He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 948 Kanaz Gym, vs Cuckoo!

Chapter 948 Kanaz Gym, vs Cuckoo!

Kanaz City.

This is a city full of classic charm.

However, it is not as traditional and ancient as Yuanzhu City in the Chengdu area, but the classical traces of modern architecture.

Most of the floor houses here are low-rise buildings with three or four floors, and the gray-white bricks are stacked layer by layer to form an arched dome building.

Standing at the entrance of the city, Xiaozhi and Xiaolan stretched out their hands side by side, took a deep breath, and felt the charm of the city.

"gkd, gkd!"

Xiaogang, but the two who kept urging them from behind, hurried to the Kanaz Gym to challenge.

The last time Xiaogang was in such a hurry, it should have been at the Shallow Onion Gym in the Chengdu area.

The last time, it was the Hualan Taoist Hall in the Kanto region.

Xiaogang already knew from the data that the gym in Kanaz City is of the rock attribute, which is exactly the same as him, and can have a good exchange.

Not only that, the gym owner is a beautiful girl a few years older than him.

"gkd Xiaozhi, I want to have a good in-depth exchange with this rock attribute expert!"

Xiaogang urged the two of them again, even pushing Xiaozhi towards the Kanaz Gym.

With this appearance, after the two secretly came to the Rock Gym, Teacher Gang's Rock Will was awakened.

So Xiao Zhi didn't delay, quickly replenished his state at the Pokémon Center, and hurriedly went to the gym.

Kanaz Gym.

There was nothing blocking the door, but the three of Xiaozhi simply pushed the door and entered.

This gym is not too big, you can almost see it from the door, it is an empty indoor rock arena.

The ground and walls are rocky ground with potholes, with standing rocks several meters high protruding irregularly, and the ceiling is made of transparent glass, allowing the sunlight to fall.

This is not like an ordinary gym, that is, a training battlefield, and a family house is also connected to the rear.



But at this moment, the gym is filled with many people, and the discussions are quite noisy.

The three of them looked around and found that there were more than a dozen preschool students, five or six years old, walking on the rocky ground of the gymnasium, playing in amazement at the surrounding architectural scenes.

In front of the many students, stood a brown-haired girl.

He is about 17 or 18 years old, with a pretty face that looks quite serious.

The long brown hair was tied up in two small buns on the top of the head, the red bow ribbon on the back of the head, and two slender ponytails fell down.

Wearing a rather serious student uniform dress with red stockings on her legs, she looks youthful and beautiful.

"Oh oh~! Is this the gym trainer Du Juan?!"

Xiaogang's nose suddenly exhaled a burst of hot air, and immediately ran up to it.

He stepped forward with lightning speed, then elegantly picked up one of Du Juan's palms, lowered his head slightly, and kissed the back of his hand.

Then Xiaogang raised his head, flashed his white teeth towards Du Juan, and said softly:

"Hello, beautiful lady, Xiaosheng's name is Xiaogang, and he is also a rock-type trainer~!"


This inexplicable move, there are more than a dozen students around looking at it, making Du Juan's face red immediately, looking a little embarrassed.

Du Juan has been a good student from childhood to adulthood, and is still studying for postgraduate studies. As a part-time teacher at Kanaz School, he occasionally takes students around the gym.

"Hehe, this guy can be ignored!"

Seeing that Du Juan was in a deadlock, Xiao Lan quickly dragged Xiao Gang back.

I'm not happy to put a lady in an embarrassing situation.

I don't know if he came to a new area or not, but Xiaolan originally thought Xiaogang was a gentleman.

Unexpectedly, it seems to be a big pervert?
"Fangyuan area, has Teacher Gang's wolf nature been reactivated?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but guess.

"I'm Ash from Zhenxin Town, the trainer who's here to challenge Kanaz Gym!"

After some interruptions, Xiao Zhi also stated his purpose.

"Xiaosheng is Xiaogang, the gym owner in Nibi City, and I want to have a good conversation with you."

In the rear, Xiaogang is still relentless.

"Nibi Gym? I've seen this gym in books. It's an old place."

Du Juan's face turned red, but he did not brush Xiaogang's face.

Nibi Gym is not only in front of the two generations of Xiaogang and Wu Neng, but also a rock-type Nibi Gym.

"If it's a gym challenge, I can accept it! But."

Du Juan turned slightly more serious, looked at Xiao Zhi and asked:

"Can these students be the audience, I want them to see what Pokémon battles are."

"No problem, just promise to fight!"

Xiao Zhi naturally agreed.

The bigger the audience, the better his condition!

Hearing this, Du Juan's face was overjoyed, and then he brought everyone to a rock training arena inside the gym.

He then arranged Xiaogang and Xiaolan, as well as more than a dozen elementary school students, to sit in the viewing seats next to them.

"Then Kanaz Gym, a challenge with rock badges as a bet, the rules are 3v3!"

A girl the same age as the cuckoo ran out and became the referee of the competition.

"Among them, only the challenger can change Pokemon at will, and the gym owner cannot change it. Once all three Pokemon lose their fighting ability, the winner will be decided!"

The Gym challenge rules in the Fangyuan area are no different from those in the Kanto City area.

"Then ask the two of you to send your first Pokémon now."

Xiaozhi nodded, thinking in his mind that he started with three, but it just matched the number of the new three generals on his body.

"Then it's up to you!!"

Thinking of this, Ash and Cuckoo throw out their Pokémon at the same time.

In front of Du Juan, Xiao Zhi had seen the small fist stone countless times.

It seems that the first Pokémon of every rock gym will be the small fist stone, which is the basic Pokémon of the rock attribute.


As for Xiaozhi's side, he sent the number one general -- Aoguyan with a momentum belt tied to his forehead.

His eyes were sharp, and he made a sharp chirping sound, and his fighting spirit was high.

"Flying attributes? This is not a good choice."

Du Juan raised his eyebrows, and Xiao Zhi's move undoubtedly set a negative example for many elementary school students.

"Then I will let your gymnasium in the Fangyuan area see the reverse attribute tactics today!"

Xiao Zhi didn't care, the war lingered.

The battle begins! !

"Little Fist Stone, use Falling Rock!!"


When the words fell, the small fist stone suddenly cut out a rock on the rocky ground under his feet and smashed it straight at Aoguyan.


But Aoguyan was extremely fast, fluttered its wings, and easily avoided the falling rock attack.

"Use your wings to attack!!"

The two wings lit up with white light, and the backhand slap swept out towards the target.

boom! !

Although the effect is average, but the strength is not bad, it still knocks the small fist stone backwards by a few meters.


After a blow, Aoguyan re-circled and took off, and once again made a high-pitched cry, full of energy.

A chick and a little lizard are all vying to be the leader of the team, have you forgotten about this winged and flying one! ?

 Thanks for the 500 coin reward from the wandering fog wind and cold wolf! !

  Thanks for the disillusioned 200 coins reward! !

(End of this chapter)

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