He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 879 Like a miracle!

Chapter 879 Like a miracle!

"Hmph, what special Pokémon does this guy have!"

Off the field, Xiao Hao was still swearing.

After a big embarrassment, he originally wanted to leave directly.

But the last remaining Xiao Zhi did not appear. If this guy is also embarrassed, it means that no one is embarrassed.

It seems that because of Xiaohao's interruption before, the whole scene has become less interesting now.

The last player, it is estimated that there is nothing to watch, so let's end it quickly.

Especially seeing Pikachu on Ash's shoulder on the stage.

"The electric rat on the bad street, 5 points."

Xiaozhi: "."

Pikachu is just used to make up the numbers, it's not a big problem.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's face was full of confidence, and his palm was already on a Poké Ball.

"It's up to you, Nighthawk!!"

The first one, Ash sent the night owl that he captured at the Silver Conference.


The red light flashed, and a golden-yellow owl with a pair of red-brown wings and black triangular spots on its chest fluttered and hovered over the stage.

The golden dazzling body, in flight, even naturally sheds a sparkling brilliance.

"Glittering Nighthawk!!?"

In an instant, the entire arena and the judges woke up one after another and resumed their previous frenzy again.

If they can see this, they will not be sleepy.


After circling for a week, Nighthawk slowly landed on Ash's raised arm.

Glitter body.
One size smaller than normal night owl
Obviously far higher than ordinary Pokémon, with extremely smart and intelligent eyes.
As well as covering the surface of the night owl's body, the rich blue light power.
"This night owl, not only flashes, but also has a difference in size, and even mutates in attributes?!"

The judges are comments, it's an old professional.

Just by looking at it with the naked eye, the bottom of Xiaozhi's owl and Nighthawk was carefully picked out.

As soon as it debuts, it is already a super special Pokémon, and it will definitely get a super high score!


It's just that Xiao Zhi's actions are not over yet, he touches his nose and looks quite proud.

Then the second Poke Ball was thrown forward.

The next moment, a butterfly with a pink body and a pair of eyes as big as rubies appeared above the stage.

Pink Butterfly!
The unusually cute appearance immediately caused many stunned people off the field to scream loudly.

Don't look at the pink butterfly, it seems that the vase in Xiaozhi's hand has always existed.
But definitely the best looking vase!
This time, it was a Pokémon in a completely special form.

Not only that, but around Xiaozhi's body, the pink Ba Dadie also exudes a strong fairy breath, which is very charming!

"Not only the special pink form. Has the attributes of this Ba Butterfly even changed?!"

From insect + flying, it has been transformed into an attribute combination of insect + demon.

The judges and the audience were so shocked that they were almost speechless.

The quality of the Pokémon released by this boy is even more special than the flashing Pokémon sent by countless players before!


Seeing the discussion off the court, there was an uproar, and Xiao Zhi had already grabbed his third Poké Ball.

He didn't choose to release all the Pokémon at once.

Although the picture will be very shocking
But with the following fanatical special Pokémon collecting addiction, it may really be drawn on the spot!

As the red light flashed, an extremely reckless and vigorous aura instantly turned into an invisible big net that enveloped the entire venue.

A gray-brown rock pterosaur, even more like a sharp sword, dashed into the sky.


Then he stretched out his wide rock wings and let out a roar towards the audience.

It seems that it is a loud noise from ancient times that has spanned countless years.

This scene also made the entire venue suddenly become extremely quiet.


It wasn't until after it hovered in the sky for a while, it fell back to Xiaozhi's side, and after closing its wings, the cry of the explosion rose again!
3/4mega fossil pterosaur!

"Fossil pterosaur?! Isn't this Pokémon already extinct?!"

"What a terrible look!!"

"It's so handsome!"

One of the judges, in particular, is even the curator of the Fossil Museum in Nibi.

The moment he saw this fossilized pterosaur, he almost fainted due to cerebral congestion.

He understands fossils better than anyone.

At this moment, the black technology of the Nibi Fossil Museum has been able to successfully restore the two types of Pokémon, the Ammonite Family and the Fossil Helmet Family.

But the fossil pterosaurs resurrected using mysterious amber. At present, they have just begun to try.

The most important thing is that the fossil pterosaur that this guy called out is not a product of resurrection at all.
It is a living fossil that has survived from ancient times to the present!
The rich blood of ancient beasts flowing through the body is a height that is difficult to reach for the resurrected fossil Pokémon.

"And, what it looks like.!"

The museum curator also noticed the sharp-edged rocks around the body of the fossilized pterosaur, as if it was integrated with the whole body.

He didn't think it was a simple rock attached to the fossilized pterosaur.

Because the beast-shaped claws on the latter's wings have already transformed into three sharp rocks at this moment, which is absolutely impossible to disguise.

"This is a miracle of God!!"

The other judges were not in this profession, but seeing that the experts in the field of fossilized Pokémon still showed such expressions, they hurriedly asked for the details.

The microphone, temporarily handed over to the owner of the museum, began to introduce the special features of this fossilized pterosaur.

This is definitely not just good-looking. It also has an important meaning for the entire biological evolution theory!
For this special competition, this fossil pterosaur is a living fossil Pokémon with a special form!

Undoubtedly, this will be a super high score again.

After the museum owner finished his introduction, at this moment, both the judges and the audience were all in high spirits and stared at Xiao Zhi's actions.

There are still two left, so why bother with evildoers?

"Damn it, if it wasn't for this electric mouse, I would have seen three more!"

And Xiaozhi naturally didn't dare to make a fool of himself, and hurriedly threw his fourth Pokeball.

He saw the demonic frenzy of this group of people just now.

The red light flashed, and Ash sent a fourth Pokémon, which was much bigger.

The figure is as tall as a small building, and the entire body is completely composed of crystal clear crystal minerals.

Under the sunlight, it shone with a thrilling luster.

It is like a crystal sculpture of the divine axe, like a miracle coming again, it is truly magnificent!
Crystal Big Rock Snake! !

The figure of the crystal big rock snake appeared on the stage, and the uproar exploded again!

(End of this chapter)

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