He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 878 Contestant Xiaohao, please go out!

Chapter 878 Contestant Xiaohao, please go out!
"this is?!"

It was the first time that Xiao Zhi, who was behind the scenes, saw this kind of Pokémon, and he quickly took out his picture book.

"Di Di. Coco Dora, a steel-type and rock-type Pokémon, is a Pokémon that lives in the Fangyuan area. It likes to dig holes in the mountains and swallow iron ore to strengthen its metal hardness."

What surprised Xiaozhi was that at this moment Xiaogang's red eyes of Coco Dora were completely different from the blue in the picture book!

The body that was supposed to be black was also stained with a rather strange dark green.

"This is. Glittering Coco Dora?!"

Da Che off the field blurted out directly.

Iron Dumbbell, Coco Dora, these are the two signature Pokémon of their family, and he has naturally seen this kind of Pokémon in different colors.

Xiaogang has a lot of opportunities.

Three special Pokémon were released in a row, and Xiaogang smiled honestly and honestly on the stage.

Glittering Big Rock Snake was temporarily borrowed from his father.

But this Shining Coco Dora is his Pokémon.

At the previous silver conference, it was rare for Master Ajin to be free. He and Xiaoxia sent a water-type and rock-type Pokémon egg from their own gym, and asked the former to consecrate them.

The result is under the golden finger of Master Ah Jin
Flashed straight away! !

Xiaogang didn't know what was going on on Xiaoxia's side. His Coco Dora was directly touched by Master Ah Jin into a real red-eyed steel dragon!
The three Pokémon in a row made Xiaogang gain a lot of attention, and many people were looking forward to waiting for Xiaogang's next three, and who was sacred.
However, this time, Xiaogang sighed and threw the remaining Poké Ball at the same time.

boom! boom! boom!
The red light flashed one after another, and a Pokémon with three gray-green spherical rocks and two sturdy arms appeared.

Three small fist stones.

This is what Xiaogang uses to make up points.

Of course, even so, he deliberately chose the three largest in the gym for these three small fist stones.

It looks 1.5 times larger than the ordinary small fist stone, and it is in the category of abnormal body shape.

All six appeared.

Xiaogang and even the host Wu Neng looked nervously at the heated discussion among the ten judges.

No.270 with 1 points, although it has four flashes, but they are all ordinary flashes of Pokémon, and there is no random Pokémon to draw points.

Xiaogang does not necessarily lose!

Soon, ten referees also gave the final score.

"Special giant steel snake, scored 78 points!!"

This score was 2 points higher than the previous special flame color, the flame horse.

But still no more flash metal monster than Da Che.

"Sparkling Rock Snake, scored 66 points! Sparkling Coco Dora, scored 69 points!"

The quality of these two flashes is not low, and they belong to the high-level scores in the flash class.

"And the three small fist stones that are one size bigger, each scored 13 points, a total of 39 points!"

The difference in body shape has made Xiaoquan Stone's score almost catching up with Dache's iron dumbbell.

"Xiaogang player No. 75, the final score is 252 points!!"

Immediately, there was a burst of cheers and applause from the entire stand, which is definitely a good result.

At present, it is only ranked below that 270 points, ranking second!

"Ha ha."

Seeing that he was still 20 points short, Xiaogang could only helplessly smile.

Well, he is not the second, he is estimated to be the third.

"Come back everyone"

So Xiaogang took back the six Pokémon, returned to the field, calmed down, and planned to take a good look at Xiaozhi's operations.

Of course, his eyes were also looking at Da Che who was beside him.

Later, we will be able to see this well-informed tall, rich and handsome, shocked appearance.
No loss today.

Of course, Xiaogang is not behind Xiaozhi.

"Next, please No. 76, the Xiaohao player from Dry Leaf City will appear!!"

With Wu Neng's voice, Xiao Hao's face changed, and his body was quite stiff and walked onto the stage.

He is quite introverted, but he is not particularly suitable for such a big scene.

But the most important thing is
There's no special Pokémon on him! !


Yan Tu'er didn't understand this, and appeared on the stage with a jump.

Many viewers don't know the Yusan family in the Galar region, and they think it is an extremely rare Pokémon.

But the ten judges are all big jaws, and they traveled north and south, and the three families in the Galar region still know about it.

Converted, it is actually a small fire dragon, unremarkable.

In the ten judges, and the eager eyes of countless audiences off the field
"Damn, don't care, everyone come out!!"

Xiaohao finally felt his heart out and threw five Pokeballs at the same time.

boom! boom! boom!
The next moment, several red lights flashed in succession, and in front of Xiaohao, several Pokémon appeared.

Three gophers.
Horned deer.
Hypnotic Tapir.
Mosquito Coil Tadpole Pylast
The picture of the collective debut, at first, scare a lot of people.

Just next, the audience, and even the ten well-informed judges all narrowed their eyes, and their eyes wandered over the six Pokémon.

Watch carefully, trying to find out what's special.

in conclusion.

Just six ordinary Pokémon.

This scene also made the faces of many judges and audiences suddenly change.

This is a special Pokemon contest, and a Pokemon with a special or different color flash is the minimum.
Don't look at the fact that Kojiro was also an ordinary carp king before. But this poor guy was obviously deceived because he was a rookie.

There are several unlucky newbies like "Kojiro" in the special competition every year.

Therefore, the judges and the audience are quite tolerant of such players, after all, everyone has come from novices.

But what do you mean by these six, all of them are ordinary Pokémon? !

Even many judges and audiences showed undisguised anger on their faces.

As a person with a special hobby of collecting Pokemon, ideologically, it will be easier to get into the horns than ordinary people.

In other words, they are more likely to become stunned.

Xiao Hao's behavior is already directly hitting them in the face.

"Contestant No. 76! Please respect this conference, and if you can't do this, please go out!!"

One of the violent collectors judges even grabbed the microphone and shouted in a stern tone.

He is an avid fan of special contests.

And it was fine just now, but the scene suddenly turned into this.
Even this loud voice directly caused Xiaohao's brain to shut down on the stage.

It is not to stay where it is, and it is not to go.

And it seems that if he doesn't come off again, the collecting fetish off the field is stunned and is about to throw eggs on the stage.

This is a carnival celebration that belongs to the collection fetish, but Xiaohao's behavior directly poured cold water on their enthusiasm.

At least one special or flash Pokémon, this is the most basic respect for them.

Otherwise what are you doing here? !
"Hehe, player No. 76 seems to have brought the wrong Pokémon. Then look forward to working hard next year."

The host Wu Neng hurriedly made a round and took Xiao Hao down.

Xiaohao even became the only player who left the field early without even a score.


And Xiao Zhi, who saw this scene at the closest distance behind the scenes, was shocked.

These judges and audiences are really fickle.
But Xiaozhi didn't comfort and encourage Xiaohao or anything.
In addition to the fetters of a picture book of [Father and Son], today was the second time he saw Xiaohao.

Hmm, I'm not familiar with it.
But then, it's his turn to appear!

 Thanks for the 100 coin reward for sleeping without reluctance!
(End of this chapter)

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