He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 964 Martial Arts Gym, vs Iron Palm Warriors!

Chapter 964 Martial Arts Gym, vs Iron Palm Warriors!

"Then it's the ultimate trick!!"

Fujiki is still this set of punches.

The double blessing of yoga power and yoga posture, and the energy with paralyzing effect, as long as it can hit Aoguyan, all the previous disadvantages can be ignored.


Ma Shana condensed the thunder in her palm, and shot it towards Ao Guyan's back again.

"This trick is useless for us!"

Ash didn't give any instructions, just smiled smugly.

On the field, Marshana's electric light palm still penetrated Ao Guyan's body directly, but it was just an afterimage that completely failed.

Aoguyan has completely mastered the rhythm of Masana.

Whoosh! !
There was a gliding sound in the ear.

The next moment, Aoguyan's figure revolved and appeared right in front of Masana again.

Swoosh! !
The strong Yan Hui rushed out again and slammed into Masana's abdomen.

The latter's figure suddenly turned into a parabola, and flew out weakly for a while.

The reason why the power of yoga is far less famous than that of Hercules is that not only the Masana family can master it.

The speed of the latter is also a big problem. The speed of the Mashana clan is too slow, and no matter how strong the force is, it cannot hit the opponent.

"Mashana lost his ability to fight, the first match was won by Aoguyan!!"

Seeing that Marshana's eyes were swirling, the referee hurriedly declared the winner.

Obviously there is not a big gap in the level, but he is pressing on the vine tree all the way and fighting again. He has not had such a battle for a long time.

The fitness guy interrupted his spellcasting by himself.There seemed to be two people a few days ago, and it was the same rhythm, ending the battle easily.

"Come back, Marshana."

Soon, Fujiki recovered the defeated Masana into the ball.

It seems that this guy is not a rookie trainer.

Fujiki's hand was on a Poké Ball around his waist, but a few days ago, the appearance of two rookie trainers, a man and a woman, suddenly appeared in his heart.


Thinking of this, Fujiki shuddered.

Finally, the palm moved and landed on a pokeball next to it.

The current rookie trainers seem to be getting more and more incredible. The challenge intensity of the pavilion owner required by the Pokémon Alliance should be improved this time.

"Come out, my second surfer!!"

So the vine tree threw the second Poké Ball.

Boom! !

A huge figure appeared on the field, and the heavy body immediately made the surrounding floors tremble.

This huge Pokémon is like a fat human sumo wrestler, with a very thick bottom plate.

The raised arms are thick three-fingered palms, and fat is visible all over the body.

"Didi. Iron Palm, shoveling Pokémon, a body full of fat, huge strength, can fly a 10-ton truck with one slap, but even so, it's just a fake Hercules."

The picture book automatically recognizes the road.

"Don't underestimate my Iron Palm Warrior, this is the real Hercules!"

Fujiki was obviously a little unhappy with the introduction of the illustrated book, and immediately interrupted.

"DiDi. Cold knowledge: The real Hercules don't look like Hercules."

The picture book just reminded calmly, and Fujiki frowned again.

Are the current illustrations so smart?
"Come back, Aoguyan."

Xiao Zhi didn't care about the real or fake Hercules, he raised his palm, but took Ao Gu Yan back first.

"Come out, turkey chick!!"

Immediately, he flipped his palm and sent the turkey chick who looked very excited.

I originally thought that it would evolve before Kanaz Gym, but now I haven't evolved to the second Gym.

"Huo Chi, this is a strong enemy, fight with all your strength!!"

Ash cheers for the turkey chick loudly.

He intends to use this iron-clad warrior, who is obviously not low-level, to squeeze the potential of the turkey chicken and complete the evolution.


The young fire chicken fluttered its tender wings, eager to try.

The two Pokémon facing each other from a distance have a huge disparity in size.

The battle begins!
"Fire chick, use the flame vortex!!"

"Iron Palm Warrior, use the high-five surprise attack!!"

When the words fell, the Iron Palm fighter took the lead and slapped the slap on the spot, and the crisp sound made the turkey froze in place.

"Don't lose to it, use the flame vortex!!"

Huo Zhiji's eyes were filled with flames of war, and the flames in his mouth spurted out at the moment when the high-five surprise attack ended.

Boom! !

The curved flames in the sky were like a fiery snake, and in an instant, they completely surrounded the Iron Palm Warrior, turning into a beam of flame and rising up, making it difficult for the latter to escape.

"Hey, this flame is useless"

However, Fujiki just smiled lightly and didn't care.

The Iron Palm fighters in the flames slapped them on the spot.

The broad slap slapped, creating a strong wind all around, and immediately extinguished the surrounding flames.

The figure of the Iron Palm Warrior reappeared, and there was no sign of any burns.

"Sure enough, is it thick fat?"

Xiaozhi frowned, the thick fat on the body of Iron Palm Lux, even if he didn't use the picture book hint, he could guess it.

It has thick fat characteristics, and has good resistance to fire-type and ice-type moves.

"It doesn't matter, I didn't even think about using flame moves to decide the winner today!"

However, Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up, his fire chick could not only master flame moves.

"Fire chick, show your strength, use bounce!!"

This is a powerful flying-type move, and it is very effective against fighting Pokémon.


The fire chick understood, and the petite body immediately jumped high, almost all the way to the ceiling of the gym.

Whoosh! !
Then there was the Iron Palm Warrior who raised a chicken claw and swooped down!

"Can the fire chick still master this move?"

Fujiki showed a surprised look, but quickly commanded backhand:

"Iron Palm Warrior, stop!"

The Iron Palm Warrior didn't dodge, just raised his palm in place.

The thick fat on the palm completely blocked the turkey chicken's bouncing moves.

Huo Chi only felt that he had slammed into a ball of cotton, and he could not exert his strength at all.

Before Xiao Zhi could do anything, Fujiki spoke again:

"It's right now, use leverage to throw!!"


The Iron Hand Warrior understood and gave a low drink.

When he was about to close his wide palms and tighten them, he just grabbed the whole turkey chicken in his palms, as if he was pulling a chicken.

The figure of the Iron Palm Warrior shifted to one side, and he swung it out with his inertial palm.

Boom! !
The fire chick was immediately smashed to the floor by the former, making a chilling explosion! !
His body was like a ball, rolling on the ground for a while, and his head was spinning, stumbling back and forth on the ground.


Obviously, there is a huge disparity between the two in terms of strength.
(The monthly pass seems to be doubled these days? Everyone voted a little, thank you.)
 Thank you for the 5000 coin reward from Necro's Wish! !move.

(End of this chapter)

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