He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 938 Water droplets of the heart, Latias!

Chapter 938 Water droplets of the heart, Latias!
As the explosion smoke dissipated, Genji suddenly opened his mouth and shouted:
"Use a head-on blow!"

The desert dragonfly's figure instantly turned into a cyan arrow, quite smoky, and it rushed out in an instant.

Whoosh! !
The speed was extremely fast, and the punch hit Latias in the abdomen heavily, knocking the latter several meters away.

The effect is outstanding!

The head-on blow of the worm attribute is a preemptive move that is equivalent to extreme speed. In terms of speed and power, it is much faster than a flash of light.

But the price is that a battle can only be used once, a head-on blow, unexpected.

"In that case, we use the mist ball!!"

Ash is not to be outdone.

After being attacked by a sneak attack, Latias threw a pink energy bomb in shame and anger, which also slammed into the belly of the desert dragonfly at a very fast speed.

Boom! !
The next moment, the mist ball suddenly burst open, and the powdery white smoke that filled the air completely engulfed the desert dragonfly in an instant.

Compared with its own power, the effect of mist ball smoke cover is better.

"Right now, use dragons."

Whoohoo! !

However, before Xiao Zhi finished his words, there was a huge movement in the smoke, like the sound of a fan turning vigorously.

I saw the desert dragonfly waving its red-edged green wings constantly, and the air flow that aroused completely blew the smoke away in less than a while.

Genji's attack has not stopped, he said solemnly:
"Use Sandstorm!"

sassy sassy! !

The next moment, countless sand and dust flew out, intertwined with the cyclone, creating a huge sandstorm.

You must know that the stadium they are in now is a beach.

Countless sands swept up on the ground, making the air of this unmanned beach turbid and yellow, and even exposed the exposed rocks below.

sassy sassy! !

This also caused the scale of the desert dragonfly's sandstorm to increase sharply, forming terrifying sandstorm tornadoes that surrounded Latias in the center.

Da da da.!

Countless grains of sand slapped on the surface of its body, constantly eating away at the latter's physical strength.


Latias looked around in panic.

Several exaggerated sandstorm tornadoes around her completely blocked her dodging direction, so she could only stay where she was and let the sand slap her body.

Latias had always followed his elder brother, Latios, without any worries, and had not fought a few times.

When an enemy appears, her belligerent brother has already rushed forward, and it is not her turn to take action.

If it is Latios at this moment, a clean light should be able to easily break through these dim yellow sands.

Xiaozhi covered his forehead with his palm, trying not to let the sand and dirt get into his eyes.

In this case, wearing a red eye patch that acts as a goggle, the desert dragonfly is undoubtedly suitable for fighting in this sandstorm weather.

"Latias, use supernatural power to control the sandstorm!!"

Xiao Zhi quickly instructed loudly.


Latias nodded, the blue light in his eyes soared, and the surface of the several sandstorm tornadoes around him covered the outer membrane of his own mind power, and he had to use his mind power to control these sandstorms.

"It's useless, desert dragonfly, work harder."

Genji just said softly, the corners of his tough and serious face twitched.

It seems that although it is Latias, he has insufficient combat experience and is not yet the mature combat power of the legendary Pokémon.

Such an existence cannot defeat my desert dragonfly.

Buzz! !

As the desert dragonfly increased its strength, the blue light of the mind power on the surface of the sandstorm tornado suddenly burst open.

Mind power let go.

sassy sassy! !

Even the dust storm was bigger, covering the entire beach.

This made Old Hatch and Xiaolan, who were watching the battle, ate a mouthful of sand in their mouths.

"Is there a little more power?"

Xiaozhi frowned, but he couldn't let this desert dragonfly continue to grasp the situation.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi suddenly had an idea, and took out a water-blue crystal bead from his arms.

Without thinking much, he hurled it towards Latias in mid-air.

"Then try this, Latias!!"

Latias understood, stretched out his claws and grabbed the beads.

Ash used a throwing trick and brought an item to Latias.

"Wait a minute, boy, you seem to be breaking the law"

The opposite Genji frowned, just about to say something.

In a regular competition, Xiao Zhi's behavior of instantly changing items for Pokémon during the battle has been sent off with a red card.

But he's said before that it's a fight with no rules.
It doesn't seem to be able to refute what?
And what is that little blue bead?


Latias, who received the exclusive item bonus, only felt that his power had skyrocketed a lot in an instant, and he couldn't help shouting in the sky.

The beads are the droplets of the heart!

This is the exclusive item of the Latias brothers and sisters. Once carried, the power of their own dragon attributes and super power attributes will be greatly increased.

Now Latios in the water capital is probably having a good time. The next Latios that comes from various snipers, Xiaozhi did not send this bead back immediately.

"Once again, use supernatural powers!!"

So Xiao Zhi pressed his hat and shouted loudly.


Latias, who had obtained new power, let out a high-pitched cry, and the azure blue light of psychic power spread out again, covering the countless sandstorm tornadoes around him.

The mental power in her brain has been greatly improved, which gave her the feeling of a god who can do anything at this moment.


The next moment, the sandstorm tornado on this beach was really imprisoned in place and stopped moving.

The whole world seemed to stand still.

Without the rotation, visually, the funnel-shaped tornado becomes a discrete sandy soil in the shape of a cone.

"Right now, use Psychic Shock!!"

At this time, Xiao Zhi attacked again.

Under the control of Latias, the blue light on the surface of these sandstorms turned into an offensive red light.

sassy sassy! !

The sandstorm tornado actually rotated in the opposite direction.

It even turned into a series of horizontal sandstorm tornadoes, and the tips of the small tornadoes gradually solidified, turning into sharp sand stabbing spears.

Whoosh whoosh! !

In the end, the salvo shot to the target!


Locked by his own countless sandstorms, Genji and Desert Dragonfly couldn't help but shudder.

So what kind of plug-in props actually made the power of this Latias increase so much in an instant? !

But Genji still had a coping strategy in an instant.

"Desert Dragonfly, use digging!!"

The desert dragonfly understood, and with a flick of its wings, it jumped directly to the ground below.

Whoa whoa whoa! !

Almost in the blink of an eye, the sand flew out, and the desert dragonfly had already drilled into the depths of the ground, causing countless thoughts around the sandstorm to crash.

The desert dragonfly is an old earth dragon.

Don't look at flying in the sky now, but the move of digging a hole, but the move that the desert dragonfly has mastered since the stage of the big-jawed ant, is a memory engraved in the bones.

(End of this chapter)

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