Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 192 The power has become stronger

Chapter 192 The power has become stronger

Su Qing turned into the courtyard in a good mood, looked up at Huo Miao, curled her head and tail into a ball, and continued to sleep with her eyes closed.

He piled bundles of harvested corn and wheat in the corner of the wall, clapped his hands, threw a cleansing technique on his body, went into the room and sat cross-legged on the bed, and after practicing meditation for a week, he fed the spirit energy to Jiaojiao, and Jiaojiao was saturated. , put her on the head of the bed,

Su Qing continued to practice, without the isolation of special materials, she absorbed the aura more quickly, but she always felt that it was not so happy, as if the water flow became thinner,

The aura that originally flocked to make me feel a little bit supportive, now I feel that it is not enough, and it has been unable to fill my dantian.

Xuejiao and Huo Miao agreed that the mountain range where Shanquan Village is located is a barren land, not nonsense.

Su Qing's cultivation level was not high before, and the aura here was enough for her to practice. Once she was promoted to the foundation-building stage, it would be a world of difference, and the aura needed would increase by a thousand times. At this time, the aura would appear insufficient when she was practicing.
Su Qing felt uncomfortable during the practice, and Luo Zilan, who rubbed the spiritual energy beside her, knew that it was caused by the thinness of the spiritual energy, and it would be relieved only when she returned to Mingyue City.

When Mingyue City was established, it chose a place with plenty of energy, which is a hundred times stronger than the environment in Shanquan Village.
In the future, if Su Qing wants to continue to practice and advance, she must go to a planet with higher aura, or take elixir, otherwise it will be difficult for her to cultivate to the golden elixir stage in Mengyuexing.

Even if the aura is insufficient, Su Qing must persist in practicing, otherwise?

At the same time in the morning, Su Qing finished her work, exhaled and opened her eyes.

The sky is pale, it's time to get up and practice, the flames in the yard are curled up into a ball and sleeping soundly,
Su Qing didn't care about it, stood in the courtyard, and practiced the Nine Turns Xuan Gong first, so that every part of the body was full of vitality.

After receiving the work, Su Qing prepared to make breakfast, chose a piece of smoked meat, and used the dust cleaning technique to remove the dust on the surface,
Take it into the kitchen, cut half of it into minced meat, and cut into slices of meat, first heat a large pot and add water, scoop half a bowl of corn crumbs, soak them for a while, wash them, put them in the pot to cook stick porridge, after boiling Then add minced meat and minced ginger, whether it is delicious or not, just make do with it, and make more ones that still have flames!

People in Shanquan Village don’t grow rice, the main reason is trouble, if you want to eat rice, you have to go to the town to buy it, the villagers don’t eat it at all, Su Qing is not greedy for rice, and eats it every day in Mingyue City,

To cook porridge, you need to add enough water at one time, bring to a boil over high heat, then slowly simmer over low heat, stirring the pot from time to time, until the water and grain are viscous and fused together, soft and greasy, and it is considered a good bowl of porridge.

So cooking porridge is also a big question, otherwise how could Meng Hao succeed in refining medicine with boiling method!If they have something in common, they must always pay attention to the heat, carefully and carefully clean the pot, and the most important thing is to put the water and food in one go, and not add water at will.

There was a sound of unlocking outside, the courtyard door was pushed open, and Zhu Xiuyun pushed the tram in.
When she saw the smoke rising from the kitchen at the door, she knew that Qingqing had already started cooking, and when she pushed the tram into the courtyard, she was stunned.

There is a large pile of wheat and corn piled up in the corner like a hill. Where did this come from?Why did he show up at home overnight?

She hastily closed the door, ran into the kitchen, and asked anxiously, "Qingqing, what's the matter with the corn and wheat in the yard? Where did they come from?"

"Grandma, good morning. The ones outside are grown in our family's fields. They are all ripe, so I harvest them by the way. Not only the corn and wheat are ripe, but also the fruits on several trees are edible. I picked them all. Here it is!"

Su Qing pointed to the three big bamboo baskets in the corner, one basket for each kind of fruit, of course there were still fruits piled up in the space, Su Qing didn't take them all out, just pushed them on Huo Miao.

Zhu Xiuyun was taken aback. She stepped forward to see which fruits, and she would come here to plant the fields, weed and water after a long time. It was clear that the books had just had a few flower buds two days ago, so why did they grow into fruits all at once? ?
She approached Qingqing in a panic, and whispered: "What's the matter with Qingqing, you went to the planting field to practice again, how did the effect of birth increase?"

"Grandma, my supernatural ability has advanced. I didn't know it at the beginning. When I opened my eyes, all the crops were ripe, so I had to harvest overnight. The plantation field must be re-sowed."

"Hey, your ability is too amazing. You can use it less in the future. It's a big deal for people to know. Even Meng Yan can't let him know too much. You have to cover up what should be concealed. Don't say anything carelessly. People's hearts are separated." belly."

Whenever Zhu Xiuyun encountered the matter of her granddaughter using her abilities, she was very nervous. She was afraid that someone would take Qingqing away. The stronger her abilities, the more worried she became.

Many times it is due to her ignorance and ignorance of supernatural powers,

Su Qing immediately comforted her softly,

"I know, grandma, my abilities are not that powerful. You forgot that we saw a master of abilities at the fair in Mingyue City last year who could hold a seed in his hand and directly turn it into a flower. , They are all better than me."

Zhu Xiuyun thought so too, she was a little too cautious,
"Okay! You cook, I brought beans, eggplants, tomatoes and a pot of noodles from home, steamed buns at noon,

I first wove the corn and hung it under the eaves to dry for a few days. After eating, I went to the village to thresh the wheat and grind it into flour.

Since there is space for the flames, I will bring you more food and vegetables at home, so as to save you from having to spend money to buy them at school, and you can save a little bit, "

Su Qing nodded obediently, "Well, I will listen to grandma."

Yup!Why didn't she think that she could take some food away from home, and now that she has a space for jade pendants, she can hold as much as she wants, but it's a pity that the space was opened a bit late, and it was too late to produce food every day.

Su Qing cooked polenta, put it in a basin, and sprinkled chopped green onion to enhance the taste.

Clean the cauldron, add oil, stir-fry the scallion and ginger slices until fragrant, put the other half of the exotic animal meat, add soy sauce, add water to stew the meat, add only a little salt, the fire is also eaten, be sure to put less salt,
Zhu Xiuyun has already weaved all the corn and hung it under the eaves. The wheat is loaded onto the tram and tied with ropes.

The leaves of the corn stalks were emerald green, and Zhu Xiuyun planned to put them back and feed them to the pigs.

Huo Miao didn't go to sleep for a long time, and lay down directly beside the stove, his nostrils constantly fluttered and smelled the fragrance. The meat cooked by the master was really delicious, and he could have a delicious meal.

Su Qing deliberately cooked a big pot of porridge, fearing that the flames would not be enough to eat, and stewed a pot of meat,

Put a large bowl of meat porridge on the table, and call grandma to eat,
Find a big brown porcelain bowl and fill it full for Huo Miao, put it on the ground and tell him to let it cool before eating,
There is still a pot of meat on the table, and you will not be hungry if you drink porridge in the morning.

But the ancestor said, she can already eat bigu, and she really doesn't feel hungry, but her stomach is empty, so let's eat on time.

Su Qing put a few chopsticks meat slices in the flame bowl before concentrating on eating porridge and eating meat. The smoked meat has been dried for two days and has a unique taste. There is no extra salt, you can eat it directly,
Zhu Xiuyun really likes minced meat porridge, the meat has a salty taste, and there is no need to have pickles, she drank two bowls in a row,
The stewed animal meat is also good. It’s a pity to see so much meat being eaten by a cat.

But then she thought, these are all the prey of Huo Miao, if she can eat them, she is still getting rich, how can she not let Huo Miao eat enough?
After eating, before Meng Hao came over, Zhu Xiuyun drove a cart full of wheat to the village for threshing. The bundles of wheat fell very high, so they tied them tightly with ropes for fear of falling.

Su Qing stayed to look after the house. Anyway, the village is not far away, and Zhu Xiuyun can do it by himself, just throw it into the machine wherever he goes.

It seems that going up the mountain will be late today, anyway, they are fast and not afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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