He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 996 Xiaozhi vs Yushu!

Chapter 996 Xiaozhi vs Yushu!

The first round of review was over, and soon, the avatars of eight people appeared on the screen.

"Not bad, I passed the first time I participated."

In the audience, Xiaogang nodded secretly, half of the eight avatars were acquaintances.

Xiaozhi Xiaolan, Xiaoyao Yushu, and the green-haired boy with a sassy bag, and Musashi Wei who made him unable to respect.

The remaining two players could not see their faces clearly.

Immediately after that, the screen was all over again, the second round of review, and the order of the elimination system came out.

"In the first match, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town will play against Yushu from Weibai Town!"

The two people in different lounges were all shocked, and their eyes suddenly became fierce, and they slowly walked towards the stage.

"Hmph, I met this guy in the first game, I can't ask for it!"

The two had the same idea in their minds.

Standing on both sides of the stage, their avatars and corresponding health bars have already appeared on the large electronic screen behind them.

"Oh~ both players participated in the gorgeous competition for the first time and passed the first round smoothly~ and Yuki's smart marsh jumping fish left a good impression on everyone in the first round. ~!"

The host, Vivian, explained and created the atmosphere.

Yuuki: "."

Heck, he's obviously strong, not smart! !
"Come out, Swamp Leaping Fish!!"

He threw the Pokeball angrily.

"It's up to you!!"

Ash also threw the Pokeball at the same time. This is the regulation of the gorgeous competition. Although Pokemon can choose arbitrarily, they cannot choose favorable attributes according to the opponent's Pokemon.

After the two red lights passed, the two Pokémon appeared on the field respectively.

"Sure enough, there is a strong pressure."

It was not a big problem to see on the screen just now, but now that they are ten meters apart, the oppression of the Swamp Leaping Fish is particularly strong.

The sluggish expression, the empty eyes, but the power that penetrates everything faintly.

Yuuki: "."

He is really an ordinary swamp jumping fish, but it looks a little weird.

Having been with Swamp Leaping Fish all the time, Yushu doesn't feel that his Swamp Leaping Fish is much different from other Swamp Leaping Fishes.

However, the Pokémon sent by Ash made Yuuki look slightly more serious.

As soon as the forest lizard appeared, it folded a branch and held it in its mouth, and looked at Er Lengzi in front of him subconsciously.

"Cut it.?"

It seemed to recognize the demented marshjump fish in front of it, as if it was Zengjin's partner at the Odagaki Research Institute.

I haven't seen you for so many days, is your brain completely broken?
"Be careful of forest lizards, this guy is estimated to be able to use see-through moves indefinitely!!"

Xiao Zhi quickly reminded.

Although the grass-type forest lizard can restrain the swamp jumping fish four times, the boy and this fish in front of him are too strange, and Xiao Zhi does not dare to be careless.

Yuuki: "."

What the hell is infinite see-through?Although his Swamp Jumper does have the ability to use protective moves.


As the 5-minute countdown on the electronic screen began to rotate, the game officially began!
"Preemptive strike, forest lizard, use lightning flash!!"

After the words fell, the forest lizard turned into a sharp white arrow and charged up instantly.

Although Zeng Jin's companion is demented and still fighting seriously, but it won't release water.

Pounds! !
The forest lizard was extremely fast, slamming into the chest of the Swamp Leaping Fish, pushing it back several meters.

"Right now, use Frozen Wind!!"

Yuuki gave instructions without hesitation.

His Swamp Leaping Fish has a high defensive power, and he resisted the impact of a flash of electric light. He opened his mouth and still spit out a biting icy mist.

In close contact, Frozen Wind completely hits.

The effect is outstanding!

The forest lizard's speed has dropped.

"In this case, use the knife blade trick to decide the outcome!!"

Xiao Zhi did not stop at all, and attacked again.

Four times the restraint of the blade moves, and it is also very easy to produce the effect of hitting the key point. Even if the level of this swamp jumping fish is very high, one strike, at most two strikes of the blade, is enough to decide the winner!
The forest lizard shook his arms, shook off the frost from his body, and rushed towards the Swamp Leaping Fish again.

Whoosh! !
Along the way, the arm position extended a pair of green energy scimitars, piercing the air!
Finally jumping high, the sharp blade slashed in a cross, and slashed heavily towards the sluggish head of the Swamp Leaping Fish.

"Use protection!"

Yushu's voice made Marsh Leaping Fish react, and quickly condensed a green barrier out of thin air in front of him.

Pounds! !
The knife blade fell on the protective barrier, and the forest lizard just bounced straight away.

"As long as you don't get hit, grass-type moves are meaningless"

Although he was at an absolute disadvantage in terms of attributes, Yuuki didn't panic in the slightest, and he was completely victorious.

This appearance also made Xiao Zhi secretly frown, and the young man in front of him started to fight, and he was very old-fashioned.
And the eyes of this swamp jumping fish, as if all his tricks have been completely seen through, giving him a strong sense of oppression.

"Then use the blade continuously!!"

The forest lizard understands, gathers the green sickle again, and dashes forward.

"We shoot with mud!!"

The Swamp Leaping Fish understood, and immediately spewed out countless brown mud balls from its mouth.

It's just that the target is not aimed at the forest lizard, but at the ground under the opponent's feet.

Puff puff.!!
The mud shot exploded and splashed on the ground, instantly turning the surrounding into a muddy ground, preventing the forest lizard from displaying its vigorous posture.

"Leave it alone, jump up and use the blade!!"

Xiao Zhi didn't care about anything else and continued to attack.

Four times the restrained blade, he planned a move A to death.

"Use protection!"

However, with the sound of Yushu, the green barrier erected by the Swamp Leaping Fish bounced off the forest lizard's blade again.

Protection is not protection, obviously this guy has found the essence of this move.

"Swamp Leaping Fish, use Frozen Fist!!"

Taking advantage of this gap, Yuuki even took the initiative to attack this time.

There are 18 types of attributes, but Swamp Leapfish has only one attribute weakness. In order to deal with grass-type Pokémon that are not good at, Swamp Leap Fish has mastered many ice-type moves.

The blue fist with an icy aura just smashed it in the direction of the forest lizard without any pretense.

"Use the blade!!"

The forest lizard also did not take a half step back, facing the opponent's attack.

The blade of the blade waved, and green light flashed.

Bang Bang! !
The collision of the two moves caused a violent movement, and the air waves rolled.

It's just obvious that in terms of positive power, the Marsh Leap is much stronger.

"Cut it!"

The forest lizard was forced to back up again and again, making a long mark on the smooth floor.


"These two people."

The high-intensity attack and defense of Xiaozhi and Yushu also completely stunned the surrounding audience and the three judges.

Wait a minute, you two, this is a gorgeous contest, not a normal trainer battle! !
"This guy."

Xiaogang, who was sitting in the first row, cast his eyes on Yushu, frowning secretly.

Xiao Zhi, who was in the middle of the game, may not have reacted, but as an audience, he saw it clearly from the audience.

It was completely brought into his rhythm by Yuuki, and Ash doesn't seem to have noticed that yet.
(End of this chapter)

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