Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 190: Immortal Qi lingers

Chapter 190: Immortal Qi lingers
Many people rushed to the town government to protest, asking the government to pay a sum of compensation, and the beast came down the mountain. The government did not protect the villagers well, and it also bears a lot of responsibility.

After Zhu Xiuyun finished speaking, she was glad that the three of them were fine. She kept saying, thanks to Su Qing and Meng Hao for saving everyone,

I would like to highly praise Meng Hao, it was so dangerous at that time, it took a lot of courage to stand up without hesitation and help Qingqing save herself.

Zhu Xiuyun saw that the yard was full of pots and bamboo baskets, so she knew that the two children had a lot of work, so she called to eat quickly, and continued to work after eating.

At the dinner table, Su Qing proposed that she would live in the new courtyard by herself at night, looking at the bacon all over the courtyard.

Zhu Xiuyun refused, so Su Qing said that there was Huomiao, and no one in the village could hurt her, and she could still watch Huomiao, so that Huomiao would not be guarded and stolen.

Seeing Qingqing's insistence and being in the village again, Zhu Xiuyun finally agreed and decided to have dinner here too.

After lunch, Zhu Xiuyun didn't rest today and insisted on working with Su Qing.

All kinds of internal organs have been marinated in the big firewood pot in the kitchen, and all kinds of meat are smoked outside.

Su Qing quickly cleaned up the strange beasts one by one, cleaned them up, washed them, pickled them, made blood tofu, and tanned the animal skins. The movements became more and more proficient.

After the blood tofu animal skin was finished, he told Huo Miao to put it away.

Zhu Xiuyun went to stew stewed meat for a while, and helped to hang the meat pieces for a while, took out pot after pot of stewed internal organs, filled a large bamboo basket and let it cool for a while, still kept the flames away, gradually pots and bamboo baskets in the courtyard started empty,
After smoking the last piece of meat, the three of them let out a sigh of relief at the same time, and they were finally done.

Su Qing and Meng Hao are not tired, but they are upset by doing the same thing over and over again.

It was still early, Su Qing went home, packed up her daily necessities and textbooks, tied a bag around her waist by the way, put Jiaojiao on, and brought them all together.

Su Qing threw to him the questions that Meng Hao did yesterday, let him see the results, and start studying steadily!Don't try to sneak away again.

Meng Hao made a painful expression, and after working for half a day, he still had to endure mental torture.

But there is no way, Qingqing has to listen to what he has to say, and he doesn't want to fail the exam.

After taking the notebook of yesterday's questions, Meng Hao was a little dumbfounded. He did more than half of the questions wrong, and it was over. He copied each question ten times. Oh, he felt a headache, but he still picked up the pen and started to write the questions.

Although Meng Hao is playful, he also knows to study hard. He has a kind of resilience in his personality, otherwise he would not get such good grades in the exam. He has indeed put in great efforts and hardships.

Zhu Xiuyun made noodles for dinner, but Meng Yu ran home with an excuse before eating,

Su’s food is so good, every meal is full of energy food, it must be that Grandma Zhu loves Qingqing, and she is reluctant to let her eat synthetic food, it’s okay to have a meal once in a while, but it’s shameful to eat it all the time, so Meng Hao is sensible ran home.

After dinner, Zhu Xiuyun told Su Qing several times before she drove home by tram. She promised to come to the new courtyard for breakfast tomorrow morning, and locked the courtyard door before leaving.
After grandma left, Su Qing breathed a sigh of relief, finally free to do something.

"Huo Miao, take out all the elixir in your space. My own storage device can be used. Remember that I have a storage device to keep it secret. Even Meng Hao can't tell it, you know?"

"Master, I understand," Huomiao nodded, and with a wave of her little paw, countless spirit grass appeared on the ground.

It was the first time for Su Qing to put things in the space. I don't know what it feels like.
Approaching the pile of elixir, she flicked her hand down, and with a thought, those elixir disappeared immediately, and she could clearly feel that the elixir was already in the space of her jade pendant.

"Huo Miao, you stay on guard outside. I'll go to the space to sort out the elixir. If something happens, call me through the contract."

"It's the master."

Huo Miao tilted his head and showed strange eyes. Why can the master's space still enter? There is no record in his inheritance memory, so people in the storage space can still enter?
With the flames to guard her, Su Qing entered the jade pendant space with peace of mind.
At this time, she felt that it would be nice to have a beast pet. Although the combat power is not good, can't it be improved slowly?
I remember that the ancestor said that there is a kind of elixir called Spirit Beast Pill, which is specially given to animal pets. When she asks the ancestor for the prescription, see if it can be refined and given to Huo Miao.

Entering the space of the jade pendant, as expected, a large pile of elixir was piled up in the open space.
Luo Zilan turned into light and shadow and appeared next to her,
"Qingqing, you should plant these elixir in the ground first. The effect of the aura will not be lost in a year or so. Back then, I planted all kinds of elixir in the space,"

Su Qing nodded, "I see."

When Su Qing raised his hand and waved it, earth pits appeared in the open space, and the elixir plants flew into the pits according to their types, and then buried the roots with soil.

Su Qing moved very quickly, planting all the elixir in a short while,
Looking at the small patch of green in the space, she felt that the soil was dry and devoid of nutrients, and she should add some fertilizer to the elixir and water it.

"Old Ancestor, can I water and fertilize the elixir?"

"How do I know? I didn't care about it after planting it before. Anyway, it will be used up by me in alchemy soon, so there is no need to bother."

Su Qing sighed inwardly. The noble ancestor probably only used elixir to make alchemy and never planted herbs himself.

The jade pendant has such a large space, and I didn't think about planting some elixir to try, it was just used as a portable medicine garden, and I took whatever I needed, all of which were ready-made elixir.
She also said that the few exotic flowers and plants she had planted all died, so she must not have bothered to study planting.

What kind of spiritual herb does the ancestor need? There are spiritual medicine fields at home for her to choose from. There is no need to waste time and energy on an abandoned land.
But the jade pendant space is very important to Su Qing. If you can really plant elixir, it will be much more convenient in the future. After all, no matter how many elixirs you learn to make alchemy, it is not enough.

After planting the elixir, Su Qing came out of the space and saw that the sky had just darkened and the village was quiet.
Zhu Xiuyun locked the courtyard door, just because she was afraid that someone would know that Qingqing lived here alone, and she felt more at ease after locking the door.
Su Qing didn't object, anyway, a wall couldn't stop her,
As soon as Huo Miao saw the owner coming out, he rushed over to rub against Su Qing's lap, this is the habit of cats expressing their liking.

"Okay, Huo Miao, take good care of the house, I'm going to cultivate in the plantation field, don't worry! I will take Jiaojiao with me."

She took a picture of the bag at her waist, Jiaojiao was kept in it all the time, and she could also absorb some spiritual energy while practicing.

Huo Miao nodded, watched the master float out of the yard, and honestly returned to the original place,

Su Qing took out the key, and swiped at the lock of Zhuangtian's door. With a click, the door opened.
When Su Qing walked in, she didn't need to turn on the light. For her, she could see things normally during the day and at night.

Put a cotton pad on the ground, sit cross-legged, haha, it’s still the same old place where I practiced in the planting field for the first time,
Take a look at the planting field, a few fruit trees in the distance, will they bear fruit in the morning?Come to practice again tomorrow night, when the apples and pears are ripe, she will have fruit to eat,

Thinking of the sweet and juicy fruit, Su Qing immediately calmed down and practiced with her eyes closed.
The building materials that can filter the external energy are not of the highest grade, and there are still many gaps. It doesn't matter at ordinary times. It doesn't affect the crops at all, and the most grade can't reach the special grade.

As soon as Su Qing practiced, she attracted auras to rush in, entered through the gaps, was absorbed by her body, and circulated through the meridians. The aura was stored in the dantian, and the supernatural energy was discharged from the body, and then absorbed by the plants in the planting field. One lap, two laps, three laps. . .

Su Qing's realm is already in the foundation building stage, not a rookie who just came out to practice in the past, the energy absorbed is more, more pure, and the discharged energy accumulates in the planting field, and finally forms a mist, which looks like a celestial being. so-so.

(End of this chapter)

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