He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 937 Use dragon attributes to deal with dragon attributes!

Chapter 937 Use dragon attributes to deal with dragon attributes!
Reckless trick, forcibly reduce the opponent's physical value to the same level as his own.

Of course, this still has to be maintained at a level where the strength gap is not so exaggerated, otherwise the reckless move will fail.

After triggering the Qi waist effect twice, Aoguyan's physical strength has already reached the limit of a drop of blood.

At this moment, the whole body was reddened by the naked eye, and countless water vapor and white mist were scattered on the surface, which made the power of Aoguyan increased to the extreme for a time!

Boom! !
The sudden attack, the Crustacean did not respond for a while, so it was smashed and flew out, and was thrown heavily to the beach in the distance.



When the two Pokémon returned to the state of being far apart from the beginning, they were all out of breath.

It's not just Aoguyan that has entered the state of a candle in the wind.

This time, even the Crustacea was panting on the spot, as if it would fall down in the next second.

The level gap between the two is not so disparate to ignore the effect of recklessness.

Reckless move, success!
"This little bird."

For the first time, Yuanzhi's expression changed.

The first time I could explain it with Qi Waist, what did I do to stop it the second time? !

And this young man, under the circumstances of this infinite disadvantage, forcibly pulled his crustacean into a situation of [-]%! ?

"Aoguyan, use a flash of electric light to take away its last stamina!"

Ash didn't give Genji any time to think and attacked again.

Qi waist + reckless + flash of lightning, this is an old combination of boxing in the Kanto region.

I heard that someone in Zeng Jin used this routine to use a Lada to forcibly kill the fast dragon of Champion Crossing.

"Use protection!"

However, at the last moment, a green barrier was still raised around the Crustacean's body, which flicked away the lightning that Aogu Yan was determined to win.

The first system of protection is higher than the flash of electric light.

"It's over, use Rockfall!!"

The next moment, countless sharp and dangerous rocks fell from the sky again.


Aoguyan's figure hurriedly dodged in the air, but in the end, it was covered by the ruthless smashing of gravel, and it fell to the beach.

This time, it did not continue to stand up.

Aoguyan lost the ability to fight.

"Well done, Aoguyan."

Xiao Zhi put Aoguyan back into the Poké Ball and comforted softly.

The current level is not enough, but the extraordinary potential of this proud swallow can still be seen.

In the future, it will truly become a bug Yan, and the future can be expected!

Xiao Zhi's eyes turned to the old captain in front of him again. He secretly said that he was indeed the king of dragon attributes.

"Come back, Crustacean"

On the other side, Genji also took back the Crustacean.

In the state of the candle in the wind, it is just for nothing if you continue to fight.

"This boy."

Indistinctly, Genji already knew Ash's extraordinaryness.

Although the level of Pokémon is not high, as a trainer's commander, it is very old-fashioned.

Thinking of this, Genji shouted and changed the rules on the spot.

"Since that's the case, boy, let's win the next Pokémon!"

Originally thought he was an arrogant trainer, thinking of frustrating his spirits, but Xiao Zhi in front of him obviously didn't need to fight himself.

This is a very mature trainer.

With his palms moving around his waist, Genji's mind moved and sent his second Pokémon.

The red light flashed, it was a turquoise dragon-shaped Pokémon with a huge size.

It is slender, with a slender neck and tail, and a pair of diamond-shaped green wings with red edges.

There are two long tentacles on the top of the head, and the position of the eyes is covered with a translucent red eye patch, so that even in the desert, the eyes can be protected from the interference of sand and dust.

"This Pokémon"

Xiao Zhi hurriedly took out the picture book, it looked like an existence like a fast dragon.

"DiDi. Desert dragonflies, small earth dragon Pokémon, waving wings can create huge sandstorms, but their status is not high."

The map suggests.

In the desert, the desert dragonfly will even be attacked by the superior rogue crocodile and the bite land shark.

Genji frowned slightly at those words.

What a little earth dragon!

My desert dragonfly is a pure earth dragon!

"It looks like this is your main Pokémon."

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi didn't dare to be careless, this is already a formal battle of the king level.

In the current situation, he naturally wouldn't send an immature Pokémon like Huozhiji and force it for nothing.

"Dragon attribute, we must use dragon attribute to deal with it! It is decided to be you!!"

So Ash threw a pink love ball with his backhand.

The red light flashed, and a red and white Pokémon appeared in everyone's sight.

The whole body is slender and streamlined, like a small jet plane, which is quite strange.

The head has a pair of lovely white bifurcated tentacles, which looks very cute.



The eyes of Yuanzhi and the old man Hachi almost popped out. The latter was still drinking water when he sprayed it on the spot.

It must have been a hallucination.

Latias is not only the patron saint of the water capital, but there are also legends of these two Pokémon in the Fangyuan area.

Of course, it's not the same one.

According to legend, these two infinite Pokémon will randomly wander somewhere in the waterway in the entire Fangyuan area, but as long as humans keep sailing south, they will have a chance to encounter them.

As a result, it suddenly appeared in the hands of this seemingly ordinary passing teenager? !

Genji took a deep breath, and he finally realized that the young man in front of him might not really be an ordinary person.
The fighting spirit in his heart gradually increased.

"Hmph, a rare vacation actually made the old man serious."

It's just different from the surprised look of everyone.


Latias, the protagonist, turned his head to look at Xiao Zhi from time to time, his eyes were like that of a human girl, and his tenderness was like water.

The intimacy between the two was not low.

It's just that this part of the intimacy has a tendency to deteriorate after being blessed by Mr. Steel's love ball.

"Please, Latias!"

Xiao Zhi quickly shook his head and shouted, temporarily dispelling the strange thoughts in his mind.


Latias turned his head again and set his eyes on the desert dragonfly in front of him.

It can feel that the power of the earth dragon in front of him is definitely not weak.

In this deserted desert beach, the battle level was almost instantly filled.

The battle begins!
"Latias, use Dragon Wave!!"

At the beginning, Latias opened his mouth, and a colorful energy dragon flew out of his mouth, roaring out.

"Desert dragonfly, use dragon claws!!"

Genji did not dare to be careless and responded similarly.

Use the same attribute to deal with the same attribute. Putting this sentence on other attributes is a joke.

But if it's a dragon-type infighting, it's not a big problem, and each other's moves are very effective for each other.


The desert dragonfly let out a loud cry, slammed its claws in front of it, covered with the phantom of cyan dragon claws, and rushed straight towards the incoming energy shock.

Boom boom boom! !

Cross the dragon's claws, tearing the dragon's wave to pieces on the spot! !
(End of this chapter)

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