He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 995 The Gemini of Zhenxin Town

Chapter 995 The Gemini of Zhenxin Town

Just when everyone thought that Yushu was going to commit suicide, there was another low drink on the stage.

"Right now, use the rock-smashing trick!!"

rumble! !
The next moment, only a burst of roars and explosions were heard, and the Marsh Leaping Fish raised its palms and completely smashed the surrounding rocks into powder, showing its strong charm.

"Finally a brute force trick!!"

Yuki said, although he is already a master-level coordinator in the electronic world. But this is the first time he has participated in the magnificent competition in this world.

It's better to be safe, use the newcomer's winning rule, and perform specifically for one kind of trait.

Yuuki was aiming for the "strong" group.

I saw Marsh Yueyu standing on the spot, his face did not change in the slightest, as if he was in a daze.

However, in the next moment, the body seemed to be boiling, and white smoke continued to rise.

Marsh Leaping Fish maintained a sluggish expression just like that, and punched the void in place.

Boom! !
The terrifying punching power immediately hit the air ripples visible to the naked eye, and the movement was frightening.

Don't look stupid, but this swamp jumper is really strong.

"Clap clap!!" "Clap clap!!"

The next moment, there was a burst of warm applause from the audience, even bigger than the movement of Miaomiao's automatic cheerleader.

"It's not bad, it shows the intelligence of the marsh jumping fish vividly. Compared with it, its strength is not worth mentioning."

"Everything about me seems to be seen through by the Swamp Leaping Fish."

"It's a smart swamp jumping fish~ I like it very much~"

Yuuki: "?"

What riddles are these three judges playing?
However, it seemed that he had passed the level, and Yushu took back the Marsh Leaping Fish and left the arena inexplicably.

Soon, the first stage of the review came to an end, and finally it was the turn of the real new town Gemini.

"Come out, big mouth baby!!"

Xiaolan released the Pokémon she just caught in the Cave of Stone.

"Big mouth baby, use fake cry!!"

Dazuiwa understood, covered her eyes with both hands, and showed half of them again, and you could vaguely see the tears in the corners of her eyes.


This delicate and touching scene instantly made the entire audience and the three judges look nervous.

If the big mouth baby closes the black big jaws behind the head, it is definitely a Pokémon that can only be ranked in the top three cute Pokémon in the Fangyuan area.

The power of this Pokémon's fake cry can be maximized.

The special defense of everyone on the scene has been greatly reduced.

Xiaolan nodded secretly, she naturally followed the novice's routine to complete the performance, focusing exclusively on the "cute" group.

"Next, use Fairy Wind!!"

On the stage, pink lightly mixed with pink photoelectric energy fluttered around Dazuiwa's body, making people bloody like an idol idol.

"The last is the shock. The last is the kiss of sucking!!"

Little Lan was almost said to be a scare move. This is a set of combo punches for cunning big-mouthed babies.

The first to deceive and charm the opponent with the cute appearance, and the last to frighten the fearful opponent. It has no power, but it is full of bad taste.


I saw Dazuiwa blinking and flying a pink kiss visible to the naked eye towards the judges and the audience in front of him.

The power of the surrounding fairy wind also just came to the end, turning into pink light and falling.

The whole scene resounded with loud cheers. Obviously, the performance of Xiaolan and Dazuiwa was very successful.

"That's right, little blue guy!"

Below the stand, Xiaogang nodded secretly.

Maybe Xiaolan still has the qualifications to become a top coordination trainer.

"Then next, it should be Xiao Zhi's performance, right?"

Xiaogang touched his chin. If it was Xiaozhi, he would have chosen a performance similar to Yuuki's before to show his strength, right?
"Then next, is the last contestant in this competition, Xiao Zhi from Zhenxin Town!!"

Vivian introduced.

There are about 40 contestants in the first round, and the competition system is [-] to [-], and the probability of [-]/[-] is the normal level of difficulty.
In another lounge.


Yuuki was drinking water and resting with the back of his head raised, and his eyes looked in the direction of the TV screen from time to time, but he didn't care too much.

He just wanted to experience the gorgeous competition or something, but he didn't plan to take part in the competition.

Of course, winning the championship is a good thing.

"Huh? Xiaolan of Zhenxin Town, seems to have heard this name before"

It's just that Yushu hadn't thought about it yet, and out of the corner of his eyes, he subconsciously looked towards the door, and the brown-haired girl gradually walked towards him.

A gorgeous dress and long skirt showed her pretty posture perfectly.

"Pfft!! Xiaoyao?!"

However, Yuuki suddenly spat out all the water in his mouth and blurted out.

There is also a subconscious shadow black line on his face.

"Cough cough, isn't this classmate Xiaoyao, long time no see~"

But soon, Yushu's complexion changed, as if he was dealing with a stranger who met by chance.

In my heart, I was secretly thinking about this girl, is it the Xiaoyao who came through with him?
Or is it Xiaoyao who he doesn't know?
"Hehe, Yuuki-san, long time no see~"

Xiaoyao, who was wearing a gorgeous dress, just sat quietly behind Yuuki, without speaking, with a smile on his face all the time.

Yuuki wasn't sure. But she was sure that Yuuki was the guy she knew.

Well, see how long you have to pretend!

This look made Yushu's heart shudder when he saw that he was guilty.

"The last contestant is Ash from Zhenxin Town"

At this time, there was a sound on the TV screen, which made Yushu's eyes brighten, and the girl behind him was forgotten for a while.

"Xiao Zhi?!"

Obviously, he is more interested in this powerful trainer of his age.

Xiaoyao: "."


On the stage, soon, Ash took a deep breath and appeared, with a Pikachu looking around on his shoulders.

"Come out, strong chicken!!"

In the first show of the gorgeous contest, Ash did not send veteran Pikachu to debut.


As soon as he appeared, Lizhuang Chicken turned several somersaults on the spot, gearing up and looking excited.

"Use the flame vortex!!"

Lizhuang Chicken understood, raised his head high, and spewed a swirling, jumping beam of flame towards the sky.

Puff puff! !

When the flame flipped up and down, it turned into a ring of fire.

"Right now, use the bouncing trick!!"

The strong chicken squatted on the spot, and then the whole person jumped into the sky like a rocket.

Whoosh!! Whoosh!!
The body even penetrated the flame circles directly, all the way to the top of the stage close to the ceiling.

Finally raised the bird's claws and fell suddenly! !
Boom! !
The vigorous and powerful flying legs smashed and smashed the fire rings from the middle on the spot, destroying the dead and pulling the rot, and finally fell back on the stage.

At the same time, the flame vortex in the sky shattered into countless sparks and scattered down.

This is a very violent aesthetic picture.

"Good job, strong chicken!"

Xiao Zhi shouted in encouragement.

Different from Yushu, Xiaozhi focuses on "handsome"
 Thanks for the 200 coin reward for not sleeping! !

  Thanks to Xinghai for the 100-coin reward!
  Thank you Pindao for the 100 coin reward for ascending to immortality today!
(End of this chapter)

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