He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 877 Xiaogang's Secret Weapon!

Chapter 877 Xiaogang's Secret Weapon!

In the end, Kojiro left the stage sadly.

This time, he planned to use hard power to win the championship, and he did not prepare for the second hand.

Musashi and Miaomiao were not around either.

Otherwise, Kojiro is now ready to take all of this Shiny Pokémon.

As for now
"Damn, that liar uncle!!"

Kojiro was so angry that he dared to deceive him at the base camp of their Rockets? !

The competition is still going on, and the process has come to an end.

At this moment, the total score ranking has changed again.

The champion score of a single Pokémon is still Mr. Dache's Shiny Metal Monster.

But the current trainer who ranks first in total score is a tech nerd named Calabari wearing oversized glasses.

With a short yellow head, his blood boils, he looks like some kind of fanatical fan.

"Come out, my darlings~!"

Calabari throws four Poké Balls at the same time.

The next moment, an indigo-colored Duck Duck was holding his big head.

A lilac, sleepy lazy man lying on the ground.

A pink-purple colorful spider with yellow and blue patterns on its slender legs. Alidos!

And a really golden fluttering ball!
Calabari directly threw out four flashing Pokémon, and the awe-inspiring European aura shocked the entire arena on the spot.

Collecting complete Shiny Pokémon has always been Calabari's dream, which made him never even capture other normal Pokémon.

When he first became a trainer, he followed in his father's footsteps and planned to go to the outskirts of the gate to capture a wild Pokémon as his initial Pokémon.

After all, not everyone can use the easy-to-use and powerful Yusanjia as their starting Pokémon.

As a result, an indigo duck jumped out.

Since then, Calabari has been as deep as a shimmering crater, and has never been able to climb out again.

This time, he didn't even have enough Pokémon to make up the number, and only released four Shiny Pokémon.

His penchant for Shiny Pokémon is extremely serious.

"The Heterochromatic Duck, 67 points, Heterochromatic Lazy Man, 63 points, Heterochromatic Alidos, 64 points, Heterochromatic Fluttering Ball, 66 points!"

Soon, after a long discussion among the judges, the final score was reached.

"Calabari player No. 67, got 260!! Temporarily became the highest score in the game!!"

The four Glitter Pokémon boosted his score to a very high level.

And at No.2, the player with three flashes only scored 216 points.

"Next, please come on the 70th player"

Soon, the order of the game has come to the end.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi, Xiao Gang, and even Xiao Hao, who were still sitting under the stage, walked towards the stage.

It's their turn.

"Next, there is player No. 75, Xiaogang player from Nibi City!"

As the host, Wu Neng called out his son's name with a look of anticipation.

He hoped that Xiaogang would win the championship and start their Nibi gymnasium.

Even with the existence of Calabari players, the title of champion is still two words!

Xiaogang has a secret weapon!

Behind the scenes, Xiaogang looked at Xiaozhi with Xiaohao in the middle, and then slowly walked onto the stage.

Xiaohao is No. 76, just in the middle of the two.

"But this guy looks ordinary."

The simple-looking Xiaogang makes Xiaohao not think that this guy can come up with any special Pokémon.

Standing on the stage, Xiaogang finally threw his first Poke Ball after looking at the old father next to him.

The red light flashed, and a Pokémon with an incomparably huge body appeared on the stage, with a terrifying body like a hill.

The flat and hideous steel head, the layers of the body are all kinds of steel spikes, and the whole body is flashing with a rich metal streamer.

Even on this extremely sturdy stage, a concave arc was still abruptly pressed.

It is Xiaogang's giant steel snake, and even the metal jacket used for evolution is a giant version.


The huge steel snake let out a low roar, and with its body shape that seemed to cover the sky, the whole scene suddenly became silent, and the intimidating momentum was full. .

"It's incredible."

Off the field, even Da Che, who has always been well-informed, couldn't help shrinking his pupils and exclaimed in admiration.

Although he is not a trainer specializing in combat, the steel attribute is his natural attribute.

Da Che knew the particularity of this huge giant steel snake.
Cold knowledge, this special competition, although the simple difference in body size, will only give an extra +10 points, which is the same as the rarity of the quasi-god level.

However, this characteristic difference refers to the difference officially recorded by the alliance, and it should be said that it is an individual difference, which is relatively common.

For example, the pumpkin monsters in the Carlos area have normal size, large size, and super size.

The number of the latter is relatively rare, but not to the point of being unattainable.

But the huge steel snake at the moment, just because it is far larger than the general size of the steel snake, Fudge has already broken through the category of "individual differences", it is completely a special form of mutation!
"The score is expected to be very high."

Da Che sighed.

In this conference, the status of unrecorded special-shaped Pokémon is actually greater than that of Flash Pokémon.

After the big steel snake was released, on the stage, Xiaogang didn't stop moving, and this time he took out two Poké Balls at the same time.


This scene made Xiao Zhi, who was behind the scenes, slightly stunned.

He knew about the giant steel snake, but what are the two left of Xiaogang?

And Xiaohao, who was standing in front of Xiaozhi, his face was already extremely pale, and his body couldn't help but take a few steps backwards, gasping for breath.

This big steel snake like a steel hill is undoubtedly the most terrifying Pokémon he has ever seen.
Soon, two red lights flashed, and Xiaogang's other two Pokémon were officially revealed.

On one side, there was a large rock snake with a dark green body.

It's just that the big rock snake that used to be tall in the past, now appears beside the huge big steel snake, which is particularly small.

Glitter Big Rock Snake!
This flashing big rock snake is actually Xiaogang's father, Wu Neng's Pokémon.

It seems that Wu Neng has not won the championship for 20 years because he met a big flashing rock snake on the side of the road and used up all his luck in this life.
In order to help Xiaogang win the championship, Wu Neng specially lent it to his son.

As for the other one.
This is a small beast the size of a palm, its black body is covered with a silver metal shell, and there are several hollow holes on the surface.


It raised its small head and made a childish sound.

A pair of blood-colored pupils is particularly strange!
(End of this chapter)

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