Chapter 947


The red light with accelerated characteristics appeared on the turkey chicken again, which brought its speed to a peak.

Just moving on the spot seems to bring out the afterimages left after the high-speed movement, which is quite bluffing.

Seeing that the opponent's two Pokémon were still struggling to get up, Xiao Zhi quickly opened his mouth and instructed:

"Right now, get rid of the proboscis first and use the spark!!"

At this moment, not only the opponent's Pokémon, even the turkey and Mu Shougong have entered a very tired state, and must rely on attribute restraint to fight quickly.

puff puff!

Dangerous sparks struck, and Gina hurriedly said:

"Hooded boy, use the water gun to block it!!"

The hooded boy immediately jumped to the front of the proboscis, and the flat mouth was about to open, spraying water to resist.


The next moment, it suddenly noticed that the lawn under its feet seemed to be strange.


The hooded boy took a closer look and saw that Mu Shougong was hiding one meter in front of him, and his body was completely integrated with the surrounding lawn, making it difficult to identify.

Swoosh! !
Unprepared, Mu Shougong jumped up and slapped the hooded boy sideways with one blow.

Puff chi chi.! !
There was no obstruction, and the next moment, the fierce flames hit the proboscis leaves directly, burning hot.

The effect is outstanding! !
Seeing this, Xiao Zhi's eyes brightened and he roared loudly:
"The last blow, Mu Shougong uses the vow of grass! Fire chicks, use the vow of fire!!"

The two Pokémon looked at each other, nodded solemnly, and both jumped high.

In the end, Mu Shougong, who had a bright green light all over his body, slammed into the ground in front of him with a punch, as if his own power was also injected into the earth.

For a time, the entire ground began to tremble.

Immediately afterwards, countless rattan grass seedlings grew wildly, extending all the way, and whipping the hooded boy on the opposite side with the proboscis leaves at the same time.


On the other side, although the Huo Chi had no arms. But in the same way, the Hu Chi smashed the ground directly with a headbutt on the forehead, injecting its own flame energy into the ground.

The next moment, the dense vines and grass seedlings in front of Mu Shou Palace were instantly ignited into a thick burst of flames.

Puff puff.! !
The heat wave was scorching and the flames were soaring to the sky, swallowing the hooded child and the proboscis leaf in the center at the same time.

The entire arena on the shore of the lake seems to have been reduced to purgatory, and the scene is extremely terrifying.

The combination of the three families, the sea of ​​fire! !
"This is.!"

Even the manipulator Ash was taken aback by the movement in front of him.

The vows of grass, the vows of water, and the vows of fire belong to the exclusive moves of the three families of Pokémon.

Used alone, it is an ordinary long-range move with a little bit of control.

But if they use the Oath of Grass and Oath of Fire together, a new move called Sea of ​​Fire will be born.

"DiDi. The sea of ​​fire, create a sea of ​​fire, so that all the opponent's Pokémon will be scorched by flames every turn, continuously reducing the stamina value."

Pokédex automatically broadcasts reports.

Rounded up, it is equivalent to the hell flame extinguishing effect used by the super giant fire-breathing dragon in the Galar region.

Boom boom! !

In the end, the flames exploded completely, causing a deafening explosion in front of Gina and Dexio, and the smoke spread!

"Long-nosed leaves, the lotus-capped boy can't fight, this game is won by Mu Shougong and the turkey chicken!"

After the smoke cleared, Xiaogang made his final decision as he watched the two Pokémon fall to the ground with their bodies charred.

"Great, turkey chick, Mu Shougong!!"

Xiao Zhi hurriedly moved up, intending to hug the two of them.

Surprisingly, he barely won.

It seems that it is not only the turkey chicken that has been consecrated and strengthened by Master Ajin, but even this wooden Shougong is also gifted.

In particular, the protective color that is integrated with the environment brings its mobile assassin ability to the extreme.


Although panting, the fire chick was still jumping on the spot like a stimulant, as if taking credit.


Mu Shougong just folded his arms around his chest and turned away arrogantly.

The big slender tail on the back slapped the turkey chick directly on the back of the head, causing the latter to stumble.


This action made the turkey chicken suddenly furious, and rushed to Mu Shougong angrily.


The same is true of Mu Shougong, who stands with the former without showing weakness.

The belligerent turkeys naturally work hard to become No.1 in the team.

Of course, not to mention Yandi, old bones like Latias.

And Mu Shougong was not too keen on being the first.

But it doesn't allow anyone to climb over its head and trample it under its feet, especially a dwarf turnip like a turkey.

"Hey, you two.!"

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Xiao Zhi was helpless and could only twist one in each hand to separate the turkey chicken from the Mu Shougong.

It seems that these two Pokémon will only cooperate well in battle. Once it comes to daily life, the same competitive spirit, no one will obey the other.

If the team at this moment is the indomitable water jumping fish, it is estimated that it will only be next to "Aba Aba", and will not be caught in a fight at all
Taking back the two, the defeated Gina and Dexio came up hand in hand, and they were really close.

This gave a strange idea that Ash won but didn't.

"Xiao Zhi of Zhenxin Town is indeed a powerful Heavenly King trainer~"

"Sure enough!"

But what surprised Xiaozhi and the others was that the two in front of them seemed to have known him for a long time.

"Hehe~ We are trainers from the Carlos region, traveling around the world, we will know a little about the news from all over the world~"

Gina explained with a smile.

And Dexio reached out and touched his pocket.

According to the etiquette in the Fangyuan area, if you lose a private fight in the wild, you will have to pay a little gift.

Either props or pocket money.

"So this stone, I'll give it to you."

Thinking of this, Dexio handed Ash a beaded stone, about the size of a quarter of a fist.

At the beginning, Xiao Zhi found that it was a three-color stone, which was arranged inside the beads in turn, which looked quite strange.

"This stone is called a rare stone. As for its specific use, you can find an expert in the ore industry to study it."

Dexio said with a smile, this is the stone he accidentally got at the auction.

Don't know anything except the name, but it should be a little treasure.

"Today's battle is very exciting~!"

"Then next, if we meet again, let's fight again!"

Next, Gina and Dexio shook hands with the three of them one by one, and soon walked towards the opposite direction of the three - the direction of the Orange Forest, and disappeared from sight.

Seeing this, Ash threw the small ball to Pikachu to play with, and the three of them officially moved towards Kanaz City.

(End of this chapter)

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