The temperature plummeted, and the white snow swallowed everything!
This is an aoe move in the audience, and Pikachu can't dodge at all.


Only at this time, there was a sound of electric current in the white snow.

In the blizzard, Pikachu actually covered his body with a layer of electric cobwebs.

The tough power grid, with current flowing from the gaps, blocked the strong blizzard outside.

When the snow cleared, Pikachu was unscathed.

"Is the grid still used in this way?"

Xiao Mao raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, and then raised his hand:
"Polygon Beast Z, use the lock-on trick!"


Polygon's yellow swirling eyes flashed for a while, and the next moment, a green sniper logo lit up on Pikachu's forehead.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Mao's eyes narrowed.

"Right now, use Destruction Death Light!!"

An orange-yellow laser beam immediately shot out from the front of Polygon Beast Z!

The laser energy beam looks extremely sturdy, with a blazing destructive light, exuding staggering energy, and even the air seems to be pierced!
You must know that this is the death light of destruction under the adaptability of polygonal beasts, and its power is extremely tyrannical!

Even with the blessing of the lock, it is completely impossible to avoid it in general.

This kind of destruction is dead, even Pikachu dare not take it hard.

"That being the case, Pikachu, use a super-speed trick to dodge!!"

Ash can only gamble.


Pikachu nodded, facing the incoming destructive light, his face tightened, his limbs fell to the ground, and he began to run quickly on the ground.

Whoosh whoosh!
The pale yellow afterimage, accompanied by the blue light, made Pikachu's speed like a ghost.

However, this is not really fast.

In fact, Pikachu's super-speed trick has not been fully mastered, and it can only be regarded as half-step super-speed now.

"Ha ha."

Xiao Mao, who is opposite, is no stranger to the skill of speed, and naturally he can see the dilemma of Pikachu at this time.

Victory and defeat.

Whoosh! !

The speed of half a step can't get rid of the lock that destroys the dead light.

The orange-yellow light beam in front of him was already approaching, and with the crispness of Pikachu, it was estimated that he would return to the bench to rest after a shot.


Pikachu suddenly shuddered, his ears stood up, and he used his milk-feeding strength to run lifelessly on the ice.

Keep pushing your limits!
"Pikachu, don't lose to it!!"

In his ears, he could vaguely hear Xiao Zhi's cheering voice.

Under the pursuit and pressure of the powerful destructive attack from the rear

Finally, Pikachu let out a low voice, and his anxious eyes returned to their initial brightness and slyness.

The body seemed to have broken through the barrier, making Pikachu's speed several times faster in an instant.

call out.!
This time, Pikachu's figure turned into a faint blue light and completely disappeared from the arena.

It successfully mastered the speed!
(End of this chapter)

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