He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 936 vs Dragon King, Genji!

Chapter 936 vs Dragon King, Genji!

"Mr. Genji, fight with me!!"

It's rare to meet a heavenly king, and Xiaozhi can't just let go.

Coming to the Fangyuan area, almost starting from scratch, Xiao Zhi began to miss the high-intensity battle at the beginning.

However, Genji just raised his palm and refused on the spot.

"Sorry, now the old man is on vacation and does not accept any personal challenges"

Not all bigwigs are very kind to newcomers and will easily accept the latter's challenge.

Xiaozhi took the electric mouse, which is rare in the Fangyuan area, and it didn't look very strong.

The worst part about being a high-profile king is that no matter where you go, you will be challenged by inexplicable passers-by.

"Prepare to fight, Aoguyan!!"

However, Ash has already sent his own Pokémon.

A red light flashed, and Aoguyan, with a circle of momentum straps tied around its head, circled up and landed on Xiaozhi's shoulder.

Obtained new props, and now it is eager to try it.

Genji: "?"

Young man, don't you understand? I've already refused? !

But in Xiaozhi's mind, there are three audiences around. It's not a private challenge, it should be called a public challenge.

Call it again.

Genji: "."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little subtle, the old man Hachi next to him hurriedly came out to smooth things out.

"Since it's rare to meet, let's have a fight. I don't think this boy is simple."

The two old people didn't know much about the situation in the Kanto Chengdu area, and it was the first time they saw Xiao Zhi.


Hearing that the old friend gave him a step, Genji snorted coldly, and finally frowned, and walked straight towards the deserted beach next to him.

"Young man, don't hurry up."

The old man Hachi said with a smile, among the three of them, this guy is the most stubborn and fierce in appearance.

He is a good man, in the middle and muddy.

As for the other one, it belongs to the black-bellied type who hides a knife in a smile.

The old man Hachi also did not forget to remind Xiao Zhi:
"By the way, the strength of this guy Genji is not just a king."

The latter's strength is also the most tyrannical dragon attribute king, and it is not a problem to become the league champion back then.

Just because the person who competed with him at the beginning was the son of the third friend they had in common, he simply handed over the title of champion.

Coincidentally, Genji also wanted to retire early like Mr. Hatch, buy a small boat, fish every day, and live a happy little life.

The king is okay, the champion is exempted.

"Thank you grandpa for your help!!"

Xiao Zhi excitedly bowed to the old man Hachi, and hurriedly followed towards the beach with a look of excitement.

The Heavenly King Genji was already there waiting for him, the sea breeze blowing the captain's robe behind him.

"Hmph, boy, the old man's temper is not very good today, so it's not important to attack."

Genji snorted coldly again, and it seemed that this time he wanted to do something hard.

"It's exactly what I want, ready to fight, proud Yan!"

Hearing that, Yuanzhi glanced at Xiaoyan in front of him, and only said that Xiaozhi is an arrogant junior.

For this kind of trainer, it's a good thing to polish your self-confidence.

"In that case, Crustacean, come on!"

Genji gave a low voice and sent the Crustacean standing beside him.

This guy is a recently captured Pokémon, and his strength is not up to the level of his main echelon, but it is not something that ordinary trainers can touch.

"Then in this battle, let's fight without rules until one side admits defeat and surrenders."

Genji even made a first move, it seemed that he was going to push Xiao Zhi's team directly today, and set off the latter's spirit.

"Is that all-out battle 6v6?!"

Xiao Zhi's eyes suddenly became hot, and with this expression, Yuanzhi was again inexplicable.

In my heart, a bad thought came up inexplicably.
The battle begins!
"Preemptive strike, Aoguyan, use a flash of lightning!!"


Aoguyan's wings fluttered, and the figure immediately turned into a beam of white light and sharp swords, lasing out.


It's just that the sharp and slender bird's beak hit the gray-white hard shell on the surface of the crustacean's body. Instead, it hit Aoguyan into a mess, and the bird's beak was almost crooked.

"What a hard shell. Then attack the face that is not covered with carapace at the center, use a flash of electric light!!"

The child attacked again.

The current Aoguyan is still too poor.

Crustaceans are not like Shakiras, whose hard carapace covers the entire body, and the former still shows a partially naked face and limbs.

"Carapace, use protection!"

Genji just responded lightly.

The green light barrier rose, easily deflecting Aoguyan's attack.

"Don't hesitate, the protection can't be protected twice, just use the electric light again!!"

Xiao Zhi's attack did not stop, this fierce fighting style made Genji pay a little attention.

It looks like he is not a novice trainer.


Aoguyan let out a high-pitched cry, and her figure flew out again.

However, at this time, Genji instructed in a cold voice:
"Then solve it at one time and use the sacrifice charge!"

In an instant, dazzling golden light appeared around the body of the Crustacean.

With a kick of its short limbs, the crustacean turned into a golden light tank, and slammed into it facing the opponent's attack.

Boom! !
Due to the disparity in power, Aoguyan was smashed and flew out in an instant, landing heavily on the beach.


The Crustacean just let out a low cry, its breath restrained.

The characteristic of a hard head makes it immune to the counter-injury effect even if it uses a move such as a dash.

The outcome is already divided, and the level gap between the two is still quite large.


What made Yuanzhi slightly strange was that, after a while, Aoguyan had climbed up from the ground again.

In his eyes, he still maintained an extremely firm look, as if staring at the prey, staring straight at the crustacean.

"Does it have momentum? It's just a tricky prop."

Genji said casually:
"In that case, do it again, use jet flame!!"

Boom! !

As the Crustacea opened its mouth, a sturdy flame shot straight out.

"Get out of the way!!"

Aoguyan understood, flapped her wings and flew into the sky again.

The high-speed moving figure swept away the flames one by one, and the movements were extremely fast.

"This little bird is quite fast."

Yuanzhi raised his mouth and continued to attack:
"Then try this trick, use rock collapse!!"

The next moment, with the high-pitched sound of the Crustacean, in the sky in the shape of Aoguyan, countless rubble condensed out of thin air.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Like dumplings, the dangerous stones fell from all directions!

Rock collapse is an all-court aoe move, it depends on how you dodge this time with the speed you are proud of.

Boom boom! !

In less than a while, countless rock avalanches covered everything around.

In this uninhabited wild beach, a pile of gravel ruins was created out of thin air.

However, just as the Crustacea was breathing a little, a black and white figure suddenly broke through countless gravel and rushed towards it.

"Right now, Aoguyan, use a reckless move!!"

Ash growled loudly.


Aoguyan screamed loudly, and at this moment, the body was actually bubbling up with an amazing mist of steam!

(End of this chapter)

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