Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 189 The Villagers' Changes

Chapter 189 The Villagers' Changes
Many weeds in the mountains can be used as seasonings. These plants have little energy and cannot be used to refine medicine. They have always been regarded as weeds by the world. Su Qing picked them back and used them to marinate the meat of different animals, which is suitable for removing the fishy smell.

When the two people's back baskets were full, Su Qing dragged Meng Yan up, used the floating technique, and hurried down the mountain,

When they got to the bottom of the cliff where the car was discharged, let Huo Miao release a sheep and put it on the car. If they meet villagers, there will be a way to explain it. Otherwise, the new courtyard will always be full of meat, and people will inevitably be investigated.

Today, there are more activists in the village. As soon as he entered the village, Su Qing found that many villagers gathered at the entrance of the village and shouted about something. The soldiers guarding the entrance of the village stopped more than a dozen people.

The villagers' affairs had nothing to do with them, and Su Qing didn't care either. Meng Yan took a curious look and said:
"It must be those villagers whose family members were injured, and then quarreled with the army. There are more than a dozen injured families, and they are all in the hospital now. The family members have finally recovered, and they probably want to go to the hospital to see the situation.
Why!Those with minor injuries can be discharged from the hospital in a day or two. I heard that the village chief was the most serious. He spent a day in the medical cabin, which cost a lot of money. The family's savings for several years were all used up. "

Meng Fong heard from his grandfather and father that yesterday Uncle Su and the Meng family were cleaning up the family's fields and clearing up the yams.

I didn't forget to take the time to walk around every house. There are people in every house who can't get up. Most of them are old people and children who are weak and frozen in white dew for an hour. How can I bear it?
So many villagers protested against the army and the government, but unfortunately the army stopped them from leaving the village.

Yesterday there were many soldiers and there were warships, so the villagers did not dare to make a fuss. Today, the large army withdrew, and some people in the village couldn't bear it anymore. They swarmed to the entrance of the village.

It is estimated that they want to go to the town government to sue and demand compensation for their losses. Unexplainable disasters happened, but the government failed to protect them.

Su Qing didn't know anything about the village, and she didn't want to inquire about it. She was going back to Mingyue City for school soon, and the important thing was to fill up the space of the jade pendant.

In the future, the strange beasts on the mountain will not be directed by flames, and they will not come down the mountain at will to attack humans. As for whether the villagers will dare to enter the mountain in the future, she does not know. She probably will go there to survive.

I met villagers on the road. I heard that the two of them went up the mountain and beat a sheep. They all showed envious expressions.
Some people lamented that being able to go to school in Mingyue City is a great thing. If you have skills, you can see that your children are stupid and can do work. Meng Yu and Xiao Qingqing dare to go into the mountains alone to hunt. Their courage and martial skills must be extraordinary.

Zhu Xiuyun also encountered problems in smoking rabbits at home.

It turned out that Uncle Su and his wife saw that Zhu Xiuyun was not at home yesterday morning, and he was not at home today, so they found the new hospital and came here.

When they saw the thick smoke billowing down in the yard, they jumped and knocked hard on the door, "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, are you there? Is something wrong?"

Zhu Xiuyun in the courtyard was taken aback, what should I do?The bacon is full of drying racks, and the drying rods are full of rabbits, so it’s too late to put them away!

And he had to talk, otherwise what would Su Feng and his wife do if they broke into the door?asked anxiously:

"Su Feng, third sister, is there something you two do? I'm busy and can't move my hands."

Wang Sanmei asked: "Sister-in-law, what are you doing? The yard is full of smoke, you open the door and let us in, if there is more work, I will help you."

Standing in the courtyard, Zhu Xiuyun said anxiously:
"Don't, don't, go get busy! See how the wheat field at home is, whether it should be watered or not, I also entrust you with my few acres of land, and I will burn some branches to make fertilizer! My hands are covered with mud, so I will I won't open the door for you,"

Su Feng immediately said: "That's all right, sister-in-law, let's water the wheat, the winter wheat has already turned green, it should be watered all over, then you are busy, leave the field to us."

Wang Sanmei wanted to ask a few more questions, but was pulled away by Su Feng.

She also blamed happily:

"What are you doing? You left before you asked clearly. The sister-in-law is so mysterious and doesn't know what to do? You don't worry, we should go in and have a look."

"Okay, don't worry about what my sister-in-law is doing. As long as she is fine, we can rest assured. Don't inquire about things that my sister-in-law doesn't want to tell us. Can't you see it? My sister-in-law is going to be happy, Qingqing is an amazing child , do you think anyone can go to school in Mingyue City?"

Wang Sanmei suddenly remembered that Qingqing insisted on buying the panacea she picked in Snake Valley and gave her 120 million interstellar coins.
Yup!Qingqing's children can earn a lot of money, she must be capable, as long as the sister-in-law is fine, don't worry about her.

After Su Feng and his wife left, Zhu Xiuyun finally breathed a sigh of relief. If they saw the yard full of jerky, he couldn't explain it!I can't tell the origin of the alien meat.

Su Qing and Meng Xiang came back, and Zhu Xiuyun was completely at ease. With her two children around, she had confidence in her heart and was not afraid of any situation.

Hearing that the villagers gathered at the entrance of the village to make noise, she couldn't help but want to go and see, the housework was handed over to Su Qing and Zhu Xiuyun, and Zhu Xiuyun hurried to see what happened?

Su Qing and Meng Yu looked at each other, haha, it seems that everyone likes to watch the excitement, and grandma is not surprised.

They didn't rest for a while when they came back, they directly set up the branches, Meng Hao still smoked the meat,

Su Qing went into the kitchen, lit the firewood on the earthen stove, added water to the cauldron, added seasonings, took out all the internal organs that were marinated yesterday, threw them into the pot and started to marinate them. Burning firewood is prohibited after a while. Just fill in the firewood.

Su Qing returned to the courtyard and began to clean up the strange beasts in the flame space. This time, she had experience and brought a lot of bamboo baskets, large pots, and wooden barrels from home.
Su Qing became more and more comfortable using spells. It didn't take long for all the pots and baskets to be filled with meat, blood tofu and the internal organs of strange animals.

Three pots of lo mei have been fished out in the kitchen, and they are placed in a large basket to cool down and put away the flames.

The sun was hanging in the middle, it was getting late, Su Qing was a little strange, at this point, why didn't grandma come back?Where did this go?

Both Su Qing and Meng Hao felt hungry, she filled the stewed soup in the big pot first, and started cooking,
The staple food is steamed buns brought from home. In the past, Zhu Xiuyun never steamed steamed buns. The most energy flour was mixed with synthetic flour to make pancakes. The steamed buns made from synthetic flour were as hard as stones. They couldn’t be eaten without fermentation at all. It is good or bad to eat pancakes. In the past few years, few people could eat pancakes.

In the past two months after Su Qing came back from vacation, there was no shortage of energy food at home, and Zhu Xiuyun was willing to use a water of energy flour. The steamed buns were white and fluffy, but they were noisy.

There were cucumbers and potatoes brought from home in the vegetable basket. Su Qing fished out a sour cabbage from the tank, and put the potato and cabbage together with a piece of exotic animal meat. They stewed in a large pot, and the cucumbers were patted and served cold. delicious.

Zhu Xiuyun didn't come back until the food was ready, with a sad face.

It turned out that the villagers were making noise at the entrance of the village. It was indeed the family that had an accident, especially Village Chief Wu. His wife, son, and granddaughter were all clamoring to go to the hospital to visit Wu Youde.
Finally, the soldiers on duty asked their superiors for instructions, and finally let them go. Wu Lizhen and his daughter went to the hospital, and Wu Youde's wife took care of the house.

As a villager, Zhu Xiuyun must comfort her. She stayed in their house for a long time, listening to Wu Youde's wife crying and complaining all the time.

There is also the story of Shanyaozi's family, which has spread throughout the village. The three of them have been detained by the town patrol. When they are released one day, they will definitely be scolded to death by the whole village.

There were more than a dozen family members in the village who were hospitalized. On the day when the alien beast horde occurred, all those who were frozen and thawed were injected with liquid medicine, and each family had to pay a sum of medical expenses.

The villagers finally risked their lives to dig yams to earn some money. When encountering a beast horde, they not only almost lost their lives, but also had to pay for medical expenses. How could the villagers be reconciled.

(End of this chapter)

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