He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 865 The new town is a real new town!

Chapter 865 Return to True New Town!
Zhenxin Town, a house on the second floor of a certain building.

early morning.

"Xiao Zhi, get up soon, you're going to be late again!!"

The voice of Hanako from downstairs made Ash, who was lying on the bed in an extremely indecent sleeping position, startled, his waist stood up like a corpse, and his face panicked.

Today is the day he gets his initial Pokémon, so he can't be late!

Beside the head of the bed, Pikachu also yawned, raised his head and opened his eyes slightly.

Then, he slowly closed it again and continued to sleep soundly.

Xiao Zhi is already a trainer who has been traveling for more than a year after receiving the initial Pokémon.

"Xiaogang, Xiaoxia, get up quickly"

So Xiaozhi rubbed his eyes sleepily and got up, and when he opened his mouth subconsciously, he was finally fully awake.

Familiar furniture arrangements around.
Here's the real new town, he's home.

Intense battles at the Silver Conference, and even the more lively Kings Challenge, are completely a thing of the past.

And Xiaogang and Xiaoxia also temporarily returned to their hometowns and did not return to Zhenxin Town with him.

"It hasn't been like this in a long time."

It became a solo action again, which made Ash a little unaccustomed to.

In the end, Ash and Pikachu yawned, and after dawdling for a long time, finally walked out of the room.

"Morning, mom, magic wall puppet~~"

Looking at the woman busy in the kitchen, and the doll of the magic wall that was carefully cleaning in front of the dining table, Ash said hello.


It's just that this magic wall puppet swayed left and right in a sweeping posture, but there was nothing in his hand, and there was no shadow of the broom at all.

Early in the morning, the magic wall puppet brought Xiao Zhi a stunt performance without real objects.

"Really, sleep in as soon as I get home"

Seeing that Xiaozhi's face was still in a daze, Hanako put the breakfast milk and sandwiches on the table, muttering with muscle memory in her mouth.

On a table in the living room next to him, Xiao Zhi's trophies and badges were laid out and neatly arranged.

Eight badges for the Kanto region, four for the Orange Islands, and eight for the Joto region.
Similarly, the top eight medals of the Quartz League, and the champion medals of the Orange League and the City League were all placed together.

Even being wiped repeatedly, it can reflect a dazzling white light!


Seeing these spoils from a distance, Xiao Zhi was eating breakfast, but the corners of his mouth smirked inadvertently.

"Xiaozhi, didn't you make an appointment to see Dr. Damu at 8 o'clock yesterday, and now there are only 3 minutes left~!"

Hanako's voice shocked Xiaozhi's body again.

By the way, I have an appointment to go to the Institute today.

"Then I'll go first!!"

Immediately, Xiao Zhi kneaded the breakfast into a ball and put it in his mouth. With the other hand, he picked up Pikachu, who was still chewing slowly, and ran directly out of the door.


Pikachu is obsessed with the food on the table.

It's rare to eat rice at home!

"Xiao Zhi this guy."

Seeing her son's hurried appearance, Hanako could only shake her head while holding her forehead.

Even if he became the winner of the alliance conference, he even became a trainer of the king of the alliance.

This seems like a great honor, and Hanako doesn't know much about this.

But in terms of living habits, he is still a frizzy child.


The magic wall puppet also helplessly shrugged and sighed, old-fashioned.

Big Wood Research Institute, in front of the gate under the stairs.

Xiao Zhi slowly pushed open the gate of the iron fence.

There are no two familiar figures beside him, which makes Xiao Zhi always feel strange.

Speaking of which, Xiaogang Xiaoxia and the others have not returned to Nibi Gym and Hualan Gym for a long time.

The ticket given by Dr. Ogi - the celebration time of the Water City will start in ten days.
Now, it should be nine days.

After returning from Baiyin Town, everyone agreed to go home and rest for a week, and then go to Dry Leaf City to meet up in a week, and finally go to the Capital of Water for a vacation together.

Xiao Zhi shook his head, he needed to overcome this sense of over-dependence on his companions.

"Come on, Pikachu."

At this moment, Xiao Zhi has deposited all his Pokemon back, and now it is estimated that they should all be staying in the backyard.

He only carried a Pikachu on his body.

Soon, one person and one mouse entered the interior of the Oki Research Institute.

That guy Xiaomao went directly to the Fangyuan area after the Tianwang exhibition game ended.

"Xiao Mao"

Although Dr. Damu didn't say it on the surface, he probably wanted to stay with his grandson for a while, right?

At present, the entire Damu Research Institute of Connaught University, including the vast backyard forest and mountains behind it, are only managed by Dr. Damu and Xiaojian.

As soon as they arrived in the hall, the two were already waiting here.

"Congratulations, Xiaozhi, I saw your Tianxiu operation on TV~!"

Xiaojian congratulated.

He originally wanted to go to Baiyin Town with Dr. Damu to watch the battle.

It's just that the research institute has to be guarded by one person, so Xiaojian can only stay here and watch the live broadcast on TV.

Now Xiaojian has become an official disciple of Dr. Damu.

"haha, thank you."

Xiaozhi rubbed the back of his head, just as he was about to say something, Dr. Damu had already rushed in front of him.

Face to face, his eyes were extremely frenetic, and his fiery breath even smeared Xiao Zhi's face.

"Hurry up Xiaozhi, let me see your big baby!!"

Dr. Ogi rolled up his sleeves and rubbed his palms, looking like he was going to have a big fight today.

"Hey, by the way, that kid Xiaomao really can't do it, so he just left."

Xiaozhi still wanted to come in and comfort Dr. Damu first.

"Xiao Mao? Who is Xiao Mao, hurry up and release your dark Lugia!!"

Ever since I saw Lugia's attitude at the Tenno Challenge, this is the only thing left in Dr. Ogi's mind.

As for the grandson?

Because Dark Lugia lives in a silver feather pendant and doesn't communicate with the computer, Ash has to come in person.

Seeing this, Ash could only hold onto his silver feathers.


The next moment, the majestic ocean aura came and enveloped the entire hall of the institute.

A blue-black slender body continued to expand and expand, and finally landed in front of Xiao Zhi.

Dark Lugia!
As soon as they appeared, the feeling of oppression unique to the ancient gods shocked Dr. Damu and Xiaojian in front of them.

His face was even more shocked because of his close contact with such a descendant of the gods.

"Hehe. I'm Damu, not a bad guy."

Dr. Ogi tentatively stepped forward, reaching out and stroking Dark Lugia's feathers.

His eyes were so hot that he couldn't wait to swallow the whole Lugia in front of him.

The one that doesn't vomit.

This researcher has a common problem, and in the face of such an existence, everyone will have this look.

(End of this chapter)

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