He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 977 The Age of Gods, 5 God Pillars!

Chapter 977 The Age of Gods, the Five God Pillars!

This is a man with a Chinese character face, with dark and serious eyes, short gray-green hair, and a brown-green outdoor mountain men's suit.

He folded his arms and stared straight at the huge mural in front of him, without having any discussions with the surrounding experts.

"Is it just the Three God Pillars?"

Jindai glanced, and he noticed that on the edge of the mural, there were two other Pokémon.

The size is much smaller than that of the Sanshenzhu. If you don't look carefully, it's just a small stone in the corner.
But as long as you observe carefully, you can find that these two "stones" are completely consistent with the painting style and body structure of the Three Gods Pillars.

On the surface, one piece is engraved with a mark similar to electric current, and the other piece, God Generation, is not sure what it means.

"So it's actually the Five God Pillars. There is also an Electric God Pillar, and a special God Pillar?"

Jindai touched his chin and thought secretly.

This is a completely different setting from the mainstream academic research in the Fangyuan area.
As the leader of the battle development area, the generation of gods had the idea of ​​​​three gods from a very early time.

"Ocean Team"

Unlike the group of scholars who focused on academic research in front of him, Jindai knew that the sponsored members of the marine team around him were not good things.

Yi Gao people are bold, but this is the most crucial relic, and the generation of gods simply mixed in with the scholars and came in together.

Against the leader of the pioneering area, his reputation is far lower than that of the Alliance King, and no one here knows him.

After waiting for a long time, I saw that the surrounding scholars were still immersed in the discussion. It seemed that if they did not interrupt, they could continue to quarrel for a day.

No way, Chao can only interrupt aloud:
"Doctors, then hurry up and summon the Three God Pillars, let's block the gods!"

This time, he was ordered to return the Three Gods Pillars to the Ocean Team, which was of great importance.

After all, the belief of the lava team next door, the god of the earth Groudon actually appeared in everyone's field of vision.

However, their belief, the god of the sea, Kyogre, has never appeared.
Even jumping out of the sea and turning over is fine!

Team Ocean can only find another way, trying to find other legendary Pokémon to build momentum for themselves.

The goal is to stare at the Three Gods Pillar.

"Oh, that makes sense."

"The appearance of the three gods is really exciting!"

Hearing Chao's voice, many people came back to their senses, and their eyes suddenly became hot and looking forward to it.

They are all fanatical scholars, awakening the Three God Pillars, whether they will attack humans next, whether there will be danger is not what they will consider.

Wake up first!

"Then according to the description in the ancient book, it only takes one person to walk around the edge of this stone room, and then touch the dotted rune mark in the center under the fresco."

One of the leading scholars said, not forgetting to remind:
"By the way, remember that the soles of your feet must remember to walk against the wall."

Seeing that dozens of eyes fell on him, Chao could only frown and walk towards the rock wall.

He originally planned to call a little brother to finish it.

The area of ​​this stone room is not so wide, and half of it is finished in a short time.


However, it was a bit strange to move so close to the rock wall, and the tide of the rough man couldn't help but feel a little hot.

"Damn, these nerds aren't playing tricks on me, are they?!"

In my heart, I cursed in a low voice, how could there be any awakening ceremony like this!
Soon, Chao will walk around the stone room, and finally return to the bottom of the mural again.


He swallowed, took a deep breath, aimed at the dot-shaped mark in the center, and carefully put his palm on it.

After waiting for a long time, there was no response from the entire rock wall.


Shouldn't these people really be playing with him? !

Just when Chao was about to get angry, it seemed that some mechanism had been triggered, and the entire stone room suddenly began to tremble.

Seeing this, the tide changed his face instantly and became ecstatic. This was not some external shock, but more like a scene after some kind of ritual worked.

Sure enough, these nerds are still somewhat useful.

Misunderstanding cleared!

"Really useful!"

"Three Divine Pillars are coming out!"

The crowd suddenly fell into a noisy discussion, and looked around curiously.

In the dark, everyone felt that something seemed to come out in their hearts.

Like a wine jar in front of him, the seal was torn open.

just next.
There is no next.


The tide of elite cadres of the ocean team waited patiently for a long time, until the rock wall stopped shaking for a long time, but nothing happened.

The expression on his face also changed into a visible displease and irritability.

"Maybe something went wrong"

"Maybe there are other conditions"

Many scholars have finally reacted, the whole person is like being watered by cold water, and they are completely in a place where no one is at the moment.

Even if they have Pokémon, they are pitifully weak in combat.
In front of this fierce big man, even if they were killed at this moment, no one would know what happened here.

It seems that Zeng Jin's ocean team is not a good stubble.
But in the end, Chao suppressed his inner anger and did nothing to the group of people in front of him.

At least the ancient coelacanth, the guide of the howler king, and the shaking of the stone chamber mean they do have something.

Next, their marine team will rely on this group of people to continue to explore the clues of Kyogre.

After some thinking, he had no choice but to take the group back to the Megalodon submarine and back to the sea.

The plan to capture the Three Gods Pillars was declared a failure.

"Ha ha.!"

It's just that in the crowd, the generation of God showed a secret smile.

Today's plan did not fail, but went very smoothly.

It's just that this group of people has missed a piece of information.

The location of the Three Gods Pillar's awakening ceremony is not the same place as the actual meeting place!
At this moment, the three hidden locations in the Fangyuan area, the Three God Pillars that had been silent for many years, have all entered a state of awakening, which is the moment to be subdued!

But Jindai didn't choose to remind him that he didn't have a good impression of Team Ocean.

As for the three locations, I only know the exact location of one of them, and the other two are just clues.

"And what is the meaning of that electricity god column, the fifth god column, and even the giant god column in the middle?"

Following the crowd back to the submarine, Kamiyo fell into contemplation.

He has been studying the history of the Fangyuan area for a long time, and he has never seen any relevant records.

"Next, in addition to subduing the awakened Three God Pillars"

Since there is no historical record in the Fangyuan area, but it does exist, there is only one answer left.

God's eyes narrowed, and a decision was already made in his heart.

"Then the answer should appear in the historical records of other regions!"

(End of this chapter)

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