He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 929 is the Fangyuan area, cut Pikachu 1 knife

Chapter 929 is the Fangyuan area, cut Pikachu with a knife
After a violent explosion, a figure quickly retreated from the smoke.

Taking a closer look, it was Yuuki's straight bear.

It's just that he has fallen to the ground at this moment, his eyes are dizzy.

"Straight Bear loses his ability to fight, Pikachu wins so in this 2v2 match, Ash wins!"

Xiaogang raised his palm to Xiaozhi.

It was finally a win.

If he just lost to a novice trainer like this, Xiaogang would be the first one who couldn't accept it.

Well, although this one is called Yushu, he doesn't look like a novice at all.

"It's hard work, go straight to the bear!"

Seeing that the outcome was already decided, Yushu smiled helplessly, and could only take back the defeated Zhichongxiong.

It seems that there are no shortcuts in this world.

However, this battle also gave Yuuki a feeling of the level of battle at the level of a king.

"It's a little stronger than I thought."

he exclaimed.

Even if he has become the strongest in the region in the electronic world, after switching to this world, there are more factors to consider, and the difference is still a bit big.

"It's not a big problem. If the level of the king is this, I should be able to reach it soon."

Of course, Yushu didn't dare to say these words directly, it was too arrogant.

Seeing that things came to an end, Yushu planned to leave one step ahead.

"Then the next time we meet, let's fight again!"

Xiao Zhi shook hands with the latter, which was the first rival in this area.

"Xiao Zhi of Zhenxin Town, I won't lose next time!"

Yushu said the lines of the ten thousand year rival.

However, Xiaoyao, who had been watching the play next to him, was holding the fire chick in his arms, blocking the former's way.

"Youshu-san, we are both rookie trainers, why don't we travel together?"

Xiaoyao's tone was soft, her big eyes blinked at Yushu, and she asked slowly.

However, Yuuki raised his palm decisively.

"Sorry, I'm not used to teaming up with strangers."

After he finished speaking, he hurriedly ran towards the north of Weibai Town, as if he had been invited by some beast.

The sole of the forefoot stomped on the ground, and even triggered the jet effect of the sneakers he was wearing, making Yuuki walk like a fly, and disappeared from everyone's sight within a while.

This is the latest black technology shoe developed by Devon.

Seeing Xiaoyao being rejected outright, Xiaolan hurried forward to try to comfort the latter.

"How about Xiaoyao-chan travel with us~!"

Xiao Lan suggested.

The three in the team are all old fritters, and they still need a newcomer to adjust them.

Mainly because she wanted to be a senior.

But Xiaoyao declined Xiaolan's kindness and bowed politely to everyone.

Finally, holding the turkey chick in his arms, he left in the direction where everyone came.

Just when she turned her back, Xiaoyao's innocent face of the girl next door disappeared.

His expression darkened instantly, and he almost scolded his teeth in a low voice:

"This guy Yushu dares to deliberately pretend that he doesn't know his girlfriend!!"

Xiaoyao immediately chased after the latter angrily, but she wanted to see this guy, what she wanted to do behind her back!
As for Ash and his party who stayed where they were.


Seeing Xiao Zhi's puzzled look, Pikachu helplessly spread his hands, because he really wasn't acting just now.

"are you sick?"

"Still come to the Fangyuan area and are not satisfied with the soil and water?"

Xiaogang and Xiaolan next to him also saw the strange physical condition of Pikachu.

The three of them stared at Pikachu, but they didn't see any specific problems.

"Hey, I can only go to the big city and ask Miss Joy to check on Pikachu's condition."

In the end, Xiao Zhi sighed and said helplessly.

The three of them packed their luggage and prepared to walk in the direction Yushu and the two left.

There is only one main road, No. 101, in Weibai Town, and the other three directions are endless jungles.

However, at this time, the picture book in Xiaozhi's pocket automatically issued a prompt sound.

"DiDi. Recognized the "check", "Pikachu" keyword, and began to check the physical status of Pikachu."

Xiao Zhi quickly took it out and listened to the frantic rotation of the CPU fan inside the illustrated book, not knowing what riddle the latter was going to say.

However, in my heart, there was a glimmer of expectation for no reason.

If it is this picture book, maybe it can really see something?
"Picture Book, help me check the status of the Variety Monster."

The little blue next to him took out his own picture book, and wanted to try this function.

Her picture book quickly gave intimate feedback, and the calculation speed was completely to beat Xiao Zhi's picture book.

"Tick. Check the Pokémon's condition, please go to the Pokémon Center."

It reminded seriously.

Xiaolan: "."

And after about a few minutes, Xiao Zhi's picture book finally sounded a notification sound.

"Di Di. Pikachu (one turn), characteristic: static electricity, skill: electric shock, flash of electric light."

The illustrated book said a lot of lengthy introductions, but everyone focused their attention on the very beginning.

"Wait a minute, what does this one turn mean?!"

Xiaozhi asked quickly.

He remembered that before going to the Fangyuan area, he used the picture book to check Pikachu's picture book, but the word did not appear at that time.

"Di Di. One turn, one reincarnation."

"Every time a Pokémon is reincarnated, all factors such as its own level, ability, and quality will decrease, but then the individual's aptitude and upper limit of ability will be improved."

The Pokédex introduced meticulously, which made Ash sound like he was playing a video game.

It sounds awkward, but it probably means that the original level 50 Pikachu can exert its level 50 combat power.

But after a reincarnation, Pikachu's level was lowered back to level 30, but he was still able to exert his level 40 combat power.

Then when Pikachu returns to level 50 after a turn, it will be able to exert its level 60 combat power.

Of course, there is no actual concept of hierarchy in reality.

"It seems to be a weakening in a short period of time. But in fact, the upper limit of Pikachu's ability has been increased."

Xiaogang narrowed his eyes into a seam and pondered, and his eyes gradually became hot.

This is definitely the future to look forward to!

Ash managed to understand what it meant, but he found another blind spot.

"Wait a minute, you said one turn, there are two turns and three turns?!"

He no longer questioned why the Pokédex knew so much.

It is estimated that he was taken away by the elder brother Chi.

Just being slashed by a knife has already made him and Pikachu uncomfortable, and will continue to slash? !

"This is a good thing. After Pikachu turns 100 times, you can hit level 1 directly at level 100~!"

Xiaolan showed an envious look and comforted.

From the looks of it, this seems to be the power of a god that can be met but not sought.


And Chi in the hat space showed the same surprised look.

Sure enough, the talent of this Pikachu is much higher than what I had imagined, and there is such a talent.
It can be said that this is an extreme road without any bottlenecks. It only requires the stacking of time, and the future Pikachu will naturally be able to easily cross the shackles of levels and step into the extreme state.

Even higher.

The only price is the constant slashing.

It seems that this situation does not appear randomly, but has a specific trigger condition.

"Change region."

Akane had the answer in an instant.

When they were still on the cruise, everything was in normal state.

But things changed completely when Pikachu's feet stepped on the dock deck in the new area.

It's the entire Fangyuan area that slashed Pikachu!

Chi Blind guess, if at this time Xiaozhi took Pikachu on a plane, and stepped on the Shenao area, Hezhong and other areas in turn.
Sword and sword shadow, it is estimated that Pikachu can be directly cut into a cute new baby.

Xiaozhi: "."

Knowing the reason, he didn't know whether to laugh or be sad.

But fortunately, it was only a knife, and it still did not reach the level of zero level.

Pikachu is probably only weakened to 7% of the original strength, Xiaozhi can still accept it for the time being
 Thank you Amber Yanye for the 2600 coin reward! ! !
  Thanks to the unstable portal for 100 coins!
(End of this chapter)

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