Chapter 970

Without waiting for Ash's instructions, the forest lizard has already raised its palm voluntarily.

Two green lights flashed, instantly covering the green leaves on the back of the forest lizard's hand.


In the next moment, the original ordinary green leaves had already extended out, turning into two slender green light energy long knives shaped like two green sickles.

"DiDi. Forest lizards have a new trick: Leaf Blades."

The pictorial reminded in time.

Having mastered the new move of Leaf Blade, the forest lizard raised his arms above his head, and turned his sword into a cross-resisting posture.

Pit Keng! !
The purple poisonous tail of the Rice Spoon Snake slashed heavily on the blade of the blade, and there was a burst of sound like a metal collision.

The level of this rice spoon snake is not low, even if it is an evolved forest lizard, the shoulders can't help but lean down slightly with the terrifying force from above.

"Cut it.!!"

Just the next moment, with the forest lizard's second effort, it reluctantly pushed the rice spoon snake out.


After landing, the spoon snake spit out a snake letter, showing a dangerous look.

Forest lizard, has completely angered it.


The forest lizard showed the same look, without the slightest fear, and stared at the rice spoon snake.

Both were on fire.

"Don't lose to it, use high speed movement!!"

Xiao Zhi suddenly attacked loudly.

I don't know where Team Rocket got the Pokémon, so it's so powerful.

Forest lizards understand it, and their slender and vigorous lower limbs run fast on the rocky ground, which is several times faster than the wooden gecko stage.

shhhhhh! !

The figure turned into afterimages, making it difficult to capture.

It was when the Rice Spoon Snake was planning to repeat the old trick and used the black mist trick to block the forest lizard.
"Right now, use the blade!!"

Xiao Zhi suddenly shouted.

Taking advantage of the moment when the Snake opened its mouth, the forest lizards that were still surrounded by it dashed forward in an instant.

The raised green light blade, with the above slashing action, slammed upwards and slashed.

Whoosh! !
There was a sound of a knife piercing into flesh and blood, followed by a splash of red blood.

I saw that the forest lizard hit the leaf blade with this blow, right at the eye of the Rice Spoon Snake, and drew a huge scar through the latter's eye, and countless blood flew down.

See blood!
Cold knowledge, Pokémon battles are generally not bloody.

Even if you can't fight, you just need to send it to Miss Joy, and the next day, you will be full of vitality and resurrected with blood.

But battles are battles after all, and there will still be bloodshed.

Once it sees blood, it means that this Pokémon will be left with scars for a lifetime.

Such a wound, even Miss Joy couldn't heal.

This paediatric, forest lizard permanently left a vertical scar on the right eye of the rice spoon snake!
Just the next moment, there was another oozing sound of the blade slicing through the flesh and blood, and the blood flew down.

"Forest Lizard!!"

Xiao Zhi subconsciously exclaimed.

This rice spoon snake has a super strong will to fight, and when it was slashed, it immediately forcibly flew out its poisonous tail blade and left a slender bloodstain on the chest of the forest lizard.

The effect is outstanding! !


After the blow, the two were separated by a few meters, both gasping for breath, but their eyes were fixed on each other.

Da da!

Blood continued to fall from the eyelids, covering the eyes of the Snake Snake.

Fortunately, Ye Ren didn't hit the eyeball, but he wouldn't directly become a one-eyed blind man.

On the other end, the forest lizard had a 10 cm horizontal scar on its chest, and blood continued to seep out, and the scene was equally infiltrating.

The terrifying damage of the poisonous tail. Not only that, but purple bubbles appeared on the surface of the forest lizard.

Forest lizards have entered a poisoned state.

Most of his stamina was consumed, leaving the forest lizard half-kneeling on the ground and staggering.

"Uh, rice spoon snake, are you alright?"

"Forest Lizard."

The two Pokémon were still facing each other, but the two trainers at the back panicked first.

Although Xiao Zhi has experienced many battles, this is the first time he has experienced a bloody battle like this.

This is no longer a normal battle, and Ash even took out the Forest Lizard's Poke Ball, intending to stop the bloody battle.

The pictorial says that the mongoose is the eternal enemy of the rice spoon snake
But at this moment, the forest lizard is more like the mortal enemy of the rice spoon snake, and it is necessary to see blood in a fight.

The Rockets on the other side were also shocked, and Kojiro had already planned to send his own Desert Naia to make a substitution.

At this time, the entire rocky ground suddenly began to vibrate violently.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, as if the ceiling of the rock wall would collapse in the next second.

"What's wrong?!"

Xiao Zhi was stunned, and looked around subconsciously.

I saw that in one direction of the cave, a group of silver-white metal beasts suddenly ran out, running in unison, the smoke billowing.

This posture, as if his thirty Kentaros were running together.

No, it's 59 now.

"Coco Dora?!"

Ash recognizes the swarms of Pokémon rushing in.

Not only that, in the running group, there are also a few large gray heavy beasts, their backs are covered with silver-white ferocious stabbing metal.

And a large Pokémon that runs completely upright, with a black steel body and a silver-white metal helmet with sharp horns on its head.

It seems that it should be an evolution of Coco Dora.

Such a large group of Pokémon from the Coco Dora clan ran in unison, causing the entire cave to vibrate again and again.

Especially in the running of Boscodora, the huge size made the ground seem to be crushed and collapsed immediately.

Rumble.! !
Coco Dora, just rushed towards Ash and Team Rocket.

It seems that the battle just now attracted this group of wild Coco Dora.

However, they didn't rush in the direction of Xiao Zhi. Instead, they turned in the opposite direction and dashed in the direction of Team Rocket.

"DiDi. The Cocodora family doesn't like lights, so they have the ability to avoid light."

The pictorial reminded in time.

Naturally, he was standing next to Ash, completely invisible, like a big light bulb Pikachu.

The Rice Spoon Snake also tried to spit out a venom shock to resist the attack, but the steel-type Pokémon was completely immune to the poison-type.

In less than a while, this large group of Coco Dora rushed the Rockets trio, plus the Rice Spoon Snake, onto their backs.

Finally, carrying countless dust and the Rockets, they gradually disappeared in front of Xiao Zhi and rushed into the depths of the cave.
It's just that Xiao Zhi hasn't waited for long to relax.

This time, the ground under his feet began to vibrate violently.

Xiaozhi: "?"

The next moment, the entire rocky ground cracked and shattered from the middle.

Losing his support point, Ash immediately fell towards the depths of the cave.

"what's up!?"

Ash, who was falling, hugged Pikachu subconsciously and exclaimed.

"DiDi. Coco Dora likes to eat metal-rich ores, so in places where this kind of Pokémon lives, be careful if the ground under your feet is empty."

The picture book hints intimately.

Xiaozhi: "."

(End of this chapter)

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