He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 866 Strength Bottleneck Period

Chapter 866 Strength Bottleneck Period


Diablo Lugia didn't attack or dodge, just let Dr. Omu touch.

The slender head, staring at the big eyes like two red lanterns, looked around suspiciously.

It's still very docile.

The Lugia race is inherently introverted, and as long as no enemy takes the initiative to touch the porcelain, they will live a comfortable life.

Seeing this, Xiaojian next to him took a deep breath and couldn't help but also stepped forward and touched it.

The feathers are obviously very soft, but they have a touch of metal texture, which is quite peculiar.

"Lugia, then you can temporarily follow the doctor today, remember to cooperate well~!"

So Ash patted Lugia on the back.

"Anlaan, Xiaozhi, then you can go to the backyard and stay here, it's just the two of us here."

Before Lugia could reply, Dr. Ogi had already started to order the eviction.

Not only Xiao Mao, but who Xiao Zhi is now, he has completely lost his memory.


In the end, Xiao Zhi took Pikachu and walked to the entrance of the backyard grassland alone.

Because Xiaojian wants to help with the physical examination, he cannot accompany Xiaozhi.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi could only sigh, and then looked at the broad grassland in front of Qiang.

That's exactly what researchers do.

He would do the same if he had a good fight, completely ignoring everything around him.

Thirty Kentaros were running back and forth on the grassland. The ground shook again and again, and the scene was spectacular.

The powerful horsepower made Xiao Zhi choose to avoid the edge for a while, and hurriedly walked towards the depths of the backyard.

In today's backyard, most of his Pokémon live here.

Of course, there are exceptions.

For example, my own Kamui turtle went out with Miss Junsha from the fire brigade again.

Recently, there have been many fires in the Kanto region, arsonists are rampant, and Kamui is very busy.

The Fire-breathing Dragon returned directly to the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley after the Silver Conference, and continued to practice retreat.

There is also a wild king fire-breathing dragon who has stepped into the extreme realm. Before completely defeating the latter, the fire-breathing dragon does not intend to leave the valley.


In the distance, the Froggrass vine whip swung the whole world, and the two groups of small groups that seemed to be fighting soon didn't dare to continue arguing.

In the backyard of the entire Damu Research Institute, no matter who it is, they have to give the frog grass a very generous face, and respectfully call the second brother.

With the assistance of Froggrass, even if there are only two people, Dr. Damu and Xiaojian, the Pokémon with various attributes, living habits, and personalities in the backyard have not experienced too many chaotic twists and turns.


At this time, a pink butterfly fell on Xiao Zhi's shoulder.

The big pink eyes look so cute.

But today's pink Ba Dadie is not a pink girl, but a married woman.

In front of Xiao Zhi, there was a green, curving figure as resolute as a mountain.

Iron armored chrysalis!And next to the iron armored chrysalis, there is also a Pokémon egg.

Half green, half pink, the color matching is very special.

That is, there is the mutant energy of the fairy with the pink butterfly, and the blood of the god with the iron armored chrysalis.
This is a Pokémon egg that is destined to be non-mainstream before it hatches.

The hatching speed of the green caterpillars should be the fastest in the entire Pokémon world.

But this egg, which has been hatching for three months, has not moved at all.

Dr. Damu guessed blindly, and the incubation time is estimated to exceed the 3-year period of the quasi-god young Kiras.

"I have to find a time to send it to Master Ah Jin for inspection."

Ash touched the case of the Pokémon Egg and thought to himself.

However, for the type of express items, choose "Valuables" or "Fresh Meat".
this is a problem.

Compared to the couple's loving pink butterfly and iron-clad chrysalis, today's Bidiao doesn't patrol the backyard area.

Bidiao went out to fight.

Although his hometown has been pryed into the corner, the world outside is still full of achievements.

Not only does he rule the entire Viking Forest, but now even the forest area near Mount Yuejian is in his hands.
The eagle even suppressed several female eagles in a row.

It is said that in the past few days, a female big-billed sparrow has been born
Bi Diao directly opened the harem!

At this time, a big purple-black ghost quietly appeared beside Xiao Zhi.

"Geng Geng~!"

Big red eyes grimaced and greeted.

Then the body suspended and floated towards the direction of the research institute.

It smelled, and Gengar was going to play with Dark Lugia.

This guy is the cleanest, and he won't open a debauched harem like Bi Diao.

Gengar just ran after the fight, just for fun.

Keep the seeds without mercy, and keep the merit and fame deep.
Seeing that his Pokémon are now living a very exciting life, Xiao Zhi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Once the number of Pokémon increases, it will be very difficult for him to take care of him by himself.

But these Pokémon are obviously much more mature than they thought.

In Xiao Zhi's mind, he inadvertently recalled what Ye Yue had said when he bid farewell to him in Baiyin Town.

"My strength seems to have reached a bottleneck."

"I plan to put down all Pokémon and only take my original flame chicken to a new area and start over. Maybe I can break through this bottleneck."

Ash was walking alone in the forest, looking at Pikachu on his shoulders, caught in a tangle.

"Start over?"

Now he has also come to a bottleneck period.

With all his strength, Xiao Zhi has undoubtedly officially crossed the threshold of the king's combat power.

But what's next?

If he wants to continue to improve, Xiao Zhi doesn't know how to move forward.

Did you train other Pokémon to be as powerful as Fire-breathing Dragon and Pikachu?
Xiao Zhi didn't think that such an operation would be beneficial to breaking through this bottleneck.

"Brother Chi, what do you think?"

So Ash asked slowly in his mind, and threw the question to the omniscient Chi.


In the soul space, he was silent for a while, but he couldn't give Xiao Zhi any instructions.

Ask him anything and he can answer, but only the current bottleneck
Because Chi doesn't even know what bottleneck means!
He went straight to the level of combat power above the champion, which was extremely smooth and smooth.

In the period when you first entered the king, was the card level?

"This can also be card-level, isn't it straight up?"

This is not Chi's answer to Xiao Zhi, it's just something subconsciously thinking in his mind.

Such words cannot be said directly.

Xiaozhi: "."

But he still heard it.

Thinking to no avail, Xiao Zhi put his pockets in his pockets and wandered aimlessly in Nuoda's backyard.

Not only his Pokémon, but also Xiao Mao, including the Pokémon deposited by other residents of Zhenxin Town.

There are even quite a few wild Pokémon.

Until Ash came to the depths of the backyard, near a wet rocky area with water from a small stream, and suddenly found something.

 Thank you for the 500 coin reward from Xiwuxiayu!
  Thanks to the book friend 2020030507* for the 200-coin reward!
  Thanks for the 100-coin reward from the young man named Xianyu!
  Thanks for the 100 coins on the dust!
(End of this chapter)

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