He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 928 Xiaozhi vs Yushu!

Chapter 928 Xiaozhi vs Yushu!
The light of evolution dissipated, and the snake bear also revealed a new appearance.

Unlike the previous spiky fur, this time the brown fur covered on the surface became softer, which made the entire body a lot slender.

The slender limbs with sharp claws can burst into stronger limb movement ability.

"See you for the first time."

Xiao Zhi quickly took out the picture book.

And your evolution on the spot is outrageous, this is the power that has been held back for so long!

"Didi. Straight to the bear, the panacea Pokémon, is one of the two tool Pokémon in the Fangyuan area, and is also a famous trash guy."

The broadcast sound of the picture book also passed into Yuuki's mind.

Yuuki: "?"

The first time he saw the evolution phenomenon, he had a cheerful expression, but he frowned instantly.

Why does this guy's picture book seem to be different from his own? !

This snake-printed bear, the highest-ranked among his six snake-printed bears, should now be called a straight bear.

Use all your strength, just to see how powerful the heavenly kings of this world are!
In Yushu's heart, a rare blood surged.

"Go straight to the bear, use the lightning flash!!"

After all, it was called a bear, but it was actually a kind of rat that flew straight towards the bear. Its long brown fur was covered with a layer of white light, which made its speed increase instantly, as fast as lightning.

"Comparing speed, Pikachu, we also use Lightning Flash!!"

Xiao Zhi gave a big command, and was also not to be outdone.

He had already seen that this Yuuki was definitely not a normal person.

Whizzing! !
Whizzing! !
The next moment, two white lights like sharp arrows began to flow through the grassland, chasing and attacking each other.

Straight to the bear with a headbutt, Pikachu easily dodged.

And Pikachu collided sideways, and was also turned into a white light by the latter, and the phantom penetrated.

For a time, the two people's electric lights flashed, but neither of them could stabilize the other.

"how is this possible?!"

Compared to Yuuki who hit the head, Ash's expression changed drastically.

The current and voltage just now are still difficult to distinguish. But Pikachu's speed has dropped a lot.

"In that case, use Divine Speed!!"

Xiao Zhi can only choose to open the ultimate move.


In the flash of the electric light, Pikachu let out a coquettish cry, his body exerting strength, and he was about to enter the state of the second burst speed.

Or the strange blue light around the body has just appeared, and it is covered by the white light of the flash of electric light.

Very fast, failed to use.

This move Pikachu had only just reached the threshold, but now that the speed has been reduced, he can no longer enter.

Divine speed is not so much a move, but rather a state that can be entered after the speed reaches a certain level.


This scene made Chi, who was watching secretly in the hat space, frown.

So weird.

Not only the white-hatted boy in front of him, but Pikachu felt even more strange to him at this moment.

From the outside, Pikachu's strength is obviously weaker, and it has weakened in all aspects.

But Chi also noticed something else from it.
"Hey, fast?"

Seeing that Pikachu's rapid use failed, Yuuki breathed a sigh of relief.

This is already the limit speed that he can go straight to the bear. Once he faces the speed, he will lose without a doubt.

The move of Divine Speed ​​is generally only possible for a very few special beings to learn, and they are all dragon-phoenix-type Pokémon among people.

But among them, there are two special cases of bad street type.

One is Pikachu.

The second is to go straight to the bear.

This is a move that needs to go straight to the bear's inheritance. But this world can be completely mastered through acquired practice.

Seeing that Pikachu was still looking at his body suspiciously, Yuuki attacked again.

"Go straight to the bear, use the missile needle!!"

It seems that for some inexplicable reason, the strength of this electric mouse seems to have dropped a lot, but this is his chance.

Whoosh whoosh! !

With the straight body shaking, the soft fur stood up, and countless white light energy spikes were like fireworks explosions, dragging their long tails, and attacking Pikachu in unison.

"Use the grid to block it!"

Xiao Zhi did not dare to be careless, and could only temporarily suppress the doubts in his heart.


Pikachu flipped forward, followed by a large electric net from its tail, blocking all the energy stabs.

Zizizi! !

When the two moves collided, a bunch of golden electric current suddenly broke open and slammed straight towards the straight bear.

One hundred thousand volts! !
"Use the tearing claw!!"

The straight bear took the initiative to face the attack, and the raised claws of the forelimbs lit up with an astonishingly sharp red light, slashing forward in a crisscross pattern.

Crack! !
The violent current was torn and shattered on the spot!
Xiaozhi: "."

The level of this straight bear is really quite high.

Not only that, Yuuki's next round of attack has come.

"Go straight to the bear and use the surf trick!!"

As a panacea Pokémon, it is natural to master the secret transmission skills.

Whoa whoa whoa! !

In an instant, centered on the straight bear, a surging stream of water stray flowers was provoked in place, two or three meters high, covering Pikachu.

The power looks extremely dangerous, but Xiao Zhi is also an experienced trainer, and it is not the first time he has faced surfing tricks.

"Pikachu, jump up and use the steel tail!"

Pikachu nodded, his body jumped up, and he flew several meters into the air, even far higher than this wave.

The surfing trick seems dangerous, but as long as you attack the only target - the straight bear standing at the top, you are done!

Pikachu let out a low voice, his body rotated in mid-air to accumulate strength, his stepped tail was pressed down, and an amazing metal edge appeared on the surface!

"Go straight to the bear, use the magic power to block it!!"

Yuuki quickly instructed.

The next moment, I saw that the muscles of the forelimbs of the straight bear were slightly bulging, and the body actually stood upright, with two sharp claws, clinging tightly to hold the metal slash that fell from the sky!
Bang Bang Bang! !

The powerful force, when the surf under his feet is about to be completely broken, spreads out towards the surroundings.

The figures of Pikachu and the straight bear also landed on the ground all the way from three meters in the air, dancing wildly with fierce energy.


It's just that there is a buffer of surfing, which removes most of the strength of Pikachu's iron tail. In the end, it is still worthy of the next attack to go straight to the bear.

However, Xiao Zhi showed a confident smile.

"It's over, use the electric ball!!"

Pikachu understood, hovering in mid-air with the same tacit sly smile.

I saw that at the end of its tail, a current energy bomb quickly took shape
And the straight bear, who was still in the posture of two claws and iron tails, had no time to dodge. This was a zero-distance attack.

Boom boom! !

In the next instant, the terrifying electric current was directly at the position of the bear's face and completely exploded! !
(End of this chapter)

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