He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 963 Martial Arts Gym, vs Masana!

Chapter 963 Martial Arts Gym, vs Masana!
Soon, a small human-shaped Pokémon appeared in front of Fujiki.

White onion head, blue thin body, like a baby wearing white diapers in the crotch.


As soon as he appeared, he took a deep breath and crossed his knees with the soles of his feet together.

He spread his hands and closed his eyes, posing in a yoga pose, his breath restrained and long.

"Didi, Mashana, meditating on Pokémon, fighting and super power attributes, and constantly meditating through yoga to exercise spiritual power, and can display super power to float and fly at will."

Listening to the description in the picture book, Ash lowered his eyes and found that the butt of this blue-and-white human Pokémon was not sitting on the ground, but was slightly suspended.

"But after all, it's still fighting Pokémon, so it's up to you!!"

Putting away the picture book, Xiao Zhi did not hesitate too much, and decisively threw a Poké Ball.


The red light flashed, and Aoguyan hovered, flying around the indoor gym several times before landing in front of Xiaozhi.

Even if it is a fighting gym, it is natural to send Aoguyan to fight.

After some special training with Bidiao, it is clear that the current Aoguyan seems to have high fighting spirit.

The battle begins! !

"Mashana, use yoga poses!!"

It seems that Teng Shu did not let the challenger take the first shot like a general gym owner, but took the lead in attacking because he was hit by Xiao Zhi's fist earlier.


Masana let out a long low cry and breathed a long time, while her body still maintained its original movements, closing her eyes and meditating.

A burst of offensive red light appeared on the surface of its body.

"DiDi. Yoga poses, through meditation, to improve your aggression."

The pictorial reminded in time.

Rounded up, it is equal to Xiaojian Dance.

"In this case, we use the pecking trick!!"

Xiao Zhi's voice fell, Aoguyan's wings fluttered, and it rushed out instantly, and the front beak lit up with a sharp white light.

until the attack came to the front.

"Mashana, use See Through!"

Teng Shu gave instructions unhurriedly.

Masado's breath seemed calmer. After a green light flashed in his eyes, he leaned slightly to his side, and easily dodged this highly effective move.

"It's not over yet, let's use Fa Jin!!"

Teng Shu punched in place.


Marshana understood, and the passing body leaned back like a tumbler.

During the process, he turned his body, raised a small palm and pressed it towards Aoguyan's back.

zizizi.! !
The palm of the hand flickered with yellow electric light, and the current burst.

Although the power is a fighting-type move, it has a certain probability to produce the additional effect of paralysis, which is the most troublesome.

"Aoguyan, quickly use the shadow clone!!"

Xiao Zhi hurriedly shouted.

The latter understands that although his back is about to be affixed at this moment, his eyes condensed, and his figure instantly turned into several afterimages, which appeared in turn around the arena.

Aoguyan's speed is extremely fast.

Boom! !
The next moment, the force of the palms erupted in the void, arousing a mighty electric light explosion.

"Tsk tsk, this power is fortunately missed."

Seeing Ma Shana's palm thunder, even Xiao Zhi couldn't help but be a little stunned.

Even if the attack power has been increased by a period, this power is too outrageous, right?
Technician characteristics?
"DiDi. Masana's characteristics: the power of yoga, the power of using physical moves will be doubled."

The pictorial reminded in time.

People in the world only know the characteristics of Hercules, but they don't know that there is actually the power of yoga.

It's just that the Masana clan are the only ones who have the power of yoga.
This kind of Pokémon itself is too weak. After gaining the power of yoga, it is actually only able to beat others.

But in the current battle, Masana, who has doubled the power of physical attack moves, is undoubtedly a formidable enemy.

"Mashana, use the spirit blade!!"

Teng Shu attacked again.

Whoosh! !Whoosh! !Whoosh! !
Ma Shana understood, her eyes flashed a strange blue light, and a blue blade of thought power condensed out of thin air in front of her, and shot out.

This is a rare physical move in the super power attribute. Every spiritual sharp blade is powerful, and it shoots at Aoguyan's shadow clone in salvo.


Aoguyan dodged for a while, and within a while, only Aoguyan's body was left over the arena.

"Mashana, use the Eye of the Heart next!"

At this time, Teng Shu suddenly opened his mouth and instructed.

Seeing Masha's eyes closed, Xiao Zhi naturally knew what this move meant, and didn't dare to be careless.

"Right now, use the flying knee kick!!"

After a long while, Teng Shu spoke abruptly.

Marshana opened her eyes, and her introverted aura rarely carried a turbulent attack.

He flew up, bent his knees, and the orange energy began to accumulate in his thighs.

Whoosh whoosh! !

In an instant, Martha's flexed knee turned into an orange shock wave, carrying an unusually strong force, and bombarded Aoguyan directly.

The flying knee kick is a big move with fighting attributes, but the hit rate is impressive. If it fails, the knee may also hit other objects, causing a huge counter-injury effect.

But with the premise of the eye of the heart, this kick will only hit Aoguyan.

And Xiaozhi and Aoguyan just looked at each other's figure quietly, as if waiting for something.

When the flying knee kick almost reached the front, Xiao Zhi suddenly shouted:
"Right now, use Yanhui!!"

The new move that Aoguyan learned from Bidiao was more than just a shadow clone.

"Tear it off!!"

Aoguyan, dressed in white light, rushed forward to face the opponent's attack.

Until the two collided, the Flying Knee Kick pierced straight through, hitting only the afterimage of Aoguyan.

In the next moment, Aogu Yan had appeared under Masana's body, and Yan Hui rushed straight out!
Swoosh! !
The sharp bird's beak was hitting Marshana's chest, and it was thrown into the air, landing heavily on the smooth floor.

The effect is outstanding!

Yan Hui, Yan Hui. This is the best move that Aogu Yan and Da Wang Yan are good at.


Seeing this, Xiaozhi is overjoyed, the combination of the eye of the heart and the flying knee kick can't be avoided.
Then simply use the first step of Yan Hui's unique trick to directly interrupt the flying knee kick!


It's just that the strength of this blow is still a little worse, and after a while, Masado has struggled to get up from the ground again.

"Then get rid of it completely, and come back again!!"

This time, it was Xiao Zhi's turn to gain the upper hand and attack at a high speed.


Aoguyan's wings fluttered, and the body was once again covered with a sharp white light, shooting out like a sharp arrow.

"Mashana, use See Through!!"

Regardless, see-through is a versatile move.

Ma Shana's figure slanted, and once again passed Aogu Yan, with the blessing of seeing through, even the Yan's return move, which was sure to hit, was completely avoided.

(End of this chapter)

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