He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 969 Evolution, forest lizard! !

Chapter 969 Evolution, forest lizard! !


At this moment, the grass-type moves that he is good at have no effect. Looking at the vicious big snake in front of him, Mu Shougong was a little bit jealous for a while, and it was difficult to act.

In contrast, the spoon snake can move freely.


With a roar, the slender body quickly crawled on the rocky ground, and took the initiative to attack.

When he came to the front, he even swept the dagger-shaped tail behind him!

Poison tail! !
The end of the tail was covered with penetrating purple light, and bubbles were still rolling outward.

Whoosh! !
Mu Shougong didn't dare to be careless, he was on guard with all his heart, and hurriedly backed up and flipped, only to avoid the poisonous tail.


Looking at Venom Tail so close, even Ash couldn't help but shudder.

If Mu Shougong suffered such a blow, even if he couldn't fight, he would enter the state of candles in the wind on the spot.

"Damn, only the speed is still dominant, Mu Shougong, use high-speed movement!"

No, Xiao Zhi can only use quick attack tactics.

Mu Shougong began to run quickly, and his body turned into green afterimages, which surrounded the body of the Snake Spoon, making it dizzying.


It's just that the Snake Rice Spoon didn't panic at all, spit out the scarlet snake letter and watched it quietly.

The next moment, when he opened his mouth, he spit out a large cloud of black mist.

With the rice spoon snake as the center, the black mist began to spread rapidly around, and almost instantly, it wrapped itself and the high-speed wooden Shougong.

The field of vision was completely covered, and Mu Shougong didn't dare to run fast, for fear of falling to the ground, he could only carefully look around the black fog.

But the vision of both of them disappeared completely, and it was not a big problem.
Whoosh! !
Just the next moment, Xiao Zhi suddenly heard the sound of snakeskin crawling on the rocky ground in the black fog.


Immediately afterwards, the sound of Mu Shougong's whining came from the smoke.

When the black mist dissipated, what appeared in front of everyone was a large black snake that had already curled up its body, completely wrapping the wooden Shougong in the middle of the hollow.

The flexible snake body slid and contracted, squeezing Mu Shougong's body visible to the naked eye.


In the air, there was a sound of bones being crushed and cracked.


The pain from the body and the strong sense of suffocation made Mu Shougong almost unable to let out a whimper, and almost fainted.

"Wooden Shougong!!"

Xiao Zhi shouted worriedly, in a panic.

And how did this big black snake capture the specific location of Mushou Palace in the smoke? !

"As expected of my rice spoon snake! Haha!!"

Musashi was still laughing with his hips on his shoulders. She was an automatic flow trainer and didn't need to command anything.

A mature Pokémon should be able to fight on its own.

"I see, I see!"

Kojiro flipped through the pamphlet beside him.

Pokédex or something, it's for novice training, they use the Pokémon database uniformly distributed by Team Rocket.
paper print version.

"Oh, when Pokémon such as Rice Spoon Snake are obstructed by vision, they can use their keen sense of smell to catch the opponent's position."

Soon, Kojiro also found the answer.

Of course, this is not to say how powerful the Snake's nose is.

Snake Pokémon's sense of smell is actually more of a sense of smell with its tongue out.

As the tongue is retracted into the mouth, the smell is also brought back into the body, and special organs are used for olfactory analysis and perception.

Therefore, the black fog in the sky actually has no covering effect on the rice spoon snake.

"Damn, is there such a thing as that?"

Xiaozhi frowned, looking at Mu Shougong, who was completely wrapped and bound by the rice spoon snake, and was very anxious.

At this moment, Mu Shougong's feet are in the air, his limbs and mouth are tightly bound, and there is no means of escape at all.

It's just that if I ask the Pikachu next to me to help, I will use the self-esteem of Mu Shougong
"Have it!"

Suddenly, Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up, and without any hesitation, he roared loudly, and the voice kept echoing in the closed cave.

"Mu Shougong, it's time, just do your best to evolve!!"

This trip to the cave, Mu Shou Palace was originally for the purpose of evolution.

Since the wooden Shougong stage cannot defeat the rice spoon snake, then evolve!


Mu Shougong understood, and immediately stared wide-eyed, tensed his whole body and let out a burst of roars, trying his best to trigger the power in his body.

It's just that no matter how powerful it is, after all, it is still a little short, preventing him from blooming with evolutionary light.
"Just think about your height, and the height of a strong chicken!!"

Hearing Xiao Zhi's cry, Mu Shougong, who was about to faint, suddenly fixed his eyes.

Whoosh! !
In an instant, the white light of evolution finally appeared on Mu Shougong's body.

This made its body swell rapidly, and its head and limbs were extending all around.

This is an irresistible force. Even if the Snake Snake is still using the restraint trick, its body is constantly being forcibly relaxed and unfolded.
After a few seconds, the white light disappears.

Mu Shougong also gained a new posture and appeared in everyone's sight.

The body size has nearly doubled, the body has become more slender, and there is a slender green leaf on the top of the head.

The skin is dark green, and there are several green leaves on the back of the hand and the tail.

"DiDi. Forest lizards, the evolution of Mu Shougong, the developed leg muscles can produce powerful instantaneous explosive force, more aggressive than Mu Shougong, only fighting can make it convincing"

The Pokédex automatically issued a prompt sound.

"what the hell!!"

"How can anyone evolve in battle, you are foul!!"

Musashi and Kojiro immediately rebuked.

"Cut it!"

The forest lizard, however, took advantage of the Snake's temporary absence, and immediately shook its head.

Swoosh! !
The slender leaves on the top of the head just hit the eyes of the Snake Rice Spoon, and the latter subconsciously loosened up in pain.

The forest lizard seized the opportunity, and the body violently exerted force, finally breaking free from the restraint of the snake body.

Da da.!!
Then there were several backflips in a row, pulling out of position.

The figure appears to be fast, flexible, and extremely chic.

After landing, the forest lizard did not forget to pick up a branch at the corner of its mouth, and the mysterious meaning of the outfit also rose by a level.

Now it's time for a full-fledged cup.

"Finally evolved!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi's breathing became a little short.

However, the height of the forest lizard does not seem to be much taller than the strong chicken?

"Damn it, get rid of him for me, Snake, use the poisonous tail!!"

This time, Musashi even took the initiative to issue instructions.


She was the woman who beat the snake with her bare hands. The snake didn't dare to be careless, and flew away immediately, raising the tail of the purple dagger at the end of her body, and slashing it down!

Even if it has evolved, it still occupies an absolute advantage in terms of attributes.

(End of this chapter)

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