Chapter 185
The captain saw that nothing had happened, and didn't want to disturb the villagers, turned around and took them back.

Therefore, Su Qing and Meng Hao should have escaped the catastrophe because the branches were burned out.

In fact, with Luo Zilan here, even if it is discovered, it will be fine. The ancestor set up a temporary illusion array, and even if someone enters the courtyard, they will not see anything unusual.
The fruit tree branches were burnt out, and the fire pit was full of ashes. Meng Hao dug them out with a shovel, dumped them in a garbage basket, and sent them to the planting field as base fertilizer when they were full.

After lying down for a while, Zhu Xiuyun got up and saw that the two children were sitting in the yard chatting without doing any work, so she asked:

"Qingqing, you are all done, so fast?"

Su Qing: "Grandma, we haven't finished working, the fruit tree branches are gone, we want to wait for you to wake up, and then go to the mountain to cut a few cars and come back. We won't make bacon today, we will talk about it tomorrow,"

Zhu Xiuyun: "Oh, so, can't we chop firewood at home?"

Su Qing shook her head, "The firewood at home is not good enough, and there is no fresh scent of fruit trees. Anyway, we and Meng Hao are fine, so hurry up and prepare Huo Miao's cat food. We should pack up and go back to school in a few days."

What Su Qing thought was, even if the firewood could be used, she couldn't burn it. The two uncles gave her grandma the firewood for cooking. How could she waste it on bacon?

"Grandma, you look at the meat at home, and Meng Xiao and I went to the mountain to cut branches."

"Go, bring the flame, I can rest assured that he will protect you."


Meng Yu and Su Qing were quick people who drove away in the car. The battery had already been fully charged, and Meng Yu drove straight to the mountain.

I also ran into villagers on the road and asked them why they were there.
Hearing that the two went to the mountain to chop firewood, I advised them to just pick up some at the foot of the mountain and not go to the mountain. There are fierce beasts in the mountain, so be careful not to be caught by wolves.

Meng Yu smiled and thanked the uncles and aunts in the village, and continued to drive up the mountain.

There are a lot of wild fruit trees in the mountains, which grow wildly every year, a large area, Su Qing and Meng Hao happened to prune the branches of the fruit trees, cut off the dead ones, and trimmed off the redundant branches of the vigorous ones.

Then pull some dead branches on the ground and tie them with ropes. After a while, a large cart will be filled. Su Qing asked Meng Hao to send back a cart first, and she and Huo Miao stayed behind to continue cutting branches, so that it would not waste time.

After Meng Hao left, Su Qing said:

"Huo Miao, you fly into the air to monitor your surroundings, if someone comes, tell me right away,

I use spells, quickly collect branches, and strive to burn enough for two days, we will leave in two days, there is no time to delay, and we must hurry up to study, otherwise, when the school starts, I suspect that he will fail the exam . "

"Got it! Master,"

The flames transformed into a bunch of small wings, flew into the air, and sent a message to Su Qing that there were no human figures within a radius of ten kilometers.

Su Qing had a flame to help him control the wind, and began to use the wind blade with confidence, one after another, the branches fell to the ground, and this forest, after pruning, used the levitation technique to fly out for a mile, within a mile radius All the fruit trees were cleaned by her,
Then he stretched out his hand and waved the branches into a neat bundle, and a green vine flew over to bundle them up automatically. In the short time Meng Xiao left, the bundles of fruit tree branches piled up into a hill,
When Meng Hao drove back and saw a large amount of firewood in front of him, he exclaimed:

"Qingqing, you are so awesome, amazing."

This time, Meng Hao only needed to keep pulling the branches home, and he didn't need to load the car. Su Qing waved his hand, and the bundles of branches would automatically fly to the car.

It took Meng Hao seven or eight times to pull all the branches back.

Zhu Xiuyun felt that putting it in the inner courtyard would take up space, and the firewood shed was already full, so he asked him to put it in the open space between the gate and the planting field.

People in the village are accustomed to pile up firewood at the door, which is usually stick straw and wheat straw from the autumn harvest, and the villagers will not waste anything that can be burned.

Meng Hao threw the last bundle of branches onto the firewood pile, and clapped his hands to finish the work.

"Qingqing, there are fruit branches, shall we continue to bacon?"

"After smoking a few pheasants in the courtyard, let's preview the homework first. The school will start soon, and you should also take care of yourself and make up lessons. Otherwise, what will you do if you fail the first random exam? Do you still want to earn credits? gone."

When Meng Hao heard that learning was like an eggplant beaten by Shuang, what he disliked the most was studying, but there was no way,

Qingqing said that when they are young, they should study. Whether the knowledge in textbooks is useful or not, only by studying well can they stand out from the crowd and have a better future.

He knew what Qingqing said was right, even though he had a hard time studying, he still followed Qingqing's arrangement,

Meng Hao was listless, set a pile of branches on the shelf and lit it, and continued to smoke the pheasant. Zhu Xiuyun also asked him why he was so depressed and whether he was tired.

"Hahaha!!" Su Qing said with a smile: "Grandma, I told him that after the pheasants are smoked, we will go home and study, and he has become like this."

Zhu Xiuyun also laughed after hearing that,

"Little Fatty, these two days, you two should hurry up and review your studies, don't go back to school with a blank mind, Qingqing, I'm not worried, what will Grandma Zhu do if you fail the exam? Qingqing owes us so much money."

Meng Hao was so sad that she wanted to cry, "Grandma Zhu, I know, I will study hard."

Thinking of my small ledger made me even sadder.

But he forgot that Su Qing also had a small account book. Half of the elixir they picked together belonged to Meng Hao. Whether it was sold for money or made into medicine, he had a share. It was hard to say whether he still owed the debt or not. Woolen cloth?

A dozen or so pheasants were smoked in less than an hour, and all of them were put on the drying rack to dry slowly. The three of them locked the door and went home.

Zhu Xiuyun was worried about so much meat, no one was watching, and planned to stay by herself, but was stopped by Su Qing,
"Grandma, it's good to watch if there are flames, let's all go back,"

Zhu Xiuyun thought so too, who could steal Huo Miao's cat food from under his nose?

Su Qing told Huo Miao a few words, and then left him here. Anyway, he could just lie down anywhere, and he was more than happy to look at those bacon.

When the three returned home, Zhu Xiuyun went to work in the fields, leaving the two children at home to study.
Although they did not review their homework in the past, but recently they went to the mountains to dig yams every day, and the time was shortened a lot. Su Qing did not make strict demands on Meng Hao, and both of them were a little slack.

The school is about to start, and you will lose your temper if you are not quick, so hurry up and review as soon as possible.

Although he didn't bring all the textbooks, with Su Qing's strong memory, it was very easy to solve hundreds of questions.

Shua Shua finished writing, and asked Meng Hao to do the questions, and she also picked up the textbook for the new semester to preview, mainly focusing on the art of refining. This is a new course, which was not available in the previous semester.

When I was in the elementary class, I also learned the art of refining, but it was very simple.
The book explains, from the beginning of human beings using animal bones, stones, polishing daily necessities and weapons, to learning to refine ores, smelting metals, and continuously improving productivity, until entering the interstellar era, people used supernatural powers to refine various items, The content is varied, and the science of refining equipment is a broad and profound subject, and it is no easier to learn than pharmacy.

Of course, the art of refining in the empire is far inferior to that in the cultivation world. Although Luo Zilan is a master of alchemy, she also knows a little about other aspects. It is no problem to teach Su Qing the basics of refining. Of course, she does not look down on the level of refining in the empire. , but knowledge is interoperable and can learn from each other.

Su Qing has always believed that any knowledge is useful, and it is the crystallization of the wisdom of generations of human beings, and can be used for reference. Although she plans to major in pharmacy, she also needs to know a little about refining.

The intermediate class is about to start practical operations, starting from simple carving and polishing, to smelting metals and refining items at the end.

(End of this chapter)

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