He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 965 Evolution, strong chicken!

Chapter 965 Evolution, strong chicken!

"Is there no advantage in strength at all?"

Xiao Zhi clenched his fists, wishing he could go up and help the turkey chicken fight.

The power gap is too large, and even attribute restraint has no effect.

Just looking at the red light on Huo Zhichun's body after getting up, Xiao Zhi's eyes are sure.

The acceleration feature is activated.

"Then use speed to decide the outcome! Run, turkey chick!!"

Ash shouted loudly.

The turkey chicken cheered up and started to run quickly between the arenas with two little chicken feet.

Da da da.! !
The speed is so fast that the iron palm warrior in the middle can't capture the entity at all, and he looks around at the same place.

"Right now, aim at the joint of its right foot and use the Kick Down Attack!!"

Ash shouted loudly, although a Pokémon like Iron Palm Lux has a thick bottom plate, it is still a breakthrough point.

Especially kicking down this move, the heavier the weight of the opponent, the more powerful it will be.

"It's useless, iron palm warrior, use the shove trick!!"

However, Fujiki just gave instructions unhurriedly, as if he had already planned.


The Iron Palm fighter let out a low growl and raised his two thick slaps, completely ignoring the turkey chick that was moving at high speed around his body, but slapped the ground directly below him.

The palm touched the ground, and in an instant, the entire gym hall vibrated violently.


The high-intensity vibration forced Huoji to stiffen in place, with an ugly face.

Pushing the earthquake hard, but aoe's move, as long as it stays on the ground, it will be forcibly eaten by this move.

"Right now, use Kick Down!!"

At the moment when the shaking ended, the fire chick rushed forward and was about to attack.

However, the iron palm fighter moved faster, and he had already assumed the posture of pushing the earthquake twice.

Pushing this move, like the seed machine gun, is a continuous move.

Seeing this, the turkey chick shuddered, and jumped up in a hurry to dodge.

It doesn't want to suffer any more disgusting vibrations.

Just at the moment when the turkey jumped up, the iron palm fighter also raised his palm, and he didn't intend to continue to push the earthquake.

"Appeared, it was Teng Shu's shove and fake shove!!"

Many fitness practitioners around recognized this move on the spot.

Mine shock and false shock, this is a classic move of professional judoists, using psychology to completely play the opponent in applause.

At this moment, it was completely re-engraved by the Iron Palm.


The Iron Palm Master grabbed this neutral position, and while the turkey chick was still in the air, he waved his hand and grabbed the latter again.

Immediately, the body leaned, and his hands slammed down!

Take advantage of the fall! !

Boom! !
There was another explosion, and the fire chick was smashed to the ground again, rolling backwards for a while, and the scene made everyone shudder.

So cruel!


Even after eating two shots and using strength to fall, the whole body of the turkey chicken at this moment was like falling apart, struggling to get up.

It entered the state of the candle in the wind.

"How about it, my Iron Hand Warrior!"

Teng Shu nodded with satisfaction. This is the normal fighting style.

With the strength of this turkey chicken, don't even think about defeating your own iron-handed warrior.

"Fire chick, don't lose to him, show your fiery fighting spirit!!"

At this time, Xiao Zhi roared loudly.

In the eyes of everyone, it seems that there is no meaning at all, but it seems to have gained new power when it falls into the ears of the turkey chicken with a candle in the wind.


It stood up straight, raised its head to the sky and let out a high cry, with endless fighting spirit in its unyielding eyes.

Boom puff.!!
In the next instant, the whole body burst into flames out of thin air, surrounding the turkey chicks.

A strange evolutionary white light, also in the firelight, covered the surface of the turkey chick's body.

"Is it finally going to evolve!?"

Xiaozhi's eyes were fixed on the latter, and he didn't waver in the slightest.

With the power of the fire chicken, it is enough to evolve.

puff! !
Under the gazes of these dozens of eyes, the evolutionary white light and flames broke apart suddenly, and the new posture of the fire chick was officially displayed in front of everyone.

The body is several times larger, and the body is very tall and straight, and the bright yellow chicken feet under the body have turned into brown strong chicken feet.

The immature little wings that were completely useless at first extended outward, turning into two sturdy arms with three sharp claws at the end.

The lower body is covered with orange-red feathers, and the upper body is bright yellow.

The head is connected to the body, with pale red eyes and three clusters of red feathers on the top of the head.

"Dip. The strong chicken, the evolution of the fire chick, has both the flame attribute and the fighting attribute, the legs with both speed and strength, and can kick out several heavy kicks in one second."

This time, it was a picture book prompt in the hands of the onlooker Xiao Lan.


The strong chicken jumped in place for a while, and the second stage of the body allowed it to finally fully exert its fighting strength.

The red light of the characteristic acceleration is still increasing the speed of the chicken.

"Have you finally completed your evolution?"

Xiaozhi was overjoyed in his heart, but the next second, he understood, and looked at the big fat man in front of him with Lizhuang Chicken.

The battle has only just begun!
"Strong chicken, run!!"

At this moment, he gained new strength, and the extremely excited Lizhuang Chicken ran again and again at an extremely fast speed.

"Use shove!!"

Teng Shu didn't dare to be calm this time, and instructed in a serious voice.

The Iron Palm fighter immediately slapped his hand and was about to shove it to the ground.

This time, the strong chicken repeated the old trick, jumping up and dodging again, but the movements seemed extremely light.

"Right now, grab it!!"

It was still a false shock, and the Iron Palm Master immediately raised his palm and grabbed the strong chicken in mid-air.

clatter! !

However, the strong chicken stepped on the thick fat palm of the iron palm fighter, and the latter's palm was used as the force point, and it went directly over the iron palm fighter's palms.

Swoosh! !
The other foot kicked out in the air, hitting the face of the Iron Palm Warrior.

"DiDi, Lizhuang Chicken has mastered a new move: the second stage kick."

The Pokédex automatically prompts.

"Have you mastered the new move? Well done. Then use Kick Down!!"

Hearing Xiao Zhi's voice, the strong chicken that had just landed kicked back on the floor again, turning into an orange arrow and rushing up.

Swoosh! !
With one blow, the sliding shovel that attacked the next three lanes directly kicked the right foot joint of Iron Palm Lux.


This made the Iron Palm Warrior's face turn blue, and he let out an uncomfortable cry, and his body was almost kicked down.

"Right now, take advantage of the inertia of falling, hug its body, and just use it to fall!!"

However, Fujiki's response was also not slow, and he immediately had a coping strategy.

At this moment, the figure of the strong chicken is under the body of the iron palm warrior, and it is completely defenseless.
(End of this chapter)

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