Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 193 Destruction of Evidence

Chapter 193 Destruction of Evidence
When he had free time, Su Qing took out a book from the space to read. It was collected by the ancestors, and there were all kinds of books. This was a travelogue of a monk, and Su Qing thought it was very interesting to read it as a novel.

There was a knock on the door, and before Su Qing got up to open the door, a figure flashed, and Meng Yan had already jumped in from the wall. He also learned from Su Qing, and felt that jumping in was faster and saved Qingqing from having to open the door.

"Qingqing, good morning, how was last night, are you afraid of living by yourself?"

Su Qing raised her eyes and glanced at him, "There is a flame, what am I afraid of, no one around here dares to hurt him."

"That's true, why does Huo Miao recognize you as the master? I am also very powerful. I really want to raise a strange beast as a pet to help me fight."

"It's ok, Starnet doesn't sell alien beast eggs, you can buy a good one, as long as you can afford it."

Meng Hao looked frustrated, "I can't afford it now, I can only wait for the future. When I become a general, I will definitely raise a big tiger. How majestic it is."

Su Qing snorted coldly: "You should finish your studies first. If you fail the exam, your dream will not come true."

When it comes to studying, Meng Xing is languid, and immediately looks around,
"Qingqing, why hasn't Grandma Zhu come yet? Have you had breakfast yet?"

"Grandma came early and had breakfast. I harvested the wheat and corn in the plantation field last night. Grandma went to the village to grind wheat. Today we will go into the mountains later and plant the plantation field first."

"Oh, that little work is simple, with me, it can be done in a short time."

"There are fruits in the kitchen, you go and wash some to eat. I saw that they were ripe, so I picked them by the way."

Meng Hao's eyes lit up, there is fruit to eat, it's great,

The price of energy fruits is very high, even more expensive than food. Usually, Su Qing and the others are reluctant to eat more. Even if they grow the most at home, most of them will be sold for money.
Meng Hao felt that apart from synthetic food, everything was delicious, not to mention all kinds of juicy fruits.

Immediately excitedly ran to the kitchen, saw three big baskets of fruit, smelled the aroma, my mouth was drooling, found a basin, washed a few of them and brought them to the house.

"Qingqing, the fruit trees planted by Grandma Zhu are really good. They are ripe now, and our fruit trees have just bloomed,"

Meng Hao put down the basin and couldn't wait to pick up a peach, and took a bite, woo, it's so sweet and delicious.

"You can eat more if it's delicious. Take it home and give it to Grandma Meng and your parents to taste. I'll put the rest in the flame space and take it back to school to eat."

Meng Yu nodded happily while eating the pulp in his mouth,

Seeing that Su Qing was reading, he also found the textbook and began to recite it, otherwise he would really be unable to keep up with the lessons when the school started.

There was a knock on the door outside, it must be Zhu Xiuyun who came back, Meng Yan quickly ran out to open the door, it was really Zhu Xiuyun who came back,

The cart was piled full of straw, on top of which was a sack of flour and half a sack of bran.

"Grandma Zhu, you are back, come on, I will push the car, don't worry about it."

Meng Hao helped to push the car into the yard, put the flour bag and bran into the storeroom, and piled the wheat straw on the edge of the firewood shed.
Zhu Xiuyun smiled all over her face, this child has really grown up.

Zhu Xiuyun came back to drink a glass of water, sat on a chair and ate a pear, his mouth full of saliva, the juice overflowed, it was so sweet.

After she had a break, she said that she would go to the planting field to sow seeds. The planting field was only more than one mu of land, and the three of them would definitely be able to finish their work in a short time.

Zhu Xiuyun fished out the corn and wheat seeds soaked in warm water before breakfast, and planted them directly in this way and did not like to germinate. It was not a problem to have Qingqing in everything.

Leaving Huo Miao to guard the house, locking the gate of the yard, the three of them took their tools and went to plant the field,

"Hey, Grandma Zhu, what's wrong, the weeds are growing too vigorously here, I'll pull them all out!"

Meng Hao saw that the weeds growing out of the gate of the planting field were almost two feet high. Whose gate is like this!
Zhu Xiuyun said with a guilty conscience: "Okay, you can pull it out, it's spring, and the grass is growing luxuriantly."

He opened the door with the key in his hand, a puff of mist gushed out, and then a miraculous scene happened before the eyes of the three of them.
A small grass quickly sprouted branches and leaves, and grew a foot in a few seconds. Meng Hao opened his mouth wide in surprise, and couldn't speak well.

"Qing...Qing...I,,, I'm going to hell,"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Where did the ghost come from? Pull up all the nearby grass quickly, and grandma closes the door. Hurry up and help, it will be terrible if people see it."

After Su Qing finished speaking, she immediately squatted down and reached out to pull out the weeds.

I really didn't expect that after one night, those energies are still there, I'll go, now I'm having a lot of fun, and quickly destroy the evidence.

Zhu Xiuyun heard Qingqing talk about the advancement of supernatural powers, but she didn't see it with her own eyes, which shocked her.

These weeds grew taller in the blink of an eye, and it was caused by my granddaughter. She quickly realized that and closed the door tightly with a bang.
Bow down and consume the weeds, and pull them out neatly, not even a single grass bud can be left, what to do if someone sees it, people in the village have little knowledge, and there will be a lot of trouble when encountering this kind of thing, that would be bad .

Meng Hao opened his mouth and blinked his eyes. Before he could react, he saw his grandfather and grandson quickly pulling up the weeds, and squatted down to help.
Originally, the place was not big, and after a while, all the weeds and vegetables that belonged to plants were pulled out.
Zhu Xiuyun checked it carefully, and she was relieved when there was no grass left. The pulled grass was placed at the gate of the new courtyard, and she went back to throw it into the pigsty.

Seeing that all the evidence has been wiped out, Zhu Xiuyun sighed, why is her granddaughter so powerful!There are some special circumstances, so she is worried.

"Okay, now we can go in."

Meng Hao is still at a loss, and he doesn't know why Grandma Zhu is facing a big enemy?

After all, he wouldn't think of Su Qing's crazy growth of weeds at all. He only thought that plants were mutated or abnormal. After all, there are so many magical events in the interstellar world.
Zhu Xiuyun opened the door carefully, and the mist drifted out. There were no plants outside, and she was not afraid of problems.
"Qingqing Mengxiao go in quickly."

After the two children entered, Zhu Xiuyun quickly closed the door, and the planting field was filled with mist, which was much better than when Su Qing was there last night. After all, some energy would be lost along the gap in one night.

"Wow, Qingqing, what happened to the planting field, so much fog."

Su Qing said casually: "Well, maybe I didn't close the door properly at night, and it was caused by the contact of cold and hot air!"

Meng Hao rolled his eyes, thinking he was stupid, the air circulation in the planting field can cause fog, it is obviously the wind! !Fog is caused by the evaporation of water.

Zhu Xiuyun was not curious about the fog at all, "Okay, there's not much fog here, so hurry up and dig the ground and plant wheat and corn,"

Su Qing said: "Leave the ground alone, leave it to me."

She cut the corn and wheat directly last night, and the roots in the ground have not been dug out. If it is all done manually, it will be a bit laborious.

It is necessary to turn over the ground, pull out the roots of corn and wheat, break up the soil, mix it with fertilizer, and sow seeds.

Su Qing performed the wind blade technique, a gust of wind blew in the room, and began to plow the land not far from their feet. They were turned over in several rows to the border in one go, and returned to continue plowing. In less than two minutes, more than an acre of land was plowed. .

"Okay, Meng Hao, go to the manure pit and dig out all the manure. Grandma and I will take out the corn stubble and wheat."

Meng Yu nodded, he was also familiar with the work of farming, so he took the shovel to dig the fertilizer,

Every time Zhu Xiuyun saw Qingqing using her abilities, she would lament the power of the supernatural master once. She had to do the work for an hour, so Qingqing waved her hand and finished the job right away.

Take the rake and go to the stubble and roots,
Su Qing held a three-toothed iron rake, specially looking for the troublesome corn stubble to hug, despite her short stature, she was quite strong, and she moved quickly. It didn't take long for the stubble in one mu of land to be hugged and piled up on the edge of the field. , Burning fire or retting fat.

(End of this chapter)

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