Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 195 Investigate the news

Chapter 195 Investigate the news
After inquiring about the situation, Su Qing and the two were not at home, and Li Depei did not enter the door, and said directly:

"Sister-in-law, since Su Qing and the others are not here, I won't bother you. The matter of the alien beast egg is no small matter. Please contact us if you have anything to do."

Li Peide knew what the head of the regiment meant for him to be stationed in Shanquan Village. It was to monitor the alien beast eggs and report them at any time to prevent the villagers from doing anything wrong. In case the flying tiger alien beast got angry and launched another wave of alien beasts What about the beast tide?

"Okay, I'll tell you, the officers go slowly,"

Zhu Xiuyun saw several soldiers leaving, closed the door, and continued to knead corn,

For Huomiao and Jiaojiao, she is always at ease, Huomiao is more obedient, the kittens are cute and cute, they will eat whatever they give them, and they will catch prey by themselves, so that they can also eat meat every day. Such a day was never before Dare to think.

Not long after Zhu Xiuyun sat down, there was another knock on the door. It turned out to be Wang Sanmei. She knew that her sister-in-law was in the new courtyard when she saw her sister-in-law still locked the door today.
Zhu Xiuyun opened the door to let her in, and Wang Sanmei hurriedly asked:

"Sister-in-law, what's the matter, why have you been staying here in the new courtyard for the past few days, and you are always not at home when you want to chat with you. I came yesterday, what are you doing if you don't open the door?"

Zhu Xiuyun found a stool for her to sit down, continued to rub the corn in her hands, and said to her:
"What can I do? The corn and wheat in the plantation field here should be harvested. I harvested and replanted the field today. Yesterday I was burning some dead branches and leaves to prepare base fertilizer. How can I have time to chat with you. "

Wang Sanmei: "That's it, then I don't worry. I thought something happened to you. Why did Qingqing go? She will start school in two days, right?"

Zhu Xiuyun: "I went up to the mountain to collect herbs. I bought more elixir and took them away to save some money. You also know that they need to buy a lot of elixir to refine medicine. How expensive it is to buy in Mingyue City. It is a little bit of savings." .”

Wang Sanmei agreed, "That's right, that's right. If it wasn't too far away, we should send food to the school for the two children."

"No, it's a pity that the aircraft can't hold so many things,"

Wang Sanmei suddenly suggested, "Sister-in-law, why don't you ask Boss Yang to bring us some food every time?"

Zhu Xiuyun shook his head and said: "Don't worry, it's not easy for Boss Yang to go out to do business. How can we keep bothering him? The more we owe him, the more we owe him. How can we pay it back? We can't let Qingqing stand in front of the Yang family just because of that." Little things, no confidence."

Wang Sanmei didn't understand very well, but she nodded along. The sister-in-law was definitely right, she owed a lot of favors, and she couldn't straighten up in front of the other party.

Wang Sanmei saw that the drying rack was full of herbs, and said with a smile:

"Sister-in-law, these are all herbs picked by Qingqing and Meng Hao. There are so many herbs. I didn't know that I thought you were drying meat. As soon as I entered the yard, I smelled a smell of meat, which seemed to be the smell of stewed meat."

Zhu Xiuyun's heart tightened, and she said with a sneer:
"Your nose is really good. Qingqing and I cooked here in the morning. We stewed a small piece of meat. By the way, the fruits in my family's plantation field are ripe. Let me give you a taste. It's so sweet."

Zhu Xiuyun quickly changed the subject, stood up and went into the room, and brought out the fruit that Meng Hao washed in the morning, and there were still a few fruits left in it.

"Ah, sister-in-law, what kind of fertilizer do you use? Our tree has just bloomed, so how come the one you planted is ripe?"

Zhu Xiuyun stuffed her with a big juicy peach, "Taste it, it's sweet, the fruit tree will grow vigorously if the energy is not enough."

"Sister-in-law, you are so willing! What a waste of energy stones!"

Wang Sanmei hadn't eaten fruit for a long time. She picked up a peach and opened her mouth and took a big bite. A big peach was eaten up in a few bites.
Zhu Xiuyun smiled and said, "It's delicious. There's still some in the kitchen. When you leave, you can also grab some and bring them home for everyone to taste."

Wang Sanmei hurriedly waved her hands, "Don't, sister-in-law, you can keep the selling money, how can you eat it all?"

"If you sell any money, leave it to Qingqing. You can't let the child lose your mouth. Qingqing is very sorry for her staying in Shanquan Village.
If she had been brought back by the Li family back then, they would have loved her even more knowing that the child was talented, Bi Chenxing's life would be many times better than ours, and Qingqing could receive a better education."

Zhu Xiuyun never revealed these thoughts in front of Su Qing, and only said a few words of her heart in front of her sister-in-law or Grandma Meng.

The higher the child's talent, the more frightened she was, whether her decision back then had delayed Qingqing.

Wang Sanmei was not as deep as Zhu Xiuyun thought. People who think in a straight line generally have simple ideas. Hearing what my sister-in-law said, she immediately retorted:
"Sister-in-law, you can't have any thoughts. The Li family couple are nothing. How can you treat Qingqing well? The children will suffer if they follow them."

Zhu Xiuyun smiled wryly, why doesn't she know who the Li family couple are?

Qingqing has such a high talent, the couple will definitely raise her as a baby, not to mention that Qingqing is their granddaughter, they still care about their child very much.

But I couldn't tell my younger siblings clearly about these words, only I was constantly entangled in my heart.

Wang Sanmei went back after chatting for a while, knowing that her sister-in-law was fine, she was relieved. Before leaving, Zhu Xiuyun insisted on asking her to take a basket of fruit, and she had no choice but to accept it.

Su Qing and Meng Hao took the flames and searched the mountains again. The strange beasts in the mountains ran away in a panic, fearing that they would be chosen as lunch by the boss.

Two hours later, the space of the flames was filled and finally subsided, and many elixirs were forcibly snatched from the mouths of beasts.
Many strange beasts are tearful, the boss is now a worse disaster, everyone, it seems that this mountain range is not waiting, and if it doesn't work, they will move.

Three people and one cat, a deer went down the mountain on the tram.

I went up to the mountain late today, and it was late when I came back. After lunch, Zhu Xiuyun had already steamed the steamed buns and cooked two dishes, waiting for them to come back.

After one o'clock, the two of them entered the door, and the three of them hurriedly ate lunch, and then started to clean up the strange beasts. Luo Zilan put away the array when Su Qing came back, and Su Qing took the opportunity to go over and quietly put away the array.

Everyone has been proficient in tidying up the strange beasts for several days,
Meng Hao was also enlightened, and lit three fires to smoke the meat at the same time, which increased the speed of smoking,

In order to keep up with his speed quickly, Su Qing even put spices and salt on the meat of the exotic animal, and let him start smoking directly.
After the meat was smoked, the drying rack couldn't fit it down, so Zhu Xiuyun prepared it the first day, and put the dried meat into sacks to put away the flames.

Today, Huo Miao's space lacked a lot of elixir, freed up a lot of space, and instead increased a lot of strange beasts. The three of them were busy together, and they didn't finish packing until it was dark.
During the busy process, several groups of people came to inquire about the situation and asked them what they were doing to make the smog?
Zhu Xiuyun was sent away by burning branches and leaves in the base fertilizer, and the gate of the courtyard was always bolted, and no one dared to enter the courtyard.

Most of the people in the village were simple-minded and didn't think too much about other places.

It's just that for two days in a row, the two children always got something to go up the mountain, which made the villagers jealous. There were also rumors that the three of them ventured up the mountain to pick up many strange beasts on the day when the tide of strange beasts happened.

Everyone wanted to ask Zhu Xiuyun, but unfortunately Zhu Xiuyun was unable to work in the new courtyard all the time, so they had to ask Su Feng and Meng Lin.

The three families had discussed it a long time ago, and agreed to the outside world that they would pick up three exotic beasts, sell two, and the remaining one would be shared among the three families for meat, and they couldn't ask anything more.

People in the village say everything, most people are envious, why are the three of them so lucky, they ran down the mountain,
They escaped to the bottom of the mountain and were not frozen by the big snake. Nothing happened. After the beasts retreated, they dared to go up the mountain to pick up the trampled beasts. It was good luck. If they were healthy, they would definitely be able to pick up something.

(End of this chapter)

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