He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 976 The Mural of the God Pillar

Chapter 976 The Mural of the God Pillar
Half a day later, in the southern waters of the Fangyuan area.

Twilight Town.

This is a small island town, and the area is only 1/3 the size of Wudou Town. Apart from the houses where humans live, there is nothing else on the island.

There are even many houses, derived from the land and built on the sea with wooden frames suspended.

"Thank you for your hard work, Armored Bird."

Dawu fell from the body of the armored bird, and the high-intensity journey for half a day, even the armored bird was exhausted to the naked eye.

Looking around, Daigo frowned slightly.

Now that it is getting late, and the surroundings seem quite quiet, Dawu can only go into the elf center next to him to inquire about the information.

"Oh, are you talking about the group of archaeologists during the day? In the afternoon, they took a submarine to the sea to the west~!"


Hearing Miss Joy's answer, Daigo couldn't help sighing.

Seems to be a little slower.

He came from above the western sea area, and because of the submarine, he did not collide with this group of people.

"Damn, we can only wait until tomorrow"

The armored bird has been running around for a day, and now he has no physical strength to take him to patrol the sea.

The sea to the west is full of dangerous and turbulent ocean currents, and only large ships are capable of sailing, even Dawu has no choice for a while.

And the No. 134 waterway not far from Mushui Town.

Surrounded by countless turbulent ocean currents, the directions are random and chaotic.
But in the middle of a turbulent ocean current, there is a strange area where the sea water is still.

"It looks like it's here, everyone, ready to dive!"

Inside a submarine in the shape of a megalodon.

A rough, shirtless man shouted and started to operate on the console for a while.

In the back, there are nearly ten archaeologists standing, either wearing white lab coats for researchers, or wearing mountain men's outdoor mountaineering suits.

puff puff!

The next moment, the submarine that everyone was on began to sink rapidly.

This is actually a long and narrow trench cave.

At this moment, a brown-gray fish-shaped Pokémon whose body is covered with a map pattern is in front of the submarine, as if guiding the way.

A huge blue whale followed closely behind the submarine.

Soon, under the leadership of the ancient coelacanth in the front and the roaring whale king in the rear, they really saw the entrance to an underwater cave.

"Haha, sure enough my guess was correct!!"

In the submarine, one of the archaeologists suddenly laughed and said:
"The ancient coelacanth is the beginning, the roaring whale king is the end, and everything will finally open. That's what it means!"

If you want to enter this underwater cave, you need the auxiliary guidance of these two kinds of Pokémon.

You must know that they had come to explore this cave many times before, but no matter how long they sank, they did not see any trace of the cave.

But today, as soon as the ancient coelacanth and the roaring whale king were replaced, they sank for a while, and a gate had already opened towards them.

"As expected of an expert, as soon as you make a move, you will know if there is any!"

Tide, as a submarine captain, was immediately flattered.

This is a tall, inch-headed man with a bare upper body and dark skin. The lower body is wearing tight blue trousers, showing the outline of the thigh muscles rather rough.

It was as if he was wearing a whole tights, but tore the clothes on his body, palms, trousers, and there were visible signs of shattering.

Chao, the elite cadre of the ocean team.

Beside them, there are several helmsman younger brothers wearing blue hoods, all of them are members of the ocean team.

It's just that Chao's originally simple and honest face with a smile turned into a cold ridicule when he turned around.

"Hmph, what a bunch of idiots."

On the bright side, this time the activity was funded by their marine team to help these archaeologists complete their research on the Three Gods Pillars.

In fact, Chao was just using the brains of these people to help him enter this underwater cave.

"Three God Pillars, destined to exist for the Ocean Team!"

Chao's eyes were hot and dangerous, and he looked at the cave in front of him with malicious intent.

Soon, the submarine officially entered the cave entrance.

Inside, there is another horizontal narrow trench cave.

And at the end of this long and narrow cave, connected, is a land that looks like a stone platform.

In the unique environment, a waterless land was born under this deep sea.

"It's a miracle!!"

Many archaeologists sigh again and again.

The submarine docked, and everyone from the marine team and a group of archaeological experts came ashore one after another.

It was clearly a deep-sea lair, but the surrounding rock walls were unusually flat.

Even along the way, there are also stone monuments standing from time to time.

"Braille? These are.?"

On the stone tablet, there are also dotted marks, arranged according to a certain pattern, which is somewhat similar to their current Braille, but different.

In short, it is not a natural place, more like a place left by ancient human beings.

Continuing to go deeper, everyone entered a spacious stone room.

Similar to the stone chamber in the deepest cave of the Stone Cave in Wudou Town, the surrounding rock walls are also scattered with luminous plants. Even if the flashing technique is not used, the stone chamber is still shining with light.

At the end of the stone room, there is a stepped stone platform that looks like a sacrifice.

On the innermost wall, there is still an ancient mural in abstract style.

"This is.?!"

Everyone's first reaction was to fall on the mural, staring with wide eyes, for fear of missing something.

In the center of the mural is a huge square creature, more like a big rock than a Pokémon?

But it has rock-like arms and legs.

At the back of the body is a giant stone slab. It is connected by several ropes in the middle.

It's like this giant Pokémon is dragging this heavy stone slab.

Around it, there are three smaller square Pokémon scattered with abstract symbols of "Ice and Snow", "Rock" and "Steel".

For example, Bingxue has a hexagonal snowflake pattern engraved on the square-shaped Pokémon.

"Is this some kind of civilization worship?!"

"I know that these three smaller ones are the Three God Pillars. But what is this Pokémon dragging the slate in the middle?!"

The symbols of snowflakes, rocks, and steel made them quickly recognize the three pillars.

But there are more riddles that follow.



Soon, the group of archaeologists and scholars fell into a heated discussion.

This made Chao also frown and wait beside him.

He doesn't want to listen to any academic discussion, hurry up and summon these three gods to the Lord!

It's just that the group of people in front of him are still uncles, and he can't afford to offend them, so he can only wait quietly.


But among the many archaeologists, one of them is particularly special.

(End of this chapter)

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