Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 191 Refining Fertilizers

Chapter 191 Refining Fertilizers
This is terrible, all kinds of plants grow wildly after absorbing energy, until they are saturated, and the leaves become emerald green, I don't know what I thought it was some spiritual grass, but it was actually a crop.

Su Qing didn't know that after he advanced, he would have such a big impact on the crops, so he still practiced according to the previous time,
After she finished running for a big week, she opened her eyes and was almost stunned. Where is this?Could it be that after meditating for a while, he changed her place?
No, it's still in the planting field, but what's the matter with the hazy fog in front of you?

"Old Ancestor, how did you do this? Water vapor?"

Luo Zilan said indifferently: "It's nothing? It's just that you have released too much supernatural energy during your cultivation. Go and have a look. The fruit you've been longing for is ripe, and if you don't pick it, it will fall to the ground."

is not that right?There was a fruity scent in the air,
Su Qing suddenly stood up in surprise, and walked towards the few fruit trees,

Sure enough, the fruit trees that had just started to grow buds are now luxuriant and fruitful. Apples, pears, and peaches are hanging on the branches one by one. Ripe, lack of sun exposure.

Su Qing was a little shocked. Is the ripened fruit delicious?

With a wave of his hand, an apple from the tree flew into his hand, and he took a bite out of it. Well, it was delicious, crispy and sweet, with plenty of juice. Although it wasn't that red, it tasted very good and had a lot of energy.

So what are you waiting for, Su Qing swung out the wind blade, and the fruits fell gently on the ground one by one, and piled up into a mountain of fruits in a short while.
With a thought in my heart, all the fruits are collected into the jade pendant space,
After picking the fruits, there are still corn, wheat, and the elixir. The original herbs looked malnourished, but now they are full of energy, the branches and leaves are thick, and there is a faint green light flashing. Some herbs take three or two years to mature. Can be harvested,

Su Qing didn't care about the elixir, first harvested the wheat and corn, and used magic to turn them into green grass and tied them with ropes, and put them into the space one by one.
They were piled up in the courtyard and handed over to grandma. She is not good at farm work, and she only knows how to do it under the command of grandma. The corn should be peeled and dried in the sun, and the wheat should be threshed and ground into flour at the village.

Seeing that Zhitian was messed up by herself, Su Qing smiled. She didn't know that her own cultivation would cause such a huge effect.

Tomorrow, I will organize the planting fields with Meng Hao and replant the grain, that's all.

Su Qing wanted to apply some fertilizer to the spiritual grass in the space, so he walked towards the base fertilizer pit of the planting field, opened the covering board, and a stench came.

In the past two days to clean up the strange beasts, a lot of blood flowed in, and all the ashes from the stove were poured into the pit. It was still like a swamp, and it was useless at all.

In the past, chickens and pigs were raised in the plantation fields here. Later, when Su Qing went to school, Zhu Xiuyun couldn't take care of both, so he stopped raising them. There was no pig manure and chicken manure to fill in.
Zhu Xiuyun can only mix a layer of soil with stove ashes, and add some dead branches and rotten leaves to make up for the base fertilizer. It is also enough to buy some fertilizer.

But now there is blood and feces for washing the internal organs, which is fishy and smelly. Su Qing thought that it would be better to buy some ready-made fertilizers, this thing is a bit disgusting!

Even Luo Zilan turned pale and exclaimed,
"Qingqing, you wouldn't put these filthy things into the space as fertilizer, would you? I don't agree, the space would still be smelly like that."

Although Luo Zilan is just a trace of primordial spirit, has no substance, and can't feel the taste, she is absolutely insensitive to this disgusting thing.

Facing the stinking cesspit, Su Qing was also in a dilemma. Although she has been busy with Zhu Xiuyun, she didn't do much real work. Who would let a child of a few years old do a lot of farm work?
But Su Qing still wants to try,

"Old Ancestor, I'll try some fertilizer first. Is it useful for spirit grass? I'm trying to make them less stinky."

But he thought in his heart, even if it stinks, the ancestor can't smell it, it just feels disgusting, so he might as well try to improve it by himself.

Su Qing thought of what she was going to do next, and she couldn't bear the smell, so she immediately turned her external breathing into internal breathing, her heart stopped rising and falling, and she cut off her sense of smell.

With one hand pinching the formula, with a single finger, a flame flew out, fell into the base fertilizer pit, and burned up with a whistling sound.
For a while, the heat was transpiring, and the dung and blood were quickly dried and fused with the soil to become solid, which caused the smell to be unpleasant.

Fortunately, Su Qing turned off her sense of smell and breathing, otherwise she would suffer. Even so, Su Qing was far away from the cesspit and turned on the exhaust fan at the vent.

Su Qing used the method of alchemy to dry the water in the fertilizer. Luo Zilan was stunned by her wonderful idea. When alchemy can be used to refine fertilizer, it is a genius idea.

Not to mention, calcining the sundries in the manure pit for a while to remove the water, the various substances in it are fused into solid fertilizer, which is similar to ordinary soil, and it doesn't feel so disgusting. After all, the soil in it is the majority.

Su Qing still has to dig out the fertilizer and send it to the space. She will never touch it with her hands.

Beckoning to pull a shovel, one shovel after another shovel to dig out, it seems almost enough, quickly cover the cesspit,
Send the fertilizer into the space, and then go in by yourself, change to a small medicine shovel, bury a little fertilizer on the roots of all the elixir, and finish the work.

Only then did she open up her sense of smell and smell the space, she was relieved that there was no bad smell,

After fertilizing, it's time to water. Watering is easier.

With a wave of Su Qing pinching the Spring Wind Transforming Rain Jue, light rain began to fall in the space, and it fell into the soil where the elixir was planted.

The soil in the jade pendant space has not been moistened by rainwater for thousands of years, especially the rainwater containing aura,

Back then, Luo Zilan didn't have the patience to water the lingzhi. Anyway, the elixir would not die for a while. It was buried in the soil, and she dug it away after a while. She would plant a new elixir again. Why waste those things? .

It took about half an hour for Su Qing to cast the Spring Rain Jue before she drenched the field where the elixir was planted, and almost exhausted her spiritual energy.
"Old Ancestor, didn't you water the land back then? The soil here is too dry, and the elixir you planted is actually fine."

Luo Zilan said indifferently: "The soil has been dry for many years. I tried to plant things back then, but the seeds didn't germinate at all. I even watered them with spiritual liquid, but it didn't work.
It will only be used as a storage device in the future!Besides, I'm so busy, I don't have time to plant elixir. There are many servants in my family, and some of them are planting elixir for me. "

Su Qing shook her head, feeling that people have different fates, the ancestor is the darling of heaven, and she is an outcast, there is no comparison.

Su Qing sorted out the things in the space a little bit, and felt that it would not be a problem to leave them bare in the open air. Although there is no wind or rain in the space, it is still weird, especially a few boxes of books and jade slips, which should be prepared The antique racks are neatly arranged, and it is easy to find the one you need to see.

After returning to the city, see if you can build a simple house in the space,
Looking at the time of the communicator, more than two hours have passed, Su Qing came out of the space, and did not dare to practice in the planting field, so go back!

I hope grandma won't be too surprised to see the corn and wheat in the yard in the morning.

She opened the door of the planting field, and mist-like energy floated out, touching the weeds on the roadside at the corner of the door, and saw that the grass that was less than an inch suddenly grew to a foot in the wind, Su Qing felt so amazing, um !not good.

She quickly closed the door of the plantation field to prevent the energy from leaking out. It was too scary. What if the door of the house turned into a barren grass tomorrow morning?Will it be considered a supernatural event by the villagers?
(End of this chapter)

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