He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 946 Doubles battle, vs rich men and women!

Chapter 946 Doubles battle, vs rich men and women!
"Good fighting style."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but complain, seeing how the two rich families were dressed, he thought it would be a serious and old-fashioned battle.

"Right now, the Lotus Hat Boy, use the Frozen Wind~~!!"

Miss Gina shouted.

Taking advantage of the close position of the high-five surprise attack, the hooded boy opened his mouth, and a blue-white ice mist spewed out from a close distance, and fell on both of them.

The speed of Mu Shougong and the turkey chick has dropped.

Even due to attribute restraint, Frozen Wind caused a lot of damage to Mu Shougong.

"Then the proboscis leaves, we will use Daqingtian!!"

Seeing this, the rich man Dexio raised his hand.


Taking advantage of the opportunity of the lotus-hat boy to cover in front, the proboscis at the back opened its arms to the sky and let out a high-pitched cry.

The next moment, the sun above everyone's head became even bigger.

The dazzling sun fell, and the weather entered a sunny day on the spot.


The sun shone on Long Nose Ye's body, causing the latter's body surface to glow with a green light, and the movements of his limbs became much more flexible.

Trait, Chlorophyll, will increase speed on sunny days.

"Accelerate, we will too!"

Seeing that the other party had hit a set of fierce combo punches in the blink of an eye, it seemed that there was something in it, Xiao Zhi did not dare to be careless, and also became serious.

"Fire chick, run faster, Mu Shougong, use high-speed movement!"

The two Pokémon knew each other, and both began to move quickly on the lawn, and their bodies were constantly weakening due to the deceleration effect of the freezing wind. Even the final speed increased a lot.

"Right now, use the flash of electric light at the same time!!"

After the words fell, the turkey juvenile shot quickly, and the headbutt hit the hooded boy's abdomen, knocking him out.

But the wooden Shougong on the other side just collided with the proboscis leaves that also flashed lightning.


The strength is similar, both of them took a step backwards, and neither got any benefit.


Seeing that he had the upper hand, Huo Zhiji couldn't help sneering at this time, implying that Mu Shougong couldn't do it.

This appearance angered the arrogant Mu Shougong on the spot.

"Hooded boy, use the water gun~!!"

The eldest Miss Gina let out a coquettish drink, and a bunch of blue water column roared and shot directly at the fire chick. The timing was extremely tricky.

"Mushougong, use the slap to block it!!"

Xiaozhi hurriedly planned to send Mu Shougong, who had water resistance, to defend the turkey chicken.

Mu Shougong understood, and quickly swept to the front of the fire chick, but suddenly pretended to trip over a branch, and the action was one step late.

puff! !
The powerful water gun immediately hit the fire chick head-on, shot it flying out, and smashed it on the tree behind.

The effect is outstanding! !

After landing, the turkey juvenile dragged its embarrassed body full of splashes, with an angry expression, and repeatedly protested to Mu Shougong.

This guy actually cheated on himself? !


However, Mu Shougong just folded his arms around his chest and picked up a branch in his hand, which was quite cold and ignored the turkey chicken's scolding at all.

It was a mistake, not intentional.

This appearance made the turkey chick furious, and he planned to launch a pecking attack with outstanding effect on Mu Shougong.

"Hey hey hey!! You two are still fighting!!"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but reminded aloud, but both of them stared at each other fiercely, neither of them were convinced, and ignored Xiao Zhi's voice.

"Uh, these two Pokémon don't match up at all."

Outside the arena, Xiaogang couldn't help sighing.

Huoji's character is free from war, and Mu Shougong's character is ruthless and arrogant, all of which are headaches.

With such an existence, there should actually be only one of them in the team of ordinary trainers, and it just happens to be the main force of the team to carry the banner.
But now Xiao Zhi has two at the same time, and the problem suddenly becomes bigger.

Makes one's head big.

"Right now, Long Nose Leaf, use malicious pursuit!"

"Hooded boy, use Crazy Scratch!!"

Taking advantage of the opponent's infighting, two enemy Pokémon have already rushed forward at the same time.

The fists and claws in his hands waved continuously, smashing Mu Shougong and Huo Zhiji out again.

"Dear~ It looks like we are going to win today~"

"Haha! This is our strength!"

The two wealthy children couldn't help laughing, the victory was in their hands.



But the harsh laughter of the two made the gray-faced turkey on the ground and Mu Shougong look at each other, their eyes fixed.

Dragging his tired body, he stood up again.

Infighting is infighting, but at least we can't let outsiders laugh at it.

Temporary truce!

"Do you still have stamina~ In that case, the hooded boy uses the water gun and ends the battle~!"

Miss Gina said.

Boom! !
A beam of blue water jets shot straight at the turkey chicks again.

"Fire chick, use bouncing to escape!!"

Xiao Zhi also noticed that the two seemed to be different from just now, and he was overjoyed and instructed.

Whoosh! !
Huo Chi's lower limbs stomped on the ground, and his body instantly rose into the air, easily dodging the water gun.

Feature Acceleration is a passive skill. During this period of time, the turkey has been beaten and beaten, but the speed has been growing.

"Hmph. Then let you see my unique trick."

Dexio suddenly looked serious, and whispered: "Proboscis, jump into the water next to it, and use the power of nature!!"

Proboscisleaf understood, jumped backhand into the front beach of the lake next to him, the water flooded his knees, and then his body burst into a strange white light.

Boom! !

The next moment, the strange white light was connected to the water surface under his feet, and it turned into a thick blue water stream that roared out! !
ol! !
"DiDi. The power of nature, depending on its position, will display moves with different attributes. PS, the water cannon will be displayed on the water."

The pictorial reminded in time.

The power of nature and the power of secrets are two very signature moves in the Fangyuan area.

The fire chick, who was in a state of bouncing in midair at the moment, could not dodge at all.

The already crippled body, if hit by another water cannon, can be blown away on the spot, and cannot fight.

"Mu Shougong, use the slap to block it!!"

Xiao Zhi spoke quickly.

After the words fell, a green figure had already jumped into the air, and the figure was also extremely flexible.

Pfft. !!
The broad tail fell heavily, and it was to destroy the resistance of the incoming dangerous water cannon.

Although in the end, this water cannon was not completely blocked, and it still caused a lot of damage to Mu Shougong.


Even after landing, my feet could not help but tremble and go weak.

But the water cannon was completely exhausted.

The next moment, the turkey chick, who had no worries at all, finally broke out in the second stage of the bounce!

Swoosh! !
A powerful strike of flying claws trampled, fell from the sky, and stepped heavily on the hooded boy's face.

The effect is outstanding! !
The strong force even kicked it towards the rear on the spot, and smashed it hard on the trunk of the giant tree behind.

The situation changed in an instant!
 Thanks to Ni Xiao* for the 500 coin reward!
  Thanks to Yun Fengming for the 100-coin reward!
  Thanks to the book friend 201708261* for the 100-coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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