He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 997 Start Fishing Law Enforcement

Chapter 997 Start Fishing Law Enforcement

On the stage, the battle continues.

"So the key to this game is to launch two consecutive attacks at high speed!"

Ash made up his mind secretly that other Pokémon might not be able to do it, but if it was the extremely flexible forest lizard, it would definitely be able to do it!

"Forest lizards, use the seed machine gun!!"

"Swamp jumper, we blocked it with mud shot!!"

Both of them chose long-range moves.

Soon, countless green energy bullets and brown mud erupted from the mouths of the forest lizards and swamp jumping fish, colliding violently in the center of the arena.

Finally, there was a violent explosion, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

It's just that the smoke has not dissipated, and a figure has already rushed into the smoke.


Faster than the human figure, it was a green blade of light, shimmering with penetrating light in the smoke.

I saw the ghostly figure of the forest lizard appearing under the body of the Swamp Leaping Fish, and slashed at the latter with a single blow.


Yushu didn't dare to be careless about the raid launched by the other party through the smoke, and hurriedly used the bug skill to block it.

Bang Bang! !
With a crisp explosion, the forest lizard was shot into the air again by the protective barrier.

"It's not over yet!! Use the blade!!"

Only at this time, Xiao Zhi suddenly shouted loudly, and Yushu was stunned by this posture.

"Cut it.!"

The forest lizard that was ejected quickly swirled in mid-air, adjusting its body.

The blade on the back of the hand did not disperse at this moment, but the green light rose sharply.

Whoosh! !
In the end, following the inertia of gravity, at the moment when the opponent's protective barrier ended, it fell heavily.

Leaf blade cut! !

Without the protective defense, this time the blade is slashing at the target! !


This blow, on the spot, split Marsh Yueyu's body to half kneel on the ground, and let out a low groan.

The best of the best!

It was just that he was hit hard, but Marsh Yueyu still maintained a sluggish expression and did not fall down, making Xiaozhi unable to distinguish the specific situation of the latter.

But it doesn't matter, four times the restraint, the second method Dao Ye will definitely be able to distinguish the winner.

"Cut it!!"

You must know that forest lizards have two hands.

Once the power of the blade on one side was fully released, the forest lizards chased after the victory, and the blade on the other side was about to slash down!


But at this most critical moment, there was a rushing sound over the stage.

"competition is over!!!"

The host Vivian also made a sound, announcing the end of the game.

This made the forest lizard forcibly at the end, rolling forward for a distance, and did not completely cut off its own blade.

Click to the end, retractable freely.

On the other hand, Yushu, who was on the opposite side, breathed a sigh of relief, and then he smiled again.

"Player Yushu from Weibai Town, enter the semifinals~!"

Soon, Vivian also issued the final verdict.

"Why is this.?"

The huge change in this moment made Xiao Zhi wrinkle into a bitter face, a little ignorant.

Game time is over?
No, he calculated the time, and there should be about 1 minute left.
However, Yuuki just stepped forward and patted the head of his marsh jumping fish and explained:

"Xiao Zhi, you forgot the rules of this game."

Xiaozhi looked up at the electronic screen next to him, the time was frozen at the last 57 seconds, and there was still time left.

However, the position of the health bar under the two heads. I don't know when, Xiao Zhi's health bar was completely empty.

On the other hand, Yushu still has more than 1/2 of his healthy HP.

Throughout the game, despite the forest lizards' high-intensity attack, they were all blocked by the Swamp Leaping Fish.

Clever defense can make the opponent deduct blood.

As a result, Xiao Zhi's health bar continued to decrease.

The last blow of the blade, in addition to the loss of nearly half of the blood of the opposite Swamp Leap
But Swamp Leaping Fish with a sluggish expression, under four times restraint in his own moves and still not falling down, is a defense worthy of extra points.

In exchange, of course, Xiao Zhi's health bar has completely come to the end.

"Uh, is there such a thing as that?"

In response, Ash and the forest lizard looked at each other.

He was so excited that he didn't pay attention to his health bar at all.

"Cut it."

The forest lizard simply turned its head and picked up the branch, not wanting to express any opinion on the matter.

It listens to the trainer's command and doesn't take the blame.

"DiDi, forest lizards have mastered new moves, click until they're done."

The illustrations also showed a wave of presence in time
Xiaozhi: "."

In the lounge, Xiaolan and Xiaoyao were also watching the game.

"Hey, what a pity, Ash!!"

Seeing the end of the game, Xiao Lan immediately clenched her fists, full of regrets.

With the last blow of the blade, no matter what the blood volume of Ash is, the Marsh Leaping Fish will definitely lose its ability to fight, thus winning or losing.

"If it's a normal battle, Ash should win today!"

Xiaolan holds injustice for Xiaozhi.

Xiaoyao next to him is quietly looking at the round-faced girl in front of him. It seems that he has an unknown meaning towards the boy on the stage?
"If they fight normally, it's hard to tell whether the two of them will win~"

Thinking of this, Xiaoyao couldn't help but speak out.

"After all, Yuuki planned to use the rules of the gorgeous competition to defeat Xiaozhi from the beginning, instead of choosing a serious fighting method~"

Then the first goal of the battle is to cleverly avoid scoring instead of defeating the opponent to the point where the battle is impossible.

Well, she is a reasonable analysis, and does not favor anyone.

However, this analysis made Xiao Lan start to look at each other.

The last time we met, it was obviously a pure white novice trainer.
Now that I haven't seen you for ten days, is it already this state?
As if thinking of some possibility, Xiao Lan coughed a little, and his expression turned slightly serious.

"Hey, Xiaoyao-chan, do you know a very bizarre story happened in our hometown a few years ago?"

She was going to try it out first.

Xiaoyao: "?"

She tilted her head unconsciously, what kind of brain circuit is this?

But let's listen to it.

Seeing this, Xiao Lan continued, showing an expression as if she was telling an interesting story about her hometown.

"It was at that time that a madman trainer appeared in our place. On the surface, he was not surprised, but he told reporters that he came from the electronic world and had another set of memories about Pokémon in his mind."

Xiaoyao: "?!"

The development of the story kept her in place for a while.

For no reason, a cold sweat broke out from the back.

What the hell are there people like her in other areas?

Wait, is this woman testing herself? !

Just looking at Xiaolan's harmless and cute face, she is completely a pure and soft cute girl.

Xiaoyao subconsciously still felt that the other party didn't seem to be suggesting anything.


However, Xiao Lan's heart was secretly sneering.

Playing acting with her, who is under the tutelage of Sister Bilan, is simply a joke!
It seems that who can't pretend to be silly and sweet!

Start now, fishing law enforcement!

Seeing that Xiaolan said the beginning, he stopped talking and stared at the screen, as if he really just told a casual and boring anecdote.

After holding back for a long time, Xiaoyao finally couldn't help but break the peace first.

"Uh, so what happened to this madman?"

Hearing this, Xiaolan smiled secretly in her heart, and then looked at Xiaoyao again.

Fish, hooked.

 Thank you for the 5000 coin reward of Mo Dian Blue and White! ! ! !

  Thank you for the 1000-coin reward of Death Yuyan! ! !
  Thanks to book friends 2017020* for the 500-bit reward! !

  Thanks for the 100 coin reward for naming a good name for cancer! !

(End of this chapter)

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