He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 971 The Mural Stone Room, the Champion Dawu!

Chapter 971 The Mural Stone Room, the Champion Dawu!
The entire cave of stone was shaking violently, and Xiao Zhi, who lost his center of gravity, fell quickly.

Holding the light bulb Pikachu in one hand, and looking at the fallen rocks around him, Xiaozhi moved.

Immediately, he planned to quickly shuttle between the falling gravel, using his strength frequently, in an attempt to climb back to the upper rocky ground.

This is a classic Pikachu move.

It was only the first step that Xiao Zhi's feet had just exerted force, and the whole person directly followed the gravel under his feet and quickly fell together.

Xiaozhi: "."

Pokémon's movements are difficult for humans to imitate after all.

In an instant, countless boulders covered down, and countless smoke and dust rose randomly, completely engulfing the figures of Ash and Pikachu.

"Cut it!!"

At the edge of the collapse, the forest lizard that was not affected screamed anxiously.

That big snake, kill it next time!
Just when the forest lizard was just about to jump down to rescue, the exhaustion of its physical strength, combined with excessive blood loss and triple damage from the highly poisonous effect, finally made it fall to the ground, making it difficult to move.
Cave of Stones, three floors underground.

This is also the bottom layer of this underground cave.

The collapse just now seemed to have caused a chain reaction, and Ash fell directly to the bottom.

Da da!

When the collapse came to an end, Xiao Zhicai slowly got up from the pile of rubble on the edge, pushed away the rubble around his body, and the smoke filled the air.

"Ahem, are you alright, Pikachu.?"


Pikachu shook his head and shook the dust off his face, and there was nothing serious.

Although it could use a flash of electric light to escape, as a result, Xiao Zhi grabbed the tail for the first time, and was protected in his arms and fell together.

Fortunately, the moment Xiaozhi landed, he suddenly rolled towards the edge, but he was not hit by the huge rock in the central area.


Seeing that the surroundings were extremely dim, Pikachu once again used the flashing trick to illuminate everything.

"Didn't the forest lizard come down?"

Xiaozhi looked around, and when it collapsed, the forest lizard was still some distance away from them, and it seemed that it stayed on it.

Countless boulders fell in front of them, stacked into a thick rock wall.

"Uh, at this scale, it would be very troublesome even for Bi Diao to perform the rock crushing technique."

Looking at the cracked ceiling that was completely sealed above, Ash couldn't help frowning.

Forcibly cast the rock crushing technique, maybe the whole cave will collapse together.
"Forget it, look for other ways to go up."

In the end, Ash could only turn around and look for the stairs that existed in the cave itself.

As for the status of the forest lizards, it is estimated that Xiaogang, Xiaolan and the others will come over with the previous movement. The forest lizards should not be in any danger.


Under the guidance of Pikachu's flashing technique, Ash began to explore the lowest level of the underground.
It seems that because the location is too deep, the air here has a depressing breath.

The surrounding darkness was so eerie that even Pikachu's flashes couldn't illuminate it, making it creepy.

It's actually a little hypoxia
After walking for a while, Ash came to the dead-end rock wall, which seemed to be at the end of the cave.


Just as Ash was about to go back the same way and look for other exits, Pikachu next to him suddenly called out.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Following the guidance of Pikachu's flashing technique, he discovered that on the side of this rock wall, there was a hidden entrance path, which was about the size of only half a human being allowed to enter.

The surface is covered with a lot of rattan gravel, if you don't look carefully, you can't notice it at all.

"What is this place.?"

Xiao Zhi became interested and watched Pikachu take the lead in getting in, and he quickly followed.

Since a human can't get in, he should turn his side and squeeze through the trail.

At the beginning, he was very narrow, and he was able to understand people. After walking dozens of steps, he suddenly became enlightened.

When Ash and Pikachu walked more than ten meters forward, the space in front of them suddenly became wider.

Inside the trail was an unusually large room with a stone wall, and the ceiling rock wall above was ten meters high.

There are even strange glowing algae plants attached to the surrounding rock walls.


Pikachu dissipated his shimmering spell, revealing his chubby figure again.

The surrounding light still did not disappear. This stone room seemed to have its own light, filled with reddish light.

"What the hell is this place.?!"

Xiaozhi was stunned, but he didn't expect that such a place was hidden at the bottom of this dark stone cave.

There are neat stone steps at the front, which don't look like any natural terrain.

More like a person, a place made?

Xiaozhi calmed down a little, he had already noticed the deepest part of this large stone room, on the stepped stone platform, there was a stone gate.

It looks more like a place where ancient people worshipped the gods.

Ash and Pikachu looked at each other, held their breath, and carefully walked up the stairs and entered the stone gate.

Inside the stone gate is another stone room.

It is still full of peculiar glowing plants, and does not require flash lighting, but the space is much smaller.

The room was empty, nothing special.

Only on the rock wall in front of it is actually a bizarre rock fresco, with numerous pattern details and a simple and abstract painting style, occupying almost the entire wall.

What surprised Xiao Zhi the most was that at this moment, there was still one person standing in the mural stone room.

With his back facing him, the man looked at the mural in front of him and touched his chin, as if he was in a state of contemplation.

He is tall and slender, wearing a purple-black casual suit, the jacket is kept open on the chest, revealing a red tie.

He has short silver hair with a slight protruding horn at the top of his head.

Noticing that someone entered the stone room, the tall and slender man turned around slowly, and Xiao Zhi finally saw the man's complete appearance.

This is an unusually handsome man, his eyes are as deep as steel, and his whole body exudes an aristocratic atmosphere, which makes it difficult to look away.

"Mr. Dacher?!"

Xiaozhi blurted out, only the next moment did he realize that the man in front of him was somewhat different from the Datoru he met in the Kanto region.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi also had an answer in his heart, and asked in a deep voice:

"Are you the league champion, Mr. Daigo?"

If it is said that this bizarre stone room, as well as the ancient murals, can attract an alliance champion to investigate.

"Hehe, I'm retired, not a league champion."

Dawu chuckled softly, his voice low and magnetic, and then his eyes fell on Ash and Pikachu.

"If I'm not mistaken, should you be Ash from Zhenxin Town? Didn't expect to meet you here."

(End of this chapter)

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